Sounds like the thing to do. That's some ride you're on and sometimes best to just relax a little and not fight it.
But it shouldn't be about "what she stands to lose" unless the very top of that list is you. I have friends in marriages of convenience, mostly for financial reasons, and while they are not at war, they are still not happy. That is why I asked you up front if you are happy, Might be that you are happier with her than you will be without her but that isn't necessarily happy.
And there's nothing as elusive as happiness. I've had friends in these discussions and they can't see happiness, don't know what it even looks like, they just know what unhappiness looks like.
I've had these longtime friends from college, married pretty young and divorced after 10 years and both remarried and divorced from those and remarried each other 20 years later. The woman talked to my wife a lot more than he talked to me about what they went through emotionally but she told my wife she did not realize that she was happy, as happy as she was ever going to be, with him.
It is as if this "Happiness Illusion" hangs out there for us. Others seem happier than we are. We feel we are settling for less happiness. They're not making me happy so I need to find someone else to do that. We are not only responsible for our own happiness but the perception of what that really is. And too often change = happiness only to find out another facet of the illusion.
So, lukin, you need to do that self assessment and evaluation of your own happiness. It's all about you and what you need to be happy. And just from what you've shared here, you also need to define the difference between being alone and loneliness for you. The absence of loneliness is not necessarily the presence of another person.