I am the same. I had three really long relationships over the past 20 years that all ended very badly. Luckily, I was smart enough not to get married or I would have 3 divorces under my belt but they did cost me a lot of close friends with betrayals.
My last girlfriend and I went on a break for a month in late 2016 only to have her get knocked up by a one night stand and keep the kid, expecting me to just get back with her and be the kid's father while the real dad skipped out immediately.
The ex before that has been riding a roller coaster with me since 2001 and always keeps coming back to me every 3 years or so. Funny enough, she cheated on her fiancé, a fellow CowboysZoner with me a few years ago. I had no idea she was engaged at the time and spent the weekend in the colony at her place and logged onto her laptop to find the Cowboyszone open in a browsing tab...that was when she told me she was actually engaged...and I have always wondered who the forum member is who dated her in 2014 haha.
All these bad relationships have caused me to just keep to my self the past couple years and enjoying being alone. I feel nothing towards women, currently, other than carnal lust...nothing emotional. I have not yet met one recently who makes me feel anything inside at all. I've been spending the free time working out more and bettering myself so that I can meet some new and better women.
I am tired of dating the current trend of 30 something women who dress and act like they are still 21.