
I'll get around to replying to individual responses in the days ahead. I was not happy with the lawyer I saw on Friday. I felt she was more on my wives side than mine. Didn't take my disability into concern, even though I have medical documentation ... I am consulting with another lawyer tomorrow. Hope he listens better. I have to get this right. I need the best lawyer in my corner. Am I correct to consult with another lawyer if I was not happy with my original choice? I always figure your lawyer should back you 100% ... and I need to feel confidant he/she has my back.
I'll get around to replying to individual responses in the days ahead. I was not happy with the lawyer I saw on Friday. I felt she was more on my wives side than mine. Didn't take my disability into concern, even though I have medical documentation ... I am consulting with another lawyer tomorrow. Hope he listens better. I have to get this right. I need the best lawyer in my corner. Am I correct to consult with another lawyer if I was not happy with my original choice? I always figure your lawyer should back you 100% ... and I need to feel confidant he/she has my back.
Absolutely and get a guy, not a lady lawyer.
I will. I was not real comfortable with the lawyer I saw Friday. I am considering filing a complaint. I am in somewhat vulnerable position. I really need a good lawyer.
Get a referral from someone you know/trust. Lots of terrible atty's out there.
Well I got the I want to be friends line today after she crushed me 3 weeks ago. Real nice I laughed and said you can’t be serious? She’s like I hope you change your mind. She had the nerve to ask to use my truck Saturday night after she was just at the river with someone else. Unbelievable... Totally crushed....

At what point does one think that any of that is acceptable?
Well I got the I want to be friends line today after she crushed me 3 weeks ago. Real nice I laughed and said you can’t be serious? She’s like I hope you change your mind. She had the nerve to ask to use my truck Saturday night after she was just at the river with someone else. Unbelievable... Totally crushed....

At what point does one think that any of that is acceptable?
Your truck, your rules and floozies cannot borrow it! You need to look at this with a fresh set of eyes. It's better to know now than later. You've been spared years of misery at the hands of this woman.
Well I got the I want to be friends line today after she crushed me 3 weeks ago. Real nice I laughed and said you can’t be serious? She’s like I hope you change your mind. She had the nerve to ask to use my truck Saturday night after she was just at the river with someone else. Unbelievable... Totally crushed....

At what point does one think that any of that is acceptable?

So very sorry to hear what you are going through. None of that is acceptable. The being friends. I hear yeah. My Ex and I thought we'd stay friends, but you can not be friends with someone who treats you badly. My Ex has treated me very badly. stand your ground ... most importantly keep your dignity. Keep your chin up. Keep us updated.
So very sorry to hear what you are going through. None of that is acceptable. The being friends. I hear yeah. My Ex and I thought we'd stay friends, but you can not be friends with someone who treats you badly. My Ex has treated me very badly. stand your ground ... most importantly keep your dignity. Keep your chin up. Keep us updated.

Agreed. Chin up! There will be happiness again.
Well I got the I want to be friends line today after she crushed me 3 weeks ago. Real nice I laughed and said you can’t be serious? She’s like I hope you change your mind. She had the nerve to ask to use my truck Saturday night after she was just at the river with someone else. Unbelievable... Totally crushed....

At what point does one think that any of that is acceptable?
Move on.

My philosophy has developed to be polite but firm. I've found that when I resorted to being childish or petty, I regretted it later.

Plus, she has hurt you, and wants to act like she didn't. The best way by far to affect her is to be nonchalant and ignore her. Don't take her calls and don't give her the time of day. If you see her, be socially polite and withdrawn. Not rude, mind you, just placid, cold.

And go out w/ friends. Do stuff, date, get a hobby.
Move on.

My philosophy has developed to be polite but firm. I've found that when I resorted to being childish or petty, I regretted it later.

Plus, she has hurt you, and wants to act like she didn't. The best way by far to affect her is to be nonchalant and ignore her. Don't take her calls and don't give her the time of day. If you see her, be socially polite and withdrawn. Not rude, mind you, just placid, cold.

And go out w/ friends. Do stuff, date, get a hobby.
Basically, act as if you got over her a long time ago.
Move on.

My philosophy has developed to be polite but firm. I've found that when I resorted to being childish or petty, I regretted it later.

Plus, she has hurt you, and wants to act like she didn't. The best way by far to affect her is to be nonchalant and ignore her. Don't take her calls and don't give her the time of day. If you see her, be socially polite and withdrawn. Not rude, mind you, just placid, cold.

And go out w/ friends. Do stuff, date, get a hobby.
Is this how you treat your sheep? That's cold, man.
Well I got the I want to be friends line today after she crushed me 3 weeks ago. Real nice I laughed and said you can’t be serious? She’s like I hope you change your mind. She had the nerve to ask to use my truck Saturday night after she was just at the river with someone else. Unbelievable... Totally crushed....

At what point does one think that any of that is acceptable?
When they want something from you.
I am a 53 male with a disability and getting divorced...25 years married. Believe me I was willing to cross an ocean to make it work, in the end she wouldn't even leap over a puddle for me ... I feel like the biggest fool.

Why would you feel like a fool? Didn't she act like/say she loved you for the 25 years? That's all you can go on. Can't live 25 years in a marriage wondering if it's really love between you.

People change, if she did and you didn't, nothing you can do about it. IF you didn't do anything majorly wrong, then you have nothing to be ashamed of. Live your life and let her live hers.
Remove all emotions from the decision making process. This is business now. All our best to you, lukin.
Great advice and that's what good lawyers do.

I met this retired divorce lawyer of 45 years down here and I told him "I bet you've got a wealth of stories". He looked at me and said "when I went into that side of it, I did it for the wrong reasons. What I discovered over time was my real purpose. Getting people out of unhappy, I became a much better lawyer when I looked at it as actually helping people. It can be emotional drain because it's so easy to get caught up in it and let empathy get too far into it. My mentor once I became a divorce lawyer told me my job is to think for my clients because many are too close to the problem do that for themselves".

lukin, ksk is right, there are some really crummy scumbag lawyers but there are also some that do everything they can to counter that image of lawyers. Any lawyer you interview, ask for references and talk to their former clients.

My last experience with lawyers was with dealing with the passing of my wife without a will. She was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal but treatable cancer and was given 12 months and not only in that time did we not do a will, the two times she brought it up, I diverted the conversation. It was all emotion and no logic and that was a huge mistake as it served to only keep the wounds open longer as I proceeded through a needless legal process.

I found a lawyer that had dealt with this a lot and the guy was not only a very competent lawyer but had real empathy and seemed to understand the pain and decision paralysis I was experiencing. There are some very good lawyers but you have to do a little research.
Why would you feel like a fool? Didn't she act like/say she loved you for the 25 years? That's all you can go on. Can't live 25 years in a marriage wondering if it's really love between you.

People change, if she did and you didn't, nothing you can do about it. IF you didn't do anything majorly wrong, then you have nothing to be ashamed of. Live your life and let her live hers.

I feel like a fool because of the last year. I was willing to cross an Ocean for her and she was even willing to leap a puddle. Trust me, I never wavered in my believe that she loved me, nor did I ever stop loving her. Her actions these past few months are more indicative of hate than love.
I feel like a fool because of the last year. I was willing to cross an Ocean for her and she was even willing to leap a puddle. Trust me, I never wavered in my believe that she loved me, nor did I ever stop loving her. Her actions these past few months are more indicative of hate than love.

Again, no reason to feel like a fool. A couple should try to work it out, you can at least rest easy that you tried, takes two to make any relationship work.

Sometimes it just takes a person not involved with the divorce to make one or both parties realize it's just not worth it.

As an insurance adjuster years ago I was hired by a lawyer dealing with a divorcing couple. They were arguing over the value of certain items so I was hired to do an objective valuation of the items. One of them was an old cattle trailer that the man said was worth a couple of thousand dollars, whereas she said it was worth much much more and if he got to keep it, that meant he got more money in the setttlement. Well I looked at it, it had rotted boards in the bed, rust all over, dented fenders, doors that didn't latch properly, etc. I told her it was probably only worth $2,000 - $2,500 and she said okay, but it was "just one item".

I asked her if the marriage was truly over, no chance to reconcile and she said yes, so I asked her, then quit worrying over a few dollars, don't you want the process to be over? Why argue and get upset over that, isn't it better to compromise and move on?

She didn't answer, but when I turned in the paperwork later to the lawyer, he asked me what I said to the people because they were all of a sudden much more amiable and the settlement was much improved. I told him what I had said and he said, well it worked, thanks.

Don't agonize over things, look ahead to the future, you can't change the past....
Update...It's been a very emotional afternoon. As I posted I made a consult with another law firm, only to find out my wife has retained them. They gave me a paper with 2 names circled of lawyers they recommend. I cried all the way home, my situation felt hopeless ... so I got home, was greeted by my dog Remi and I fed her. Made myself a CC and coke and called the first lawyer on the list ... he gave me a consult over the phone (he is in Tennessee on vacation) ... wow this is what a good lawyer is like ... he is not cheap ... but thinks we can get a higher percentage of the house and possibly recoup some of the money I gave her...I see him Monday. He's been practicing law for 43 years, was very friendly, listened, compassionate and told me not to worry he will get me a good deal...At this point I hate my wife, I want my lawyer to bleed her dry...Please don't judge me. When I'm less emotional I will explain the bankruptcy we went through...then you tell me if I have a right to hate her.
Update...It's been a very emotional afternoon. As I posted I made a consult with another law firm, only to find out my wife has retained them. They gave me a paper with 2 names circled of lawyers they recommend. I cried all the way home, my situation felt hopeless ... so I got home, was greeted by my dog Remi and I fed her. Made myself a CC and coke and called the first lawyer on the list ... he gave me a consult over the phone (he is in Tennessee on vacation) ... wow this is what a good lawyer is like ... he is not cheap ... but thinks we can get a higher percentage of the house and possibly recoup some of the money I gave her...I see him Monday. He's been practicing law for 43 years, was very friendly, listened, compassionate and told me not to worry he will get me a good deal...At this point I hate my wife, I want my lawyer to bleed her dry...Please don't judge me. When I'm less emotional I will explain the bankruptcy we went through...then you tell me if I have a right to hate her.
It's not about having the right or the need to hate her, it's simply wasted emotion. That's why I'm saying find something else to focus on. You got any drinking buddies? Museums, bookstores, whatever your niche is.