
I am sure he has... and, in all seriousness, his point was to emphasis how challenging a contentious divorce can be.

TRUE STORY (It has to be true because I used ALL caps)

Some on this site are aware that my wife is Russian and still has family and friends living there. A few year's ago, one of her close friends and her friend's husband visited us for several days. Now, my Russian is reasonable good, but during a dinner conversation, when everyone is talking at once, I miss out on a lot of the conversation -- I just can't keep up. One such conversation went something like this:

Me: What did Gennady say about "knowing people"?
My Wife: Oh, you don't want to go down this path with Gennady.
Me (of course I didn't listen): Gennady, excuse my poor Russian, but what did you mean when you said, "you know people"?
Gennady (It is best to imagine this in an exaggerated Hollywood actor's Russian accent): Your lovely wife says you still have problems with your ex-wife
Me: Yes, but...
Gennady: I know people...
Me: And?
Gennady: Maybe brakes fail on your ex-wife's car, may she falls off bridge, maybe she eats something that makes her very ill.... you know, accidents happen
Me: Would you like more wine?

All kinds of stories from both sides.

A close friend of mine paid his own way through many years of college, then med school (radiologist). He spent years building up his practice.

When in his late early 40s, he was dating a girl for awhile and they split up. But one night she called him for a booty call, claimed she was still on the pill, and, of course, got pregnant.
He ended up marrying her and they raised a nice daughter.

His wife stopped working immediately after marriage and never went back, even after the kid was in school,
They had a maid and he did all the cooking and most of the carpool stuff. She id very, very little other than shop or hang out with friends.

She filed for divorce and even told him she'd slept with many guys.
She still got half of everything from his life's work...and wanted WAY more.

The Russian family had a point.
All kinds of stories from both sides.

A close friend of mine paid his own way through many years of college, then med school (radiologist). He spent years building up his practice.

When in his late early 40s, he was dating a girl for awhile and they split up. But one night she called him for a booty call, claimed she was still on the pill, and, of course, got pregnant.
He ended up marrying her and they raised a nice daughter.

His wife stopped working immediately after marriage and never went back, even after the kid was in school,
They had a maid and he did all the cooking and most of the carpool stuff. She id very, very little other than shop or hang out with friends.

She filed for divorce and even told him she'd slept with many guys.
She still got half of everything from his life's work...and wanted WAY more.

The Russian family had a point.
Yep, the woman has to do seriously bad things to not win in a divorce...unless she makes than he does, then MAYBE.

My brother's ex was an alcoholic, druggie, and neglected the kids, and she actually told the judge she didn't want alimony, but the judge insisted on awarding her alimony anyway.
I can hardly wait to hand her my lawyers card? She might be less arrogant after that...:muttley:
I can hardly wait to hand her my lawyers card? She might be less arrogant after that...:muttley:
Her lawyer probably has her prepared for that. I think having any expectations whatsoever would only serve to disappoint, or at least surprise you.
Just do what you know you have to do, and don't worry about whether or not it humbles her.
If you have to go a meeting with her and her attorney, hire the hottest call girl you can find, have her hang on your arm and lick your face while the meeting is in progress. Might want her to have her hand out of sight and purr just loud enough for your soon to be ex wife to hear "oh lukey schnookey, doesn't it ever go down"? I ain't about being bitter but I am about getting even and going one up is preferable.
Her lawyer probably has her prepared for that. I think having any expectations whatsoever would only serve to disappoint, or at least surprise you.
Just do what you know you have to do, and don't worry about whether or not it humbles her.

That is very good advice...I trust my lawyer to get me a fair deal. That's what's important. I jus don't like being in limbo.
I sometimes wonder about my soon to ex. Last week she told who her lawyer was, I passed that info onto my lawyer ... I already knew (so I thought) ... now she not sure if she wants to use the lawyer she originally visited. She tells me she wants this over with quick (or not) ... she sure likes to delay. My wife was never a good decision maker. Now she has to make very real life decisions on her own, and I can tell she is struggling to really end this marriage.
I sometimes wonder about my soon to ex. Last week she told who her lawyer was, I passed that info onto my lawyer ... I already knew (so I thought) ... now she not sure if she wants to use the lawyer she originally visited. She tells me she wants this over with quick (or not) ... she sure likes to delay. My wife was never a good decision maker. Now she has to make very real life decisions on her own, and I can tell she is struggling to really end this marriage.
Are you sure she meant it when she said, "I do"? ;)
Are you sure she meant it when she said, "I do"? ;)

I'm wondering....see I went to a lawyer first because I want this over, I am emotionally drained. I don't doubt for a minute she is regretting her decision. My soon to be ex is terrible with money. My lawyer required 3 g's upfront ... her lawyer wants the same I bet...oh well.
I am absolutely looking forward single life and my own place ... I am not getting involved with anyone anytime soon.
I am absolutely looking forward single life and my own place ... I am not getting involved with anyone anytime soon.
If you don't have one, get a warm blooded pet. You'll have someone to talk to and they'll pay attention and look like they're agreeing with you regardless of how insane you might sound to yourself.

And neither of my dogs has ever said "don't you think you've had enough to drink"?
If you don't have one, get a warm blooded pet. You'll have someone to talk to and they'll pay attention and look like they're agreeing with you regardless of how insane you might sound to yourself.

And neither of my dogs has ever said "don't you think you've had enough to drink"?
Or ask, "Do these make me look fat?"

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