I am sure he has... and, in all seriousness, his point was to emphasis how challenging a contentious divorce can be.
TRUE STORY (It has to be true because I used ALL caps)
Some on this site are aware that my wife is Russian and still has family and friends living there. A few year's ago, one of her close friends and her friend's husband visited us for several days. Now, my Russian is reasonable good, but during a dinner conversation, when everyone is talking at once, I miss out on a lot of the conversation -- I just can't keep up. One such conversation went something like this:
Me: What did Gennady say about "knowing people"?
My Wife: Oh, you don't want to go down this path with Gennady.
Me (of course I didn't listen): Gennady, excuse my poor Russian, but what did you mean when you said, "you know people"?
Gennady (It is best to imagine this in an exaggerated Hollywood actor's Russian accent): Your lovely wife says you still have problems with your ex-wife
Me: Yes, but...
Gennady: I know people...
Me: And?
Gennady: Maybe brakes fail on your ex-wife's car, may she falls off bridge, maybe she eats something that makes her very ill.... you know, accidents happen
Me: Would you like more wine?