Sick of the negativity

Positive thinking actually works believe it or not.

Funny how that same bumper sticker slogan wasn’t practices when Romo here and would throw for 400 yards and 4 Tds and would still be criticized unmercifully on this board

So what’s the difference? The same people that dished it out simply can’t take it when it comes back on them.

We won’t forget
Never? Me neither but it is kinda funny how some people imply rooting for a negative outcome will possibly guarantee a future benefit. Seems completely fallacious but it is what it is.
Never why would I? Being tired of the red regime doesn’t mean I want them to lose.
Social media brings out all the dead beats that have been sitting in their colossal filth all of these years, and now they have a voice. But literally, no one gives a **** what they have to say, if you don't like it, do what I did. My ignore list is getting close to 200 right now. If you have something bad to say about Dak, you go on it, simple as that. I don't have time to argue or listen to crap from meaningless air heads, and if this means there's no one left on the board to chat with, then I'm better off anyways.
Nothing worse than the "you're not a fan go root for another team" posts. That's what I get sick of and why I left JJ's official forum well before he got rid of it himself.
The OP is tired of negativity and we after three straight wins we are ten pages into "I'm not negative, its just that everything sucks".

Kind of proves the point, huh?

No, everything doesn't suck. Just Garrett sucks. That is all.
Nothing worse than the "you're not a fan go root for another team" posts. That's what I get sick of and why I left JJ's official forum well before he got rid of it himself.

Sorry to inform you but you're gonna get much of the same garbage here. Just like the other place, a few posters get angry if you don't feel the same way they do and will tell you how terrible of a fan you are.
What is almost as guaranteed as the sun coming up in the morning is someone on these forums coming forward to lecture other contributors about their attitudes or opinions, if they happen to be critical or negative of the team. I for one, have pulled as hard as I can for this team to win in every game this year, as I have for the past 52 yrs. But I will also continue to acknowledge the shortcomings that this team, coaching staff, and team management exhibit each and every week, if I choose to do so. Certainly this team has a very nice young talent pool of players with some really exciting and future upsides, but they also have a second-tier coaching staff, primarily head coach and offensive coordinator, that continue to cause this team to under-perform on offense, almost weekly, with unimaginative, predictable, and plain stupid game management. This is negative commentary, I know, but it's painfully obvious and very frustrating as a fan to see this team continue to repeat it's middle-of-the-pack performance, when the talent potential available is much more capable. My opinion, deal with it.

Millennials, everyone gets a trophy mentality. I too have been critical, and will continue to be so until I see a product on the field equivalent to the 70's Cowboys and the 90's Cowboys. Guys like us walked 10 miles to school and then back, uphill both ways. We worked since the age of 12 doing yards and such until we have enough cash to buy a car at 16. Guys like us do not go for mediocrity.
Social media brings out all the dead beats that have been sitting in their colossal filth all of these years, and now they have a voice. But literally, no one gives a **** what they have to say, if you don't like it, do what I did. My ignore list is getting close to 200 right now. If you have something bad to say about Dak, you go on it, simple as that. I don't have time to argue or listen to crap from meaningless air heads, and if this means there's no one left on the board to chat with, then I'm better off anyways.

Testing…am I on your list? Just curious and having fun.
You're good my friend. lol

Perhaps people need to grow a thicker skin and objectively screen the posts and don't read the ones that cause panties to be bunched.

The fanbase of this site have been notorious for an apple pie attitude about the team. And while I see the negativity vs criticism suggestion, fact is they are both seen as the same and addressed as if they were equal.

There are aspects I am very cheerful about. Others I despise.

I see positive aspects to player personnel decisions. But i also see Jerry mucking around and doing dumb stuff. And continuing to speak with the press. That is one guy that was made for a gag order.

Some of the golly gee positiveness I find irksome. I have cooled my jets over the last few years arguing about it. I also see some mule-headed myopia about players that to some shouldn't be allowed to live.

Both sides pass the line of being ridiculous. It's not just one side.

And perhaps one of the biggest areas is the talking heads that offer their opinions and people curse them and call them worthless on every score, even when those guys speak well about the team.

Grow up. Not everyone will agree with you. If they don't, stop reading their opinions. Because after all, this is an opinion board. Not a truth and nothing but the truth board.
Sorry. Sometimes things get lost in translation. I was referring to those who do want the team to lose for any given reason. Not you. ;)

Everybody in this forum wants the boys to win Just because we know that Dakota is the weakest link is no reason to draw stupid conclusions. He’s just weak
I'm 100% in board with the mediocrity. I "boycotted" them from 2010-2014. Lol but even then I didn't pick apart and was doom and gloom like many are. I at least enjoyed the wins, even knowing the future wasn't bright.

I see you're one of the ones who doesn't give a QB, or should I say Dak, credit for yac. Lol do you do this for all QBs? Or just Dak?

I think there is clear value to teams who can take occasional shots downfield. Even when the throw is incomplete, the pass is not a wasted down. It forces the defense to respect the deep pass, keeping them from stacking too many men in the box.
Everybody in this forum wants the boys to win Just because we know that Dakota is the weakest link is no reason to draw stupid conclusions. He’s just weak
Question. Do you wish the team to lose because you consider Prescott a weak quarterback?

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