Sick of the negativity

They are former fans who can’t just admit they prefer the team to lose. Winning seems to only increase the complaining at this point. Romo and Dez fans having a hard time coping with their favorite players no longer being on the team are the ones leading the charge. They so desperately want Dak to fail as if it will validate their belief Romo was cheated out of his Super Bowl ring in 2016.
U r a funny guy, always the first to bring up Romo. Get over the Romo obsession it's not healthy.
Question. Do you wish the team to lose because you consider Prescott a weak quarterback?

What kind of loaded question is this??? He is simply saying that Dallas should pursue obtaining a better quarterback. Wait until end of 2019 before possibly resigning Dak.
What is almost as guaranteed as the sun coming up in the morning is someone on these forums coming forward to lecture other contributors about their attitudes or opinions, if they happen to be critical or negative of the team. I for one, have pulled as hard as I can for this team to win in every game this year, as I have for the past 52 yrs. But I will also continue to acknowledge the shortcomings that this team, coaching staff, and team management exhibit each and every week, if I choose to do so. Certainly this team has a very nice young talent pool of players with some really exciting and future upsides, but they also have a second-tier coaching staff, primarily head coach and offensive coordinator, that continue to cause this team to under-perform on offense, almost weekly, with unimaginative, predictable, and plain stupid game management. This is negative commentary, I know, but it's painfully obvious and very frustrating as a fan to see this team continue to repeat it's middle-of-the-pack performance, when the talent potential available is much more capable. My opinion, deal with it.
Your opinion is spot on.

I’m glad we won, but that was an Ugly offensive performance for all the reasons you stated.
Fake fan? What is a fake fan? Is there a rule book for being a fan? Fans are fanatics it must be an interesting rule book.
Perhaps people need to grow a thicker skin and objectively screen the posts and don't read the ones that cause panties to be bunched.

The fanbase of this site have been notorious for an apple pie attitude about the team. And while I see the negativity vs criticism suggestion, fact is they are both seen as the same and addressed as if they were equal.

There are aspects I am very cheerful about. Others I despise.

I see positive aspects to player personnel decisions. But i also see Jerry mucking around and doing dumb stuff. And continuing to speak with the press. That is one guy that was made for a gag order.

Some of the golly gee positiveness I find irksome. I have cooled my jets over the last few years arguing about it. I also see some mule-headed myopia about players that to some shouldn't be allowed to live.

Both sides pass the line of being ridiculous. It's not just one side.

And perhaps one of the biggest areas is the talking heads that offer their opinions and people curse them and call them worthless on every score, even when those guys speak well about the team.

Grow up. Not everyone will agree with you. If they don't, stop reading their opinions. Because after all, this is an opinion board. Not a truth and nothing but the truth board.
You didn’t get the memo: This is an opinion board except on Sunday and Monday after a win.
Can you really blame the fans after 22 years of Jerry BS????? can only sell the fans the same song and dance so many times before they quit buying.

3 Weeks ago...I was ready to fire Garrett, Linehan and Prescott. Done w/ them....Get them out.

Now we go on this 3 game win streak vs 3 teams...

Atlanta...completely injury riddled...have been all season

Philly....still drunk/hungover from the Super Bowl

Washington...Just lost their starting QB

And you are wanting me to buy into this circus of a franchise???? :laugh:

So...I'm not a what have you done for me lately fan....I keep score....and Jerry still has a butt load of catching up to do.:rolleyes:

So as you can see...I'm not buying in...I watch too many games..and break down film to see we are a poorly coached team.
It’s obvious this team is poorly coached, but don’t bring it up after an Ugly win.
Some of you seem to root against the team literally every week. You minimize the wins and micro criticize everything the Cowboys do.

I really wish some of you would go find another team to root for. Seriously.

Some of you clowns have been predicting losses the past three weeks and lamenting every win. You are holding out hope that the Saints can get us back to our losing ways.

I hope we beat the Saints and crush some of your hopes and dreams. Lol.
I think its more you want to hear what you want to hear. Maybe we just need a Dak homer section and Dak hater section so each group doesn't have to hear the others "negativity" and hear all the rainbows and lollipops posting they can stand.
But that’s just it ... neither would stay in the side their agenda is in .. I agree with the premise of the OP thread .. this stuff is getting old and tired ... it’s the same schtick different day:. Personal attacks ... casual CZ posters like me are just so freaking over it ...I avoid this forum during games because no matter the situation it’s nothing but negativity blasting the way the team is playing .. I get it .. be critical ... be celebratory but stop forcing garbage on either side down our throats ... I love the cowboys .. been a fan for decades ... I’ve seen the good the bad the ugly but some of the supposed fans on here are just over the top .. some act like they are superior in knowledge .. often extremely condescending .. internet tough guys ... when in reality they seem shallow and almost insignificant with what can only assume is severe insecurities ...oh well .. negativity is what some like to define as being a realist or critical ... nope sometimes it’s just negativity
Everybody in this forum wants the boys to win Just because we know that Dakota is the weakest link is no reason to draw stupid conclusions. He’s just weak
All of this. If I just wanted to argue about the Cowboys to randoms I stay in Philly and can find that anywhere in the city. There are Boys fans here but it is a lot of people who definitely don't want to see us win. Lastly people talk about "haters" of Dak but need to realize "haters" usually are most honest about your shortcomings way more often than friends and family because they are looking for things to knock about you. I realized awhile ago that some of the most negative critical people in my life did serve that purpose. They actually helped me get better from their over the top at times but definitely a nice amount of truth observations of me.
But that’s just it ... neither would stay in the side their agenda is in .. I agree with the premise of the OP thread .. this stuff is getting old and tired ... it’s the same schtick different day:. Personal attacks ... casual CZ posters like me are just so freaking over it ...I avoid this forum during games because no matter the situation it’s nothing but negativity blasting the way the team is playing .. I get it .. be critical ... be celebratory but stop forcing garbage on either side down our throats ... I love the cowboys .. been a fan for decades ... I’ve seen the good the bad the ugly but some of the supposed fans on here are just over the top .. some act like they are superior in knowledge .. often extremely condescending .. internet tough guys ... when in reality they seem shallow and almost insignificant with what can only assume is severe insecurities ...oh well .. negativity is what some like to define as being a realist or critical ... nope sometimes it’s just negativity
I definitely understand and get sucked into the drama myself. I do also agree the net has too many tough guys that don't translate to real life. Most of the disagreements and stuff that happens on here funny enough have never happened offline when just talking sports.
Perhaps people need to grow a thicker skin and objectively screen the posts and don't read the ones that cause panties to be bunched.

The fanbase of this site have been notorious for an apple pie attitude about the team. And while I see the negativity vs criticism suggestion, fact is they are both seen as the same and addressed as if they were equal.

There are aspects I am very cheerful about. Others I despise.

I see positive aspects to player personnel decisions. But i also see Jerry mucking around and doing dumb stuff. And continuing to speak with the press. That is one guy that was made for a gag order.

Some of the golly gee positiveness I find irksome. I have cooled my jets over the last few years arguing about it. I also see some mule-headed myopia about players that to some shouldn't be allowed to live.

Both sides pass the line of being ridiculous. It's not just one side.

And perhaps one of the biggest areas is the talking heads that offer their opinions and people curse them and call them worthless on every score, even when those guys speak well about the team.

Grow up. Not everyone will agree with you. If they don't, stop reading their opinions. Because after all, this is an opinion board. Not a truth and nothing but the truth board.

I love this. The notion this is all one big consensus-building exercise always seemed amazing to me. There are plenty of eye-rolling moments as we come across excessive sunshine and potbanging alike.

As maddening as this organization tends to be, there are some good things afoot. Not that I see them contending for anything come January, but at least the season still brings meaningful December football, and that is something I did not view as possible just a couple weeks ago. Given the state of things, I’ll take that!

As to posts we don’t necessarily see eye-to-eye with, I would concur, if only to reinforce the value of filtering. There is an ample amount stop down, ‘can’t believe they said that’ material not only on this board, but at work or at the store or in general everyday conversation. Especially if you’re around the DFW area, everyone has an opinion, everywhere, all the time

Because no matter what your take, it’s valid as passions typically run high and we process things differently. That - and none of us will ever do this for a living, (NFL coach, exec, personnel eval). What passes as qualified opinion here is pretty much restricted to our own bias, right? My personal favorite: if your views don’t align with mine, you clearly have an agenda.

An agenda in a community such as this. How insanely toxic! Agenda LOL. I always love that one. The very thought that any opinion here might play where it matters is an absolute giggle.

The art of discarding opposing material tends to be lost. Threads devolve, pissing matches ensue. As you stated, if a post grinds your gears to a halt, exercise that filter and move along. Unless, your head explodes with the urge to get in the last word, as if thread-ending wit was so common!

All this to say, outside of entertaining ourselves and exchanging opinions, nobody cares what you/I/he/she thinks. I enjoy the posts and love to discuss/debate with those of whom I identify. The rest is noise and so easily discarded.

Just wanted to chime in and let you know I found your thoughts on the subject to be spot-on.
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I kinda like the negativity, it means that something good is happening but there is still enough doubt that the team won’t get complacent

If you ask me, our biggest challenge is when our expectations are the let’s stay underdogs
I care only because it is ruining this forum.

I have been here from the get-go and it has always been a great place to talk Cowboys with other fans. Yet here we are, in the midst of a 3-game win streak, and I have to read “Dak Sucks” threads after the guy throws two touchdowns and runs for another one.

It’s a bit out of hand. I suspect that @AsthmaField is right and many are just trolls from other teams. Too many people pretending to be fans who root against their own team.

Or it could be 20 years of frustration reaching the boiling point.
What kind of loaded question is this??? He is simply saying that Dallas should pursue obtaining a better quarterback. Wait until end of 2019 before possibly resigning Dak.
Loaded? He responded to my statement, which refered to what anyone would consider justifiable in wanting the team to lose. He brought up Prescott to me, not the other way around. So I asked for clarification. I never inferred Prescott was or was not a 'weak quarterback' or whether the team should discontinue weighing its future options at the position.
Dak certainly looked more decisive in the second half. Hopefully, that trend continues for the rest of the season. It was both surprising and encouraging to see, especially considering the fact that he didn't have his left tackle out there. But overall, I thought Fleming did a great job. It's nice to not be a train wreck if a backup lineman has to play.

I was worried about that . We sure didn't need another Chaz Green debacle right when Dak seems to be gaining some semblance of order and chemistry with Cooper . Fleming did very well considering it was a game time decision .

I think Columbo has righted the ship on the Oline just in the nick of time . Still tough to believe we went through half the season crippled at Oline because we were playing a scheme we were not suited for . Imagine if this had been sorted out in preseason and we had Cooper from game one . I see a couple more wins easy. But better late than never
I was worried about that . We sure didn't need another Chaz Green debacle right when Dak seems to be gaining some semblance of order and chemistry with Cooper . Fleming did very well considering it was a game time decision .

I think Columbo has righted the ship on the Oline just in the nick of time . Still tough to believe we went through half the season crippled at Oline because we were playing a scheme we were not suited for . Imagine if this had been sorted out in preseason and we had Cooper from game one . I see a couple more wins easy. But better late than never

I'm of two minds about that. On one hand, yeah, great that they realized their mistake and changed things. On the other, people deserve to be criticized for making that awful decision. Like you've said, this team likely wins more games if that mistake wasn't made in the first place.
Social media brings out all the dead beats that have been sitting in their colossal filth all of these years, and now they have a voice. But literally, no one gives a **** what they have to say, if you don't like it, do what I did. My ignore list is getting close to 200 right now. If you have something bad to say about Dak, you go on it, simple as that. I don't have time to argue or listen to crap from meaningless air heads, and if this means there's no one left on the board to chat with, then I'm better off anyways.
Sound advice Good Post!!

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