O.K. I (reluctantly) admit that I read EVERY SINGLE text message between these two guys and, I'm sorry, but I just lost any shred of respect I could have ever had for Martin after reading that entire exchange.
Now, I know that more went on than just banter between these two over their cell phones, but the most disturbing thing to me is towards the end (specifically 10/28/13-11/1/13). Incognito seems to be reaching out to Martin. Martin responds by saying he doesn't blame anyone, but he is having trouble with the locker room mentality. He then goes on to deny that has anything to do with what's being said in the media. The entire time Incognito is offering his proverbial shoulder. Martin had several opportunities to come out to Incognito (who, by the way, was thousands of miles away) and tell him "Look bro, some of the stuff you've been doing has really been cuttin' deep. I know it's just you being you, but it's been killing me, bro". He did none of that. He denied he had anything to do with the reports coming out. That's a coward any way you slice it. Spout all the psycho babble that you want, but I would almost guarantee you that any psychologist would say that if you had the opportunity to confront your problem safely that it's important and healthy to do so. Confrontation doesn't mean violence, revenge, retribution, or anything of the sort. It means exactly what is sounds like: confront.
After reading through the exchanges between these two I have a hard time accepting that Martin continued to communicate with Incognito acting like he was a friend all the while stabbing him in the back. Had Martin reached out to Incognito (especially AFTER all this had come to a head)and let him know what was REALLY behind the whole fiasco, I believe that Incognito would have taken a step back and said "Holy **** bro, I had no idea. I thought we were just giving each other a hard time. I didn't think I was turning your whole world upside down dude."
Instead, Martin acted like a coward and refused to even acknowledge his role in the entire thing (even though he was on the other side of the country, so threat of physical retaliation was literally impossible at the time). No room on ANY team for that type of cowardice. The #1 component on an effective O-line is trust between lineman. Martin offers none. And, Incognito is a ****** bag, so no to both, for me. But a whopping HELL no for Martin.
Sorry psychology dudes. I don't condone that level of cowardice on any level. Sure as hell not on my football team.