Site Layout Change in Honor of Sean Taylor **** PLEASE READ ****

The site has never looked so great. :)

A big thank you to the admin and mods for the gesture from Commander nation. I'm proud to be a member here.

RIP #21
For a minute I thought I went to the wrong site, but class move by u Reality, I knew while at work, when I got home we would show respect to Sean T. who was a great player and enjoyed watching but was on my arch rival team and would never admit it, but RIP Sean T and May God be with u and ur family.......
Reality;1792945 said:
We have temporarily changed the site theme and colors to honor the memory of Sean Taylor who passed away earlier today.

I cannot actually ever remember being prouder of Cowboys fans than I am at this moment. The comments of support and sympathy for Sean Taylor, his family and other Commanders' fans have been numerous.

While we are great rivals with the Commanders, today we stand with them.

Rest in peace, Sean Taylor!
I'm glad to see everyone pulling together. We did the same at earlier today. Let us all honor Sean Taylor. This isn't about rivalries, or bad blood. Everyone please do not take life for granted. It is the most precious thing you will ever be granted.
Thank you for being so classy.

It means alot to all Commander fans, when your biggest rival helps you through your toughest loss.

I hope that we never have to return the favor, but if something like this ever happens to you guys, WE WILL BE THERE FOR SUPPORT :)

Thanks Again!!

And I am rooting for you to kick the crap out of the heartless Eagles on December 16th!!
Commanders fan here, and I just want to tell you guys how incredibly classy and moving this is of you guys. Everybody associated with the Skins, but his family most of all, is going through things much deeper than rivalries in a game right now, and it means a lot for you to show the amount of respect you have. Kudos to you.
Reality;1792945 said:
We have temporarily changed the site theme and colors to honor the memory of Sean Taylor who passed away earlier today.

I cannot actually ever remember being prouder of Cowboys fans than I am at this moment. The comments of support and sympathy for Sean Taylor, his family and other Commanders' fans have been numerous.

While we are great rivals with the Commanders, today we stand with them.

Rest in peace, Sean Taylor!

mods:very classy decision to tribute taylor in this way....

and to taylor's family: we are praying for you....
Thanks so much for the love and support. You guys are a class act and we Skins fans really appreciate it on this sad day. #21 will be dearly missed. God bless Sean Taylor and his family, friends and teammates.

Frederick, MD
As an AVID Commanders fan and follower, I had to register and post on the "rival" forum.

You Cowboy fans have been TREMENDOUS in your support. It means alot that we can set aside our on-field rivalry and focus on something bigger than our game, life. Thank you so much for your outcry of support in this most devastating of times for all us Commanders faithful.

Although I will be rooting for the Skins in next month's game, I must say that my opinion of Cowboy fans rose big, big time today. Thank you again, and let's play a great game next month.
Good move Zonies. Nice tribute.

Even though he played for a rival team, I will admit that he could lay the lumber! Didn't like it to well when he would do it against one of our Cowboys, but I like a hard hitting player. For me, that's what I will miss.

Rest in peace Sean and may the hurt of your family, friends, and fans lesson with time.
I just wanted to say thank you as a Commanders fan but primarily as a fan of the game of football. Beneath your Dallas Star and behind our war paint, we're all fans of the game of football. A loss such as this, D. William or anyone else should be honored and respected by all.

It's a huge loss and it's weird cus I never met the dude. But when you become a true fan, you get to know these guys and follow everything about them. Being 23, I was able to relate to him a lot and it's just mind blowing how something like this can hit you.

You all are a great group of fans and I know that this tribute isn't for us Commander fans but for Taylor. I'd just like to thank you for the respect and class you've all shown.
I'm a grown man that rarely shows a bit of emotion, but seeing the layout when I loaded the site literally reduced me to tears. Taylor was my favorite player and a hell of a guy aside from that. Thanks so much for this show of mourning, I never would've expected anyone to even think of it, I expected to see a mourning thread but to actually show the rival colors shows a great amount of class and a bit of clever thought.

Not only are we today "all Commanders" as some may say, we're all Cowboys, we're all NFL fans and human beings on top of that.

May the rivalry continue on the field.
As Riggo said - I wasn't emotional until I saw your tribute to Sean. You'all have me crying like a little baby with this beautiful gesture. Thank you for caring as much as we do about this man - and having the class to show it. We will miss him so so much...
I have been a Commanders fan all my life, since Norm Snead was the QB and want to thank you guys for the incredible amount of class you have shown. It sucks to lose the best player on your defense to such a senseless act of violence. If early reports are true, Sean died defending his family, I believe that speaks for itself. You folks here on this forum are what is good and right about sports. I truly appreciate our rivalry more than I ever have. You have made an old Commanders fan day, when it really has been a rotten day. Thanks.
as a Commanders fan, i have been reading Commander message boards all day...on THN, on extremeskins, on hailredskins. And THOROUGHLY covering the message boards are cowboy fans offering their condolences. no fans have shown more class than those from big D. not to go unnoticed are how many posts that start... "i am a bills fan..., i am a broncos fan... i am a steelers fan" etc... followed by warm wishes and prayers. yet, in all my reading i have not found ONE, "i am an eagles fan" or "i am a giants fan" to start a sympathetic post. so all my props go out just one of our NFC East rivals. Hail Cowboys.
It is genuinely touching to see CZ, the heart and home of our most bitter rivals, making such a magnanimous tribute in response to Sean Taylor's murder. It is equally sad that it takes something like this for us all to set the pennants aside and remember that those really ARE people on the other side of the rivalry.

I am grateful that you have all chosen to show your true colors this way, not burgundy and gold, not silver and blue, but the simple tones of flesh and blood reaching out to comfort others after a loss.

Thank you
Monte51Coleman;1792955 said:
Very classy.

Thank you.

I hate to agree w/ Monte51Coleman (Edit - called him a name) - but, yes, thank you very much.

{sorry BrainPaint - Monte and I are good friends - thought he'd get a chuckle out of that} - edit duly noted.

The large majority of your fanbase has handled this situation as I would hope our fans would if something similar happened to one of your players.

Thank you.


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