Site Layout Change in Honor of Sean Taylor **** PLEASE READ ****

Silly, I know, but I'm proudly wearing a maroon shirt today.

Thanks for changing the site. Looks great.
Awesome Love this site...Nice move Reality very nice...and our prayers and hearts are with you guys over there in Commander Nation....Such a tragedy..may god bless Sean Taylors will be in our thoughts and prayers for a still in shock from this tragic loss

RIP Sean Taylor
Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family at this, a most tragic happening.

He was way too young to die:(
Another 'Skins fan here. I've been a member for a while, and have always enjoyed getting your side of things. When I came on today to check it out, I got really choked up.

Wow. That's very touching.
I can't even tell you how this makes me feel.

Coming on to this board and seeing the level of class and respect for each other that has been shown over the past 30 hours or so...makes my heart sink even more.

In all the years I have been coming to this board, we have all had our moments of banter and trash talk. Which has at times been childish and just ignorant even, when put into perspective compared to a tragedy like this.

I want to personally put out a Thank You to the CowboysZone community, from the Admins to the lurkers that only post once a month, for the level of maturity and emotional support that I have read and felt over here these last 2 days.

Sincerely, S&T. Much love for you guys. Thanks.
Nicely done..... Just another in a long line of reasons why I love CZ.

RIP Sean and may God bless your family!
This is such a senseless loss, .. I feel pain for his parents, his wife and his family.

A sad moment.

Kudos to the CowboysZone for reaching out.
Good job Reality. Rest in peace Sean. I am proud to be a member of this forum.
Reality;1792945 said:
We have temporarily changed the site theme and colors to honor the memory of Sean Taylor who passed away earlier today.

I cannot actually ever remember being prouder of Cowboys fans than I am at this moment. The comments of support and sympathy for Sean Taylor, his family and other Commanders' fans have been numerous.

While we are great rivals with the Commanders, today we stand with them.

Rest in peace, Sean Taylor!

We are fans of the football nation...this nonsense that keeps happening has to stop!!! RIP Sean Taylor
Reality;1792945 said:
We have temporarily changed the site theme and colors to honor the memory of Sean Taylor who passed away earlier today.

I cannot actually ever remember being prouder of Cowboys fans than I am at this moment. The comments of support and sympathy for Sean Taylor, his family and other Commanders' fans have been numerous.

While we are great rivals with the Commanders, today we stand with them.

Rest in peace, Sean Taylor!

I hate the colors but love the sentiment. Good job Reality.

I pray that God will comfort Sean Taylor's family.
Kudos again. Just so you know, this gesture of sympathy or humanity or whatever you want to call it has not gone unnoticed, or unappreciated, in at Skins nation. My main message board ( has a thread recognizing this kind act and even Jason LaCanfora (the beat writer for the Skins) posted that you guys did this (mentioned by name).

I don't want to demean this action by saying you did this for recognition or anything like that, I know you didn't and just wanted to honor Sean Taylor, but I wanted to let you know that Skins nation truly appreciates this, and not just the few of us that post here.
Cowboys' nation stand with the Commanders ...

Three years ago I had 4 Cowboys Fan forums in my "Favorites". Last year it was down to two. Today, and from this point forward, there is only one. I am proud to be a Zoner.

My heartfelt condolences to Sean's family, and all of Commander Nation.
Didn't see where anyone else posted a response from pjfootballer from ES but he registered here and couldn't post yet..... I'll pass along his response....

pjfootballer said.......
"I never thought I'd do this, but I registered for CZ. I wanted to say thanks. But I can't activate my account from work as I can't get Yahoo here. I'll try to do it when I get home. Maybe someone who has access can get some more messages over to them. I saw a few Skins fans who thanked them. I'll do it tonight when I get home."
While almost all may hate the team, it is played by men, and we must respect that they are humans too.

People first, football second.

My condolances and prayers to Taylor's family friends and the Commanders.
Its good to see rivalries put aside in circumstances like this. Standing united with the Commanders in their grief is the only thing that makes sense.

RIP Sean
TX_Yid;1793393 said:
Its good to see rivalries put aside in circumstances like this. Standing united with the Commanders in their grief is the only thing that makes sense.

RIP Sean

Very Well Said
To the Skins Fans, keep your heads up and while they are up, say a prayer for Sean's family. I know I will.

May God Bless the Taylor family.:cry:

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