Anectodal evidence.
Per Wiki
According to polling results published in
Sports Illustrated in February 2002,
“Although most Native American activists and tribal leaders consider Indian team names and mascots offensive, neither Native Americans in general nor a cross section of U.S. sports fans agree.
[6] According to the article, "There is a near total disconnect between Indian activists and the Native American population on this issue."
In 2004, a poll by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania essentially confirmed the Sports Illustrated poll's findings, concluding that 91% of the American Indians surveyed in the 48 states on the mainland USA found the name acceptable and setting out in detail the exact wording of the questions.
And then there is this
What do Native Americans themselves think?
This is where it gets kind of odd. In actuallity, less than 18% of Native Americans are offended by Indian Mascots in pro sports. In a March 4, 2002 Sports Illustrated 7 page editorial entitled "The Indian Wars", a poll was conducted amongst Native Americans. Surprisingly, the following information was gathered:
"Asked if high [COLOR=#009900! important][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif][COLOR=#009900! important][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif]school[/FONT][/FONT][/color][/color] and college teams should stop using Indian nicknames, 81% of Native American respondents said no. As for pro sports, 83% of Native American respondents said teams should not stop using Indian nicknames, mascots, characters and symbols."
This begs the question: If it doesn't bother Native Americans, why are so many non Indians taking up a fight against Indian mascots in pro sports? The answer is rather odd, but could be attributed to the misunderstanding of the real meaning of Commander, or it could simply be moral guilt. This is our attempt to make amends for something we were never a part of and could not control. The compaign against the Native American by the United States was a dark part of our nation's history. Perhaps this is the reason for today's offense towards the use of Indian mascots.
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