Skip Bayless has pathetic rant; demoralizes Micah and Dak; props up Baker Mayfield


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First Skip is not a Cowboys fan. Back in the early 2000's to 2010 he rooted for them to lose. Go back and watch episodes from when he was on ESPN he pretended to not like Dallas. Now he says he does like them. Lol. Second, I didn't watch the video, but Baker may not be better than Dak, but he played way better in his playoff game and he is at least as good as Dak. There is negligible difference between the two.


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So next season Skip is going to be the Cowboys hater while Keshawn becomes the Cowboys fan again. :huh: :thumbdown:Similar to the Tony Romo and TO Cowboys. Stephen A was the Cowboys fan while Skip liked the Giants.
Yep. Crazy to me people don't recall this or question his Cowboys fandom lol.


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I quit listening to Skip when he was writing about the Cowboys in the 70's in DMN. And, trust me, Baker will quit on them sometime somewhere...

America's Cowboy

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First Skip is not a Cowboys fan. Back in the early 2000's to 2010 he rooted for them to lose. Go back and watch episodes from when he was on ESPN he pretended to not like Dallas. Now he says he does like them. Lol. Second, I didn't watch the video, but Baker may not be better than Dak, but he played way better in his playoff game and he is at least as good as Dak. There is negligible difference between the two.
Baker did not play better than Dak. Baker threw for 347 yards, 3 TDs, 2 INTs and a game losing INT late in the 4th quarter which ended the game for the Bucs. Dak threw for 403 yards, 3 TDs, 2 INTs in the 1st Half and had the Cowboys trying to make a comeback in the 2nd Half in a game where our Defense never showed up against a much better team in the Packers than the Lions for the Bucs. Baker is not as good as Dak. Never has. Never will be. Baker was drafted #1 overall. Dak was drafted late in the 4th round with a compensatory pick. This shows early 1st round QBs are not the safest pick many times as Skip is trying to insinuate.


Cowboys 24/7/365
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Skip Bayless goes into an epic but pathetic rant demoralizing Micah and Dak while propping up Baker Mayfield...

Might be time for Skip Bayless to find a new team. Sad show.

I decided to click on the video but quickly paused it after reading its time length is one hour. Is Bayless 'epic rant' an hour long?


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It’s on you if you believe the man is a fan of the cowboys. His job is to drive division and views/clicks. Stop giving the man any sort of attention.


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Skip is right that Baker Mayfield is a better QB than Dak and is the perfect example why the Cowboys should tank in order to get the #1 overall pick to draft a QB like Baker Mayfield???

Put your dislike aside and realize how wrong Skip Bayless is. He used a terrible example to try to make his case. All while seriously bashing Micah and Dak. These two Cowboys players now will never go on his show. Ever. For sure. That hurts his show. He's an emotional clown.
Bro don’t let Skip Bayless get you. He’s trash. He sold his soul to the devil for fame and he’s toxic. Try not to take anything he says, positive or negative, to heart because he just uses the Cowboys for clicks. There’s people on this board that I’ve disagreed with that I feel are way smarter than Skip. In fact everyone on this board is better than Skip. Don’t let him bother you, his opinion about Dak is trash, just like Skip is trash.


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Skip is a very wise man!

I enjoy watching him toss his Dak jersey into the trash after every playoff loss! :muttley:


More than meets the eye.
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Dak has taken the Cowboys as far as he can, but Baker isn’t the answer.