Skip & Screamin A Nail It On The Cowboys and Garrett

i dont care to listen to these guys because of the sensationalist/ratings aspects of the show but SANS the race card bit they are right, SAS is right about Jason Carrot and more people in the media should be questioning Jason Carrot as a head coach.

The fact this dude gets a pass with his record is embarrassing. Everyone and everything else BUT HIM is ALWAYS the issue. Give me a break.

Enough is enough.

Some of the guys on 105.5 give Jason Carrot a pass, despite his ho hum record and performance, because he is the only guy that can work with Jerry Jones. While that may be true thats pretty sad it has come to that. Since when is relationships in jobs more important than job performance? When it comes to the biggest organization in sports the Dallas Cowboys I guess.

We are essentially stuck between a rock and a hard place and Cowboys fans deserve better than that.
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I'm less confused about why SAS brought up race than I am about why the OP said he "nailed it."
Marvin Lewis was mentioned as an exception by SAS.

He brought up race as another topic really and didnt make the "white" excuse for Red. I personally dont think the race issue was necessary in the discussion. I get kinda tired of it really and IMO when race might be a real issue in some circumstances it just gets lumped into the "race card" category so many times because the race issue is just thrown around so often where it doesnt need to be.

Right, bringing race into the conversation just didn't belong. Some people have this chip on their shoulder though and they always have to bring it up even when it's clearly not there.
i dont care to listen to these guys because of the sensationalist/ratings aspects of the show but SANS the race card bit they are right, SAS is right about Jason Carrot and more people in the media should be questioning Jason Carrot as a head coach.

The fact this dude gets a pass with his record is embarrassing. Everyone and everything else BUT HIM is ALWAYS the issue. Give me a break.

Enough is enough.

Some of the guys on 105.5 give Jason Carrot a pass, despite his ho hum record and performance, because he is the only guy that can work with Jerry Jones. While that may be true thats pretty sad it has come to that. Since when does relationship in jobs more important than job performance? When it comes to the biggest organization in sports the Dallas Cowboys I guess.

We are essentially stuck between a rock and a hard place and Cowboys fans deserve better than that.

Don't blame Garrett.... blame Jerry. He is the one who hires puppet coaches. JG is just collecting his checks and clapping when we do bad. No solid coach can/will come here and truly build a team with Jerry running things.
Any other coach with Red's track record would have been fired was the point of what they said and IMO they nailed it.

False. But even if it were true, that doesn't make it the right move. Too many coaches are fired too early these days.

Continuity can be important. Marvin Lewis has hardly been successful, but he's been the coach there for over a decade. I like that. The ownership isn't making potentially emotional and irrational decisions. Stuff happens.
The race card is a funny saying to me nowadays esp how its mainly used. Its almost code language at this point how its mainly used. Online at least this must be some PC way of trying to say something else lol. As far as the topic I don't really have the stats but people that care more than me do. They pay attention to this and mention there is some overall truth to it even though I don't think so in this case. We won't really know for here until we have a black coach and see if he gets canned quicker with similar w-l as the other coaches. When
Don't blame Garrett.... blame Jerry. He is the one who hires puppet coaches. JG is just collecting his checks and clapping when we do bad. No solid coach can/will come here and truly build a team with Jerry running things.

i know i know but i thought it was established on this board that the Jerry thing is not changable at all. Since thats the case everything else is and should be.

broken clocks show the correct time twice a day. all we can hope for is Jerry landing another good coach like he did Jimmy and Parcells.
Yeah, I immediately thought of Lewis, cowboy fans would have burned down the stadium if Jerry had stuck with a Marvin Lewis this long. And yeah, I get the Cowboys, we expect more, blah, blah..but still

You would still have the happy go lucky cheerleader fans that blindly support anyone. Even if it was Marvin Lewis or anyone else. For the most part, most Cowboy fans have wanted Garrett fired for years.
Steven A., Skip, Jerry. Everybody thinks they are idiots.

But if they ever say anything that agrees with our thinking we come here to quote them.

Neither of those guy are idiots. Although I dont agree with everything and each have their homer tendencies. Even skip the Cowboy homer turned on Garrett years ago.

There is no question that both those guys know more about football then any casual or devoted fan on here.
i know i know but i thought it was established on this board that the Jerry thing is not changable at all. Since thats the case everything else is and should be.

broken clocks show the correct time twice a day. all we can hope for is Jerry landing another good coach like he did Jimmy and Parcells.
Please dont say Parcells was a good coach.
You would still have the happy go lucky cheerleader fans that blindly support anyone. Even if it was Marvin Lewis or anyone else. For the most part, most Cowboy fans have wanted Garrett fired for years.

Most, being the fans that would fire a coach week to week which is why they are fans and not NFL execs
how long has Jason Carrot been a Head Coach? Other Coaches have had more success in shorter periods of time. Teflon Carrot swings again. Everyone else is a problem but him. Puhhleeeze.
I saw the segment and SAS' point/position is very convoluted. I agree with them that there's no excuse for the Boys to lose 7 straight, they should've won at least a couple and I hold Garrett accountable for that. However, bringing race into served no purpose. There are plenty of aspiring white coaches drooling at the chance to be in the NFL and of coarse coach the Dallas Cowboys - it has nothing to do with what color you are. And I don't think he has an endless pass on lack of success because he's Jone's "3rd son". He's been given the benefit of the doubt, right or wrong, because of mishaps the team experienced during his tenure, mostly star player injuries. I believe, and look forward to it, that his days are numbered. I have zero confidence in Garrett as a head coach or even an OC.....maybe a QB coach but I'm not sure of that either. He has no business being the coach of the Cowboys, we are out schemed on a regular basis.
Right, bringing race into the conversation just didn't belong. Some people have this chip on their shoulder though and they always have to bring it up even when it's clearly not there.

its called race baiting.....
I saw the segment and SAS' point/position is very convoluted. I agree with them that there's no excuse for the Boys to lose 7 straight, they should've won at least a couple and I hold Garrett accountable for that. However, bringing race into served no purpose. There are plenty of aspiring white coaches drooling at the chance to be in the NFL and of coarse coach the Dallas Cowboys - it has nothing to do with what color you are. And I don't think he has an endless pass on lack of success because he's Jone's "3rd son". He's been given the benefit of the doubt, right or wrong, because of mishaps the team experienced during his tenure, mostly star player injuries. I believe, and look forward to it, that his days are numbered. I have zero confidence in Garrett as a head coach or even an OC.....maybe a QB coach but I'm not sure of that either. He has no business being the coach of the Cowboys, we are out schemed on a regular basis.

SAS didnt bring up race was pre-planned and programmed in...(has a producer in his ear telling him what to say and when). ESPN is losing viewership. They see spikes in ratings when they play the race card..... Its all about ratings....NFL Live hung Herm Edwards out on live TV the other day.. all for ratings. ESPN stands for Entertainment and Sports Programming Network.....key in on Entertainment

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