Venger;3756858 said:
We can rationalize all sorts of slovenly behavior if we make words fit our mood. Perhaps someone who doesn't shower just doesn't have the same definition of "clean" as I do. I'm sure there is a way to gild just about any aberrant behavior in the name of self-actualization.
We can also classify all sorts of normal behavior as slovenly, if we make arbitrary evaluations fit our mood. Green ties after September? Insulting. Not wearing hats in a restaurant? Just think of all that loose hair falling into my pasta! Such piggishnish shouldn't be tolerated!
Sanitation issues are an exception, here, but that's not the topic of the thread.
Venger;3756858 said:
How about clown shoes? Those cool? Maybe at a family funeral? See, we all have lines, we just disagree where those lines are. Everyone else managed to be dressed appropriately. Do everyone else the same courtesy.
The civilized world has expectations and standards. Ignore them at your peril.
The problem is when you think you have any say in terms of what's appropriate for another person. It really is none of your business. At all. You don't have to like it, as long as you realize that your opinion has no bearing on what another person should or should not do.
Meet the 'civilized' world's expectations and arbitrary standards at the cost of your own judgment? This is the same argument behind burqas and public school dress uniforms. I'll wear my burqa where I please, thank you.
Honor arbitrary standards at your own peril. There's very little meaningful downside in ignoring them in an enlightened society.