So what exactly are players protesting?

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About the NFL player protest.
I think it is having the opposite effect that it was supposed to have and is turning people off to their cause, so it really is quite stupid .
it was not a good form or platform for such a protest but what do you expect from NFL players who really aren't all that bright.
The primary goal is to stop neo-***** and white supremacists from gaining a platform rather than to promote a specific antifa agenda. The antifa groups are decidedly anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia, but also by and large socially leftist and anti-capitalist.

They seem to be on the right side. Of course Trump doesn’t like them.

You are naive. They are communist. They are terrorist. You just admitted that you think terrorists are on the right side. That's pretty despicable.
Because reading it would provide context. B stated that the alt left was responsible for more violence than the alt right. That is his thing. You can insist on your narrative and look foolish if you would like but I am not going to entertain it more.

I do like how you have morphed this from left versus right into black versus white though. Then calling other's racist. Seems someone is feeling guilty.

It's a pretty pathetic argument to say that the alt-right is the only one who has killed people. Even if that were true, it's a sad way to try an excuse all the other violence that has been committed, which yes does dwarf that of others. Thank God, nobody has died from their actions. It's fortunate. But it is not because they haven't engaged in violence that could take a life.

All I keep seeing from leftists are excuses for violence, hate, and terrorist activity while feigning faux outrage of lies they concoct about other people.

Ever find that quote from Trump? Didn't think so.
It's a pretty pathetic argument to say that the alt-right is the only one who has killed people. Even if that were true, it's a sad way to try an excuse all the other violence that has been committed, which yes does dwarf that of others. Thank God, nobody has died from their actions. It's fortunate. But it is not because they haven't engaged in violence that could take a life.

All I keep seeing from leftists are excuses for violence, hate, and terrorist activity while feigning faux outrage of lies they concoct about other people.

Ever find that quote from Trump? Didn't think so.

What excuses? Be specific.
I find it disturbing that Trump as a president uses Twitter and is always tweeting silly things things that he should keep to himself.
He also called the ruler of North Korea Little Rocket Man.
I am sure that will help our relations with North Korea and he will soon do what we want now that Trump has called him Little Rocket Man
North Korea is not going to negotiate. See Saddam Hussein.

Trump is silly but the Rocket Man comment has zero affect on anything. It's actually more clever than most of his comments.
North Korea is not going to negotiate. See Saddam Hussein.

Trump is silly but the Rocket Man comment has zero affect on anything. It's actually more clever than most of his comments.
It’s a childish remark only intended to belittle. It’s something you would see on a forum like this. It isn’t clever in any stretch of a normal persons imagination. It’s actually quite dangerous for obvious reasons.
They do not even know what they are protesting. One person does it so the other just follows and does it to. Fox has already mentioned they will not be broadcasting the National Anthem live to not give these thugs attention.
....Protesting being called SOBs by #45 and not thugs also....on the other hand, Kap was protesting the inequalities that exists with minorities and Bad cops being held unaccountable. Many who speak against this.....will not/don't want to believe this. Want to place Kap's stance under America's rug and deny him dialogue for recognizing the problem and hopeful for change, much less a chance to return to employment....but our country doesn't believe it's own claim that we're patriotic and wants every one to be united when the Anthem is played and return to a "norm" afterwards. Cognitive Dissonance at its best.
Hate for a president that was elected not even a year ago is going nowhere. These ant-Trump protesters are a loud bunch but they are outnumbered by mostly silent supporters of the president that speak with their pocket book and their vote... they did it November 8th of last year and now are doing it by boycotting the NFL.
....Protesting being called SOBs by #45 and not thugs also....on the other hand, Kap was protesting the inequalities that exists with minorities and Bad cops being held unaccountable. Many who speak against this.....will not/don't want to believe this. Want to place Kap's stance under America's rug and deny him dialogue for recognizing the problem and hopeful for change, much less a chance to return to employment....but our country doesn't believe it's own claim that we're patriotic and wants every one to be united when the Anthem is played and return to a "norm" afterwards. Cognitive Dissonance at its best.
If you are going to try to preach to us about Colin Kaepernick, then speak the whole truth. Has he given specific examples of racial inequality or was his stance different than what you and others say it is now? He supported Assata Shakur, a convicted cop killer that escaped justice by fleeing to Cuba and he was very pro-Fidel Castro, a dictator thug. This is your guy?

More lies by you... Trump didn't call any protester an SOB, he said he wanted to hear a NFL team owner say, "fire that SOB". That's a very different thing. Kaep's stance was never swept under the rug, it just wasn't popular with fans until the fake news media made it about President Trump.
Repeal law enforcement bill of rights that grant police rights that citizens do not have protecting them from investigation and prosecution.

Prohibit investigations and prosecutions of police by police forces and prosecutors with a conflict of interest.

Review use of force standards and hold police to a higher standard. Fear is not an excuse for homicide by itself.

Prohibit ineffective and prejudicial police policies like broken windows and stop and frisk.

Require all police to wear body cameras at all times on duty and eliminate the officer from unilaterally turning it off.

Improve police training and pay.

End the militarization of police and carte blanche handing out of military weapons, vehicles, and equipment. It is one thing to have a SWAT team. It is quite another to make an entire department a SWAT team.

Prohibit arrest quotas and similar policies. In the same turn do not demerit for not making an arrest in both policy and practice.
Fuzzy, I am surprised no one has commented on your post; there are actually a number of reasonable and fair recommendations.

To be truly effective though, I believe there should also be a similar set of standards or rules for those perpetuating violence, rioting or looting in the name of protest.

While I am all for holding the police accountable for their actions, how about the same litmus test for those opposing the rule of law?
What excuses? Be specific.

You attempted to minimize the actions and violence that was committed, with basically, "Yeah, but did anyone die?"

And, not to speak to you specifically (though I wouldn't doubt it would also apply), it was extremely common after Charlottesville for those on the left, MSM, etc. to defend/excuse the actions of these terrorists simply because they hate what ****'s stand for. Their message and beliefs are bad, therefore it's okay to be a terrorist.

Still waiting on that quote. I know it won't come, because as everyone here is aware, that was just you wishcasting again.
You attempted to minimize the actions and violence that was committed, with basically, "Yeah, but did anyone die?"

And, not to speak to you specifically (though I wouldn't doubt it would also apply), it was extremely common after Charlottesville for those on the left, MSM, etc. to defend/excuse the actions of these terrorists simply because they hate what ****'s stand for. Their message and beliefs are bad, therefore it's okay to be a terrorist.

Still waiting on that quote. I know it won't come, because as everyone here is aware, that was just you wishcasting again.
Good protesting against evil. The evil ***** started the violence.
No not wrong. And I enjoy outing racists such as yourself. Now go worship your ***** grabbing President.

The only racist here (between you and I) is you. You also support terrorism and call it good. It doesn't get any lower than that. You should be ashamed. May God have mercy on your soul.
The only racist here (between you and I) is you. You also support terrorism and call it good. It doesn't get any lower than that. You should be ashamed. May God have mercy on your soul.
I don't support terrorism and have never said that. You shouldn't lie then immediately say a prayer. It's very hypocritical. But then again you support the POTUS who disrespects POW war heroes, the disabled, called Mexicans murdering rapists, makes fun of women and tries to get married women in bed so you've already been outted as a hypocrite many times before. You keep reinforcing that time and time again
I don't support terrorism and have never said that. You shouldn't lie then immediately say a prayer. It's very hypocritical. But then again you support the POTUS who disrespects POW war heroes, the disabled, called Mexicans murdering rapists, makes fun of women and tries to get married women in bed so you've already been outted as a hypocrite many times before. You keep reinforcing that time and time again

You do support terrorism. You are supporting Antifa and their actions. THAT IS SUPPORTING TERRORISTS AND TERRORISM.

And you lie. I don't support the POTUS. I criticize him when he deserves it (Quite often), and applaud when he does something good. And I will defend him when people like you lie about him.

Stop supporting terrorist. Stop supporting communist (worse history than *****). Stop supporting evil. Stop lying.
You do support terrorism. You are supporting Antifa and their actions. THAT IS SUPPORTING TERRORISTS AND TERRORISM.

And you lie. I don't support the POTUS. I criticize him when he deserves it (Quite often), and applaud when he does something good. And I will defend him when people like you lie about him.

Stop supporting terrorist. Stop supporting communist (worse history than *****). Stop supporting evil. Stop lying.
My morals don't allow me to support him. Yours does. So be it.
punching white supremacist *******s is the only good thing antifa has done. These are the same group of OWS protesters, the kind that throw firebombs at g7 protests, etc. It's just the latest battlefield for them.

I ain't mad that they are kicking racist ********s ***** when they go out and try to intimidate people on the street. **** em.
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