So what exactly are players protesting?

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You said that the alt left was responsible for more violence than the alt right. And your personal experience is limited at best. Whether you knew people that supported them is besides the point.

What have I made up? be specific.

I predict another cowardly dissembling.
You aren't even fun or interesting and Rockport are just one hit wonders that repeat yourselves over and over.........peace off
You didn't ask me a question.

Let's compare sources then. I get my news primarily from the Economist, Christian Science Monitor, Foreign Policy, and Reuters. I watch no TV, listen to radio nor podcast for news outside of VICE news.

Trump's approval ratings are a matter of public record. I go to Real Clear Politics and 538 for that info.

Now how often do you watch Fox News? How often do you read Drudge, Breitbart or the Daily Caller? What radio news shows do you listen to? What podcasts do you watch?

Yeah I did.
I can easily denounce and rebuke the KKK and Neo *****..... they are scum

But you stand with Antifa, BLM, Berkeley, Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte and every Trump rally in DEM cities where his supporters got jumped
The primary goal is to stop neo-***** and white supremacists from gaining a platform rather than to promote a specific antifa agenda. The antifa groups are decidedly anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia, but also by and large socially leftist and anti-capitalist.

They seem to be on the right side. Of course Trump doesn’t like them.
I can easily denounce and rebuke the KKK and Neo *****..... they are scum

But you stand with Antifa, BLM, Berkeley, Ferguson, Baltimore, Charlotte and every Trump rally in DEM cities where his supporters got jumped

I do? You denounce them on the one hand, on the other you try to downplay their behavior.

I'm fine with BLM peaceful protests. I abhor the rioting which they themselves condemn. I called antifa anarchists. That is the opposite of support in my book. BLM actually confronts antifa at their protests and tells them to chill. You look at ***** and stick your head in the sand.
Tell us again how good Jeff Heath is .......your scouting is as weak as your game

and he doubles down on it. is this the part where you grasp at anything you can think of to try and prop yourself up? Reeks of desperation. You should just take the L and walk away.

they were *****, kkk, and the like there.
You should read what b wrote that I was responding to and try again. If you are going to interject into a conversation it helps to follow the dialogue. Nice strawman though.

It is amusing that you guys are apologizing for people that want to know as ***** though.

And yeah I am sure that only the white supremacists have killed at the protests to this point.

I am wrong and I know it? That is some cheap rhetoric for an argument. You used to dealing with weakminded fools or something? Next time, try and make an argument instead of this self assuming drivel.

You make a statement claiming that only white Supremacists have killed during protest and then immediately referrence Dylan Roof and Timothy McVeigh.

Why would I need to go back and read anything any further than what you did right there. Excuse me for taking you at your words and reacting accordingly. Perhaps if you are going to make such statements back to back, perhaps try and stop diverting about it with your own drivel about what you said upthread. That's awful foolish ain't it.

Or why don't you get your racist pal in this thread to explain it to me from a White priviledge point of view as to why on earth you would associate protests with Roof and McVeigh. Because that's what you just did.

See, I can do this too. Up to this point, Black Supremacists have also killed during protest. But wait, let me do what you did. Then there is also domestic terrorism like what Emanuel Kidega Samson did just a week ago. See, it's really not that hard.

But wait....

You said that up to this point that only white supremacists have done the killing during protest.... I guess you were on vacation on some exotic island on Mars when Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed 5 police officers in Dallas during a Black Lives Matter rally.

Yeah. You are right. That never happened.
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The primary goal is to stop neo-***** and white supremacists from gaining a platform rather than to promote a specific antifa agenda. The antifa groups are decidedly anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-homophobia, but also by and large socially leftist and anti-capitalist.

They seem to be on the right side. Of course Trump doesn’t like them.
You stand with Antifa and hate the President....... confirms everything I thought about you
If you are white, then yes, you were born privileged. The fact you don’t realize that just shows how ignorant you are.

If you are born into a home with a good mom and dad then you are privileged. I don't care what your race is.

White people who grow up with bad moms and dads don't start at the 50 yard line either.
What are their words and mission statements then. All I see is more self assuming nonsense. Introspection is beyond you it seems.

How is it self assumming when you are the one that stated first that they are anti-facists. Those are thier words and yours.

LOL Congratulations, you've done it. You have successfully discovered the first person in the world to self-assume something that not only you said but is exactly the claimed sole existance of the very group we are talking about.

How introspective.
You stand with Antifa and hate the President....... confirms everything I thought about you
I stand with what Antifa believes in (and am against any violence) and never said I hate the President which is an outright lie from you. I don’t hate liars like you just proved yourself to be but I surely have no respect for them.
If you are born into a home with a good mom and dad then you are privileged. I don't care what your race is.

White people who grow up with bad moms and dads don't start at the 50 yard line either.
White people in the USA are born privileged I don’t care what YOU think.
You make a statement claiming that only white Supremacists have killed during protest and then immediately referrence Dylan Roof and Timothy McVeigh.

Why would I need to go back and read anything any further than what you did right there. Excuse me for taking you at your words and reacting accordingly. Perhaps if you are going to make such statements back to back, perhaps try and stop diverting about it with your own drivel about what you said upthread. That's awful foolish ain't it.

Or why don't you get your racist pal in this thread to explain it to me from a White priviledge point of view as to why on earth you would associate protests with Roof and McVeigh. Because that's what you just did.

See, I can do this too. Up to this point, Black Supremacists have also killed during protest. But wait, let me do what you did. Then there is also domestic terrorism like what Emanuel Kidega Samson did just a week ago. See, it's really not that hard.

But wait....

You said that up to this point that only white supremacists have done the killing during protest.... I guess you one vacation on some exotic island on Mars when Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed 5 police officers in Dallas during a Black Lives Matter rally.

Yeah. You are right. That never happened.

Because reading it would provide context. B stated that the alt left was responsible for more violence than the alt right. That is his thing. You can insist on your narrative and look foolish if you would like but I am not going to entertain it more.

I do like how you have morphed this from left versus right into black versus white though. Then calling other's racist. Seems someone is feeling guilty.
How is it self assumming when you are the one that stated first that they are anti-facists. Those are thier words and yours.

LOL Congratulations, you've done it. You have successfully discovered the first person in the world to self-assume something that not only you said but is exactly the claimed sole existance of the very group we are talking about.

How introspective.

You said they were marxists. You are all over the place. You should go have a coke and chillout for a bit as you are bordering on incoherency. You should read what is being written more and think before you post.
Because reading it would provide context. B stated that the alt left was responsible for more violence than the alt right. That is his thing. You can insist on your narrative and look foolish if you would like but I am not going to entertain it more.

I do like how you have morphed this from left versus right into black versus white though. Then calling other's racist. Seems someone is feeling guilty.

Ah the ole guilt trip ploy. It's like clockwork with you all.

Other's racist? No, I called the one guy in this thread who has judged people without any knowledge of who the hell they are except for the fact of their skin color. Come on now, you ought to know how this works. It's been your side of the isle's bread and butter for decades now.

And how can I have morphed this thread into a left vs right thing when you just admitted that before we started going back and forth you were already having a discussion about the alt left and the alt right? I mean I'm trying real hard to follow along with you but you keep choping off your nose to spite your face. Whatever dialogue you have with him is between you and him. I addressed you based on exact statements you made.
You said they were marxists. You are all over the place. You should go have a coke and chillout for a bit as you are bordering on incoherency. You should read what is being written more and think before you post.

No more "all over the place" than you yourself seem to be.

And I think I'll have a diet coke. Too much sugar in regular coke.
I find it disturbing that Trump as a president uses Twitter and is always tweeting silly things things that he should keep to himself.
He also called the ruler of North Korea Little Rocket Man.
I am sure that will help our relations with North Korea and he will soon do what we want now that Trump has called him Little Rocket Man
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