Some of y'all will never get it


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a lot of the cowboys problems are also that they dont have tough minded players they are weak mentally when play are there to be made thely simply dont make them in playoff games its hard to overcome upper management and the weak minded players
When BP started training camp with full contact goalline drills he left no room for the weak minded. A good coach can overcome this soft mentally. He showed that taking a QC led team to the playoffs.

The problem is our FO has to accept a coach that won't take any nonsense, a coach you bypass at your own peril.

Since BP we've had a long line of pansies who cater to these guys and allow them to be soft.


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I think things like considering the players not tough-minded is just a product of the team not winning. It's like the leadership thing. We don't get past the first round of the playoffs and fans talk about the team not having any leaders. Apparently, you are only tough-minded or have leadership if you win.

Those "blame games" IMO just deflect from the real problem, which is this front office. Again, I think 28 years of not making an NFC Championship Game, and not being able to do it without Jimmy or at least the team Jimmy built, is clear evidence.

The thing is the Jones' ownership/GM model was fine when it started out because Jimmy essentially guided the front office. Jerry deserves credit for being willing to do what it takes, but he needed Jimmy to point his eagerness in the right direction. I think McClay does as good as he can to do the same thing, but Jimmy could convince Jerry of what was best and I don't think McClay, McCarthy or anyone else has been given that kind of power. Closest we came was Parcells.
Whatever Jimmy could do back then is probably no longer an option. Jerry has years of "experience" now and I'd be shocked if he wasn't more set in his ways. If I had to guess, whatever flexibility was once there is likely gone. Although they sell this thing as a cumulative effort or meeting of minds, we keep doing the exact same thing. If nothing is changing you can only look at the one constant voice.


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Neither Jimmy nor Barry had Super Bowls before they came to Dallas. Kind of a strange question.

JJ needs to return to his roots and remember the formula that won those Super Bowls. He got cocky after Jimmy and labeled himself as the mastermind. What he needs to do is worry about cashing the checks for a coach that knows how to build a proper team. He tried it with Parcells, but once again allowed his ego to take control. Maybe he's doing that with McCarthy, but McCarthy isn't Jimmy.

at the time, they were both championship level coaches, at the time, why i say that, that was a formula for possibly doing well in the NFL, its long since been debunked, but at the time.

Both of them had name recognition and were well known winners for a reason.


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I think things like considering the players not tough-minded is just a product of the team not winning. It's like the leadership thing. We don't get past the first round of the playoffs and fans talk about the team not having any leaders. Apparently, you are only tough-minded or have leadership if you win.

Those "blame games" IMO just deflect from the real problem, which is this front office. Again, I think 28 years of not making an NFC Championship Game, and not being able to do it without Jimmy or at least the team Jimmy built, is clear evidence.

The thing is the Jones' ownership/GM model was fine when it started out because Jimmy essentially guided the front office. Jerry deserves credit for being willing to do what it takes, but he needed Jimmy to point his eagerness in the right direction. I think McClay does as good as he can to do the same thing, but Jimmy could convince Jerry of what was best and I don't think McClay, McCarthy or anyone else has been given that kind of power. Closest we came was Parcells.
yes the jones have a lot to do with whats happened to the cowboys for me its really almost past of the point of caring a lot about what happens but the players also have a lot of blame in the game as well


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no, you can't blame any of the players, it's all Jerry. guy fumbles, jerry did it. Interception, jerry. Bad offensive line, defensive line, all jerry. I don't know why you guys watch this crap.


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Raiders, maybe? They just fired Gruden, anyone else?
Hmm. Hadn't thought about coaches that won a Super Bowl with another team. That's more research than I'm willing to do. LOL

But I didn't think of the Raiders because Tom Flores was the Head Coach for 2 of their 3 SB wins (John Madden had the other), so they didn't HAVE "more than 2" SB winning coaches. And Flores wasn't fired.


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Head Coaches and Quarterbacks do not get a free pass.
It's a part of the job description when hired as a HC or QB of the Dallas Cowboys.

You better be good enough at your individual job to overcome Jerry's meddling. That IS a part of it.

So HCs like McCarthy and QBs like Prescott will never hack it because they individually suck at playoff football. And that's way before Jerry ever gets into the meddling aspect of things.

For those believing much more qualified coaches or QBs couldn't overcome Jerry, I disagree to the point where I believe they could last long enough to win us at least one ring based on their individual talent before leaving.(Just a repeat cycle if Jimmy, lol)

Now whether those coaches would ever accept the job in the first place is an entirely different discussion.


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Head Coaches and Quarterbacks do not get a free pass.
It's a part of the job description when hired as a HC or QB of the Dallas Cowboys.

You better be good enough at your individual job to overcome Jerry's meddling. That IS a part of it.

So HCs like McCarthy and QBs like Prescott will never hack it because they individually suck at playoff football. And that's way before Jerry ever gets into the meddling aspect of things.

For those believing much more qualified coaches or QBs couldn't overcome Jerry, I disagree to the point where I believe they could last long enough to win us at least one ring based on their individual talent before leaving.(Just a repeat cycle if Jimmy, lol)

Now whether those coaches would ever accept the job in the first place is an entirely different discussion.
Jerry was not Jerry with Jimmy...Jimmy made Jerry become Jerry..just ask The Tuna..who in fact couldnt right the ship...


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I wish people who start these blame Jerry/Stephen threads would at least have the courtesy to take it a step beyond the 28 years thing. At least put some analysis into what they are doing wrong. No need to rehash what's already been posted a billion times.
Very simple: culture and accountability. There isnt any. People in charge of the product have lifetime positions. In the majority of the other 31 organizations failure isnt shrugged off and changes are made when the results arent there after 3 to 5 years. That is why people keep saying 28 going on 29 years.


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Hire this coach! Sign this free agent! Draft this guy! It's not about a guy here or there with this team, it starts at the top. It's a dysfunctional organization.

Jerry and Stephen Jones are unique. No other NFL team has the owner as GM and his son as Director of Player Personnel. This has been the arrangement in Dallas for 28 years. They have won four wild card games. That's it. That's all they have to show for it. They've fired more head coaches than playoff wins in that time.

Take a good hard look. These are the masterminds you're counting on after 28 years of trying. If you weren't a Cowboys fan, you'd laugh at them. They're a joke.

They aren't going to suddenly figure it out, they aren't going to quit while the money still rolls in, so accept 12-5. It's as good as it is going to get. Enjoy.

Jerry wants that glory


john van brocklin

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Hire this coach! Sign this free agent! Draft this guy! It's not about a guy here or there with this team, it starts at the top. It's a dysfunctional organization.

Jerry and Stephen Jones are unique. No other NFL team has the owner as GM and his son as Director of Player Personnel. This has been the arrangement in Dallas for 28 years. They have won four wild card games. That's it. That's all they have to show for it. They've fired more head coaches than playoff wins in that time.

Take a good hard look. These are the masterminds you're counting on after 28 years of trying. If you weren't a Cowboys fan, you'd laugh at them. They're a joke.

They aren't going to suddenly figure it out, they aren't going to quit while the money still rolls in, so accept 12-5. It's as good as it is going to get. Enjoy.

True words my friend.
As a Cowboys fan you have to come to terms with the fact that this team is never going to have post season success with the current leadership.
28 years is too large of a sample size to ignore.


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Hire this coach! Sign this free agent! Draft this guy! It's not about a guy here or there with this team, it starts at the top. It's a dysfunctional organization.

Jerry and Stephen Jones are unique. No other NFL team has the owner as GM and his son as Director of Player Personnel. This has been the arrangement in Dallas for 28 years. They have won four wild card games. That's it. That's all they have to show for it. They've fired more head coaches than playoff wins in that time.

Take a good hard look. These are the masterminds you're counting on after 28 years of trying. If you weren't a Cowboys fan, you'd laugh at them. They're a joke.

They aren't going to suddenly figure it out, they aren't going to quit while the money still rolls in, so accept 12-5. It's as good as it is going to get. Enjoy.

I’m a diehard Cowboys fan and I’ve been laughing at them for years.


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No one on this board is letting a financial advisor have full control of their bank accounts...FULL CONTROL.

So shut up.

Jerry and son put talent on the field.

Point the finger at the Football Gods for not wanting Dallas to win. Not Jerry, Stephen, the Organization, coaches and players.


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Stephen looks like he’s in his 80s. Lol.

Absolutely. Stephen and Jerry are the problem. if this team was serious about winning a Super Bowl they would have fired everyone and went hard after Jim Harbaugh and gave him the same control every other coach has. Imagine what his DC from Michigan that is going with him would do with the likes of Parsons, Diggs and Bland…. And Jim believes in a great oline and dline. And his teams don’t commit many penalties. We missed a golden opportunity so fatty could have one more chance at figuring it out…


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The 500 lbs Gorrilla in the room is that Jerry has won multiple Super Bowls. The already specious reasoning becomes blatantly absurd.

Jerry has his problems but he contributes as well. He is not going anywhere so I see no point to whining about it much less to start doomcasting because of it.
Jerry won multiple Super Bowls? So, in that case, why were all 3 were within the first 7 years then none for the next 28? If he could win that many that quick then it would seem obvious he was excellent at doing it, so no more after that?

But more than that, as I've pointed out many times, after college Jerry spent 25 years in the oil business, Jimmy 25 years in college football. Don't care how smart Jerry might be, you have to have knowledge about something to be able to put your smarts to use. Jerry didn't have that knowledge. Those SB wins were Jimmy's doing for the most part, no doubt Jerry had some input, but Jimmy ran that team as far as the players and coaching were concerned.

Now I hearitly agree there's no point in whining about Jerry, we all know he's the problem for 28 years of 4 playoff wins. But by the same token, we also all know it's unlikely our Cowboys will win more SBs as long as Jerry runs the show.


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Jerry was not Jerry with Jimmy...Jimmy made Jerry become Jerry..just ask The Tuna..who in fact couldnt right the ship...
Doesn't matter who was who before when.

My personal blame meter is GM 50%
HC 25% and QB 25% in the grand scheme of things.

And yes, I realize THIS GM hires the coach and drafts or acquires the QB.

I still hold them individually accountable to their job performance regardless if Jerry hired or drafted them.

My point stands.
Just a matter of if a better coach would ever take this job again. I believe, if he did, he could overcome Jerry to the tune of one ring before leaving.

Just my opinion.
And believe it or not I'm not a Jerry fanboi.
I'm just an equal opportunity hater who thinks the HC and QB suck at playoff football regardless if Jerry chose them or not.


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Doesn't matter who was who before when.

My personal blame meter is GM 50%
HC 25% and QB 25% in the grand scheme of things.

And yes, I realize THIS GM hires the coach and drafts or acquires the QB.

I still hold them individually accountable to their job performance regardless if Jerry hired or drafted them.

My point stands.
Just a matter if a better coach would ever take this job again. I believe if he did he could overcome Jerryvto the tune of one ring before leaving.

Just my opinion.
I'm not sure the current GM would hire that coach that might be the bigger issue, the HC here must agree to the GM's social terms..and most HC's you speak of would not agree to said terms.