Realists showing frustration over the team doesn't mean we hate it means we care. Even FANS like yourself have shown some frustration this offseason but once free agency arrives and the Cowboys make their draft selections you're back feeling optimism again. Last year heading into camp you yourself said things seem different with the team so much so you claimed you had a feeling the Cowboys would end up in the SB.

I asked you what you saw during the summer that made you feel that way and you said you couldn't explain it you just have a feeling. Once it became obvious your feeling was wrong and I asked again after the season why you had such an optimistic outlook entering the 2013 season you admitted what I said months earlier that it was the FAN in you coming out.
You've submitted several negative posts that have shown your discouragement with the team this offseason. Care to deny it? Several weeks ago you said in frustration that Jerry cares more about making money than winning but per usual with FANS like you once the wounds from the previous season have healed and the Cowboys make their draft selections you're back spinning optimism again. As a matter fact you started a thread within the past week saying you were feeling optimistic again. You're just one of the many FANS that keep falling into the same trap before the team even gets to training camp. So what are you feeling for the 2014 season? Should we book our SB tickets? lol