Tony D said:
Doesn't anybody think that Vito was going to kill Fin after the Yanks game? I'm sure he doesn't want him to say anything to anybody. I predict he'll kill Fin. Tony will find out, it'll be a mess. Good stuff.
It's funny to discuss this like they're real people who have thoughts independent of the show.

The fact is that the writers didn't have him go to the game, so you really have no idea what he would have done. I think they meant it to be unclear or confusing.
Him not going also set up a big potential confrontation between Finn and Vito at work the next day, but the writers chose to avoid that as well by turning the plot towards Meadow and Finn becoming engaged.
By NOT having him go to the game, they avoid that whole situation as to what Vito intended to do, and by NOT having him go to work, they avoided confrontation there too.
Now, the next time Finn and Vito see eachother (which I'm sure they will) it will be on much different terms since Finn is now Tony's future son-in-law. Finn is in a MUCH more powerful situation than he was earlier.
You have to ask yourself, WHY did the writers take the story in this direction? It would have been just as interesting to have Finn go to the game and then see what happened, or to have him have to face Vito at work. But instead they passed up those confrontations and had Finn propose. It makes you wonder what they have in store.
I was wondering if Finn really knows what's going on with Meadow's family? He seems to be a little clueless, but catching on. If he does know the story, it raises the question of whether he proposed simply to save his skin. He doesn't want to run and leave Meadow, but he's sincerely scared for his life. A nice solution is to propose to the boss' daughter and gain protection that way. But that assumes he knows who Tony is.
I don't think Vito will be able to kill him now. Vito's got to think that Meadow knows his secret now as well, and if he kills Finn, then Vito is the prime suspect. I think Vito is going down (no pun intended

) in the next two episodes.
I've been waiting for AJ to slowly get worked into the family business, but they've made him such a dope I just don't see it happening. Maybe Finn will take his place. Just a theory.