Sopranos Thread

BrAinPaiNt said:
Yes the whole meadow thing is getting on my nerves....unless she is going to get in serious trouble or do something to cause serious trouble then I say leave out the whole meadow thing.

At least before with the Aprille (sp?) boy it was interesting because it involved more of Tony in the twist.

exactly, I thought her boyfriend was going to maybe get with that chick at the construction site....then Meadow finds out or something...then Pauli kicks his ***. I don't care where that whole story is going. I hope they leave for Cali. Then I hope Carmella takes herself out along with AJ, maybe a house fire. Then Tony can just be haunted by them but they won't consume the show.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Yes the whole meadow thing is getting on my nerves....unless she is going to get in serious trouble or do something to cause serious trouble then I say leave out the whole meadow thing.

At least before with the Aprille (sp?) boy it was interesting because it involved more of Tony in the twist.

They really hadn't featured Meadow at all this season, so maybe they felt like they owed her some camera time. They may have face time written into their contracts.

I also thought it was interesting when her boyfriend revealed his last name. The writers didn't have to make him Italian. So it makes me think that maybe they're going to go somewhere with that. It certainly opens up the possibility of him getting involved in the family business.

The Vito plot was funny and created some nice tension between him and Finn, but I thought it was kind of a stretch. Come on, like he's going to be doing that in the parking lot of the construction company he works at???? With a security guard there no less?? Seemed very sloppy (no pun intended) and wreckless. You'd think he'd want to keep that kind of thing as far away from his associates as possible.
Danny White said:
The Vito plot was funny and created some nice tension between him and Finn, but I thought it was kind of a stretch. Come on, like he's going to be doing that in the parking lot of the construction company he works at???? With a security guard there no less?? Seemed very sloppy (no pun intended) and wreckless. You'd think he'd want to keep that kind of thing as far away from his associates as possible.

i found that really implausible too, then he goes and practically proposes to meadows BF, right on the job site!!?? come onnnn!!

it's only a mater of a few episodes now that that gets back to tony and the "fat finocchio's" D.O.A!!
Danny White said:
They really hadn't featured Meadow at all this season, so maybe they felt like they owed her some camera time. They may have face time written into their contracts.

I also thought it was interesting when her boyfriend revealed his last name. The writers didn't have to make him Italian. So it makes me think that maybe they're going to go somewhere with that. It certainly opens up the possibility of him getting involved in the family business.

The Vito plot was funny and created some nice tension between him and Finn, but I thought it was kind of a stretch. Come on, like he's going to be doing that in the parking lot of the construction company he works at???? With a security guard there no less?? Seemed very sloppy (no pun intended) and wreckless. You'd think he'd want to keep that kind of thing as far away from his associates as possible.

The Vito thing did happen a few hours before guys were reporting to work, remember Fin was going there to crash for a few hours before he was scheduled to start working. So it could be possible.

I think it's going to get real good. Fin knows Vito was blowing that guy. Fin and Meadow are engaged. Doesn't anybody think that Vito was going to kill Fin after the Yanks game? I'm sure he doesn't want him to say anything to anybody. I predict he'll kill Fin. Tony will find out, it'll be a mess. Good stuff.
Tony D said:
The Vito thing did happen a few hours before guys were reporting to work, remember Fin was going there to crash for a few hours before he was scheduled to start working. So it could be possible.

I think it's going to get real good. Fin knows Vito was blowing that guy. Fin and Meadow are engaged. Doesn't anybody think that Vito was going to kill Fin after the Yanks game? I'm sure he doesn't want him to say anything to anybody. I predict he'll kill Fin. Tony will find out, it'll be a mess. Good stuff.

yea, that crossed my mind too.

he at the very least, beats fin up, then finds out he an meadow are not "just" dating anymore and has like this SERIOUS "uhhh, You're *** NOW" moment!! :D
I was howling when Vito got caught. I agree Vito was going to do something to Fin. I got tired of listening to Meadow. They have made her character a drama queen.

Tony is going to end up having to chose between Tony B and Johnny and either way it won't be pretty.

The previews for next week were interesting with Janice getting in to trouble. She and the kids need to go lol
Tony D said:
Doesn't anybody think that Vito was going to kill Fin after the Yanks game? I'm sure he doesn't want him to say anything to anybody. I predict he'll kill Fin. Tony will find out, it'll be a mess. Good stuff.

It's funny to discuss this like they're real people who have thoughts independent of the show. :) The fact is that the writers didn't have him go to the game, so you really have no idea what he would have done. I think they meant it to be unclear or confusing.

Him not going also set up a big potential confrontation between Finn and Vito at work the next day, but the writers chose to avoid that as well by turning the plot towards Meadow and Finn becoming engaged.

By NOT having him go to the game, they avoid that whole situation as to what Vito intended to do, and by NOT having him go to work, they avoided confrontation there too.

Now, the next time Finn and Vito see eachother (which I'm sure they will) it will be on much different terms since Finn is now Tony's future son-in-law. Finn is in a MUCH more powerful situation than he was earlier.

You have to ask yourself, WHY did the writers take the story in this direction? It would have been just as interesting to have Finn go to the game and then see what happened, or to have him have to face Vito at work. But instead they passed up those confrontations and had Finn propose. It makes you wonder what they have in store.

I was wondering if Finn really knows what's going on with Meadow's family? He seems to be a little clueless, but catching on. If he does know the story, it raises the question of whether he proposed simply to save his skin. He doesn't want to run and leave Meadow, but he's sincerely scared for his life. A nice solution is to propose to the boss' daughter and gain protection that way. But that assumes he knows who Tony is.

I don't think Vito will be able to kill him now. Vito's got to think that Meadow knows his secret now as well, and if he kills Finn, then Vito is the prime suspect. I think Vito is going down (no pun intended :D) in the next two episodes.

I've been waiting for AJ to slowly get worked into the family business, but they've made him such a dope I just don't see it happening. Maybe Finn will take his place. Just a theory.
My question is if Siragusa is ever going to get a line. Or just hulk in the background/foreground?

Maybe Tony is just there to make Tony (Soprano) look thin?

If so, it's a shame. Goose did a pretty good job in that "25 hours" Spike Lee film.
LaTunaNostra said:
My question is if Siragusa is ever going to get a line. Or just hulk in the background/foreground?

Maybe Tony is just there to make Tony (Soprano) look thin?

If so, it's a shame. Goose did a pretty good job in that "25 hours" Spike Lee film.

Who knows how it will pan out....maybe he will get a line...or maybe they are going to use him to replace another character.

Bad thing about Sopranos IMO is that they tend to switch may go 2-3 shows before you really see anything more then a 5 second clip of a character (if at all)...Look at Jr...he was all over one show and then this past show hardly nothing.

I have also noticed the last two weeks during the credits the name...Frankie Valli...but not sure which character he is playing.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Who knows how it will pan out....maybe he will get a line...or maybe they are going to use him to replace another character.

Bad thing about Sopranos IMO is that they tend to switch may go 2-3 shows before you really see anything more then a 5 second clip of a character (if at all)...Look at Jr...he was all over one show and then this past show hardly nothing.

I have also noticed the last two weeks during the credits the name...Frankie Valli...but not sure which character he is playing.

He's the white headed guy that made the hit offer to Tony B.
We haven't mentioned Tony's big revelation......the reason why he missed the hijack that sent Tony B to prison. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Who knows how it will pan out....maybe he will get a line...or maybe they are going to use him to replace another character.

Bad thing about Sopranos IMO is that they tend to switch may go 2-3 shows before you really see anything more then a 5 second clip of a character (if at all)...Look at Jr...he was all over one show and then this past show hardly nothing.

I have also noticed the last two weeks during the credits the name...Frankie Valli...but not sure which character he is playing.

Franke Valli was the guy sitting directly across from Tony B when they offered the hit. He was on last week and in another scene this week. When he offered the hit, I kept hearing him singing "Walk like a man" and "Sherry".
Great thread. I like reading new insights...helps you catch the little things that you missed. It's so easy to do with this show.

Anyway, I posted this on the old board, but this site does an entertaining recap (although they are extremely long) of each Sopranos episode...and other shows.

Here's the "recaplet" of last Sunday:

This, my friends, is The Sopranos at its finest, with family, Family, fun, funerals, Freud, fainting, and foreshadowing, all in one episode. Tony Uncle Johnny is forced to lie to Johnny Sack to cover for Tony Uncle Al, whom he then promotes to casino manager, which causes Christopher no end of frustration. We also learn the truth about the night Diet Tony went to jail, as Regular Tony takes a metaphorical ****, and confesses to Melfi that he missed the hijacking due to a panic attack brought on by a fight with his mother. Amongst the younger generation, meanwhile, Meadow pulls some strings with daddy to get Finn a job working construction. At first, he bonds with the guys in the mafia crew (not to mention the cute secretary), but then a late-night visit to the job site reveals a shocking secret: Wide Guy is gay, and likes to blow security guards in the parking lot. This leads to the most ambiguous flirtation/intimidation scene ever filmed, causing Finn to fear for his life, and Wide Guy to get stood up at Yankee Stadium. On Bat Day. When Finn reacts to all this by threatening to move back to California, Meadow proceeds to browbeat him for eight hours straight until he finally proposes marriage just to shut her up. Carmela is surprisingly delighted to hear this news, although it's made all the more poignant by the fact that she spent the entire episode trying and failing to divorce Tony and get a fair share of their assets. But wait, there's more! Agent Sans Serif shows up just long enough to prove that she lied to Adriana about not having any kids, Sars gets a "Jersey tomato" shout-out, Aaron gets an Artie abuse shout-out, Little Paulie gets the crap kicked out of him, and AJ's arch-nemesis the bear returns, as just one of many "unidentified black males" to grace the episode.
The whole thing with Janice and the anger was pretty funny....however to be honest it would be great if they just got rid of her all together.

Also I have read that there will be a character from Friends that will have a spin off show....and guess what lady will be in that I wonder if they find out she has been talking with the FBI and gets whacked.
BrAinPaiNt said:
The whole thing with Janice and the anger was pretty funny....however to be honest it would be great if they just got rid of her all together.

Also I have read that there will be a character from Friends that will have a spin off show....and guess what lady will be in that I wonder if they find out she has been talking with the FBI and gets whacked.

Bobby should put a bullet or two in her. I read the story on Drea getting that other show and she said she'd be able to do both.
For a split second I thought Tony B was gonna whack Chrissy when they were digging. Buscemi has been great...hope they keep his character around for next season.
RoyBiscuit said:
For a split second I thought Tony B was gonna whack Chrissy when they were digging. Buscemi has been great...hope they keep his character around for next season.

I would be surprised to see him back because he's putting Tony in a bad position with Johnny Sack. At some point Tony is going to have to choose between the two.
Yeagermeister said:
I would be surprised to see him back because he's putting Tony in a bad position with Johnny Sack. At some point Tony is going to have to choose between the two.

Right...but I think he chooses his cousin because Johnny will continue to p!ss him off. Sets the stage for the "war" next season. If this does happen, I think Tony B doublecrosses Tony S in the series finale, maybe becoming the new boss? We already know he's a that he's getting his first taste of money and power with the casino, he might only want more.

The thing thats great about this show is that you just never know...usually things pan out in a way NOBODY predicts, and its always great TV. :)
RoyBiscuit said:
Right...but I think he chooses his cousin because Johnny will continue to p!ss him off. Sets the stage for the "war" next season. If this does happen, I think Tony B doublecrosses Tony S in the series finale, maybe becoming the new boss? We already know he's a that he's getting his first taste of money and power with the casino, he might only want more.

The thing thats great about this show is that you just never know...usually things pan out in a way NOBODY predicts, and its always great TV. :)

Has David Chase committed to another season?

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