Sopranos Thread

Yeagermeister said:
I noticed it also. What kind of business did she say she wanted to open?

She wanted to build a spec. home. Which, I believe, is a standard (as opposed to custom-built) home built off of set plans and specifications, and has limited options. It's kind of an in-vogue investment thing to do now to find a property and buy it, and then have a builder build a spec. home on it to sell. It's a lot cheaper and more profitable than building an expensive custom home.
If Artie found out about Adrianna getting wacked then maybe that would cause some trouble. I remember back in season 3 when he was obsessed with her, telling Tony that he 'loved her'.

Maybe that'll come up again, but I doubt it

It looked in the preview like Philly was beating up someone with glasses. Chances are it's just some scrub gangster who Philly's putting the screws to, trying to find out where Tony B is

Chrissy has to be a favourite to get killed off. I'd hate to see it, but with him losing Adrianna for the good of the family, he'll more than likely be upset with Tony unwilling to make a similar sacrifice with Tony B. If Tony tries to protect Tony B then Chrissy could get upset and cause alot of problems
Gaede said:
If Artie found out about Adrianna getting wacked then maybe that would cause some trouble. I remember back in season 3 when he was obsessed with her, telling Tony that he 'loved her'.

Maybe that'll come up again, but I doubt it

It looked in the preview like Philly was beating up someone with glasses. Chances are it's just some scrub gangster who Philly's putting the screws to, trying to find out where Tony B is

Chrissy has to be a favourite to get killed off. I'd hate to see it, but with him losing Adrianna for the good of the family, he'll more than likely be upset with Tony unwilling to make a similar sacrifice with Tony B. If Tony tries to protect Tony B then Chrissy could get upset and cause alot of problems

Here are my theories for Artie getting whacked.

1. The dream sequence mentioned by BP. The only guy alive in a car of dead people. Mentioned by Tony.
2. The ball is in Johnny Sack's court after Tony told him off. He will whack someone close to Tony for his comments and for knowing where Tony B is and not delivering. I see Chris, Tony B. and Bucco as the only options. Personally, I believe Tony B. and Chris will have major storylines in the next season. That leaves Bucco. In addition, this started with the killing of Joey Peeps, a close friend of Sack. Bucco, in turn, is a close friend of Tony. Sack retaliates by killing Bucco. This will be the flashpoint that ignites the war between NJ/NY for next season.
3. Tony's obsession with Bucco's ex wife. Why else would this be brought up both in the dream sequence and in conversation with Tony B? Opens up some story line channels for next season.
4. Bucco is the perfect guy to whack. He could start the NY/NJ war. He doesn't add a whole lot to the show. Tony would take it personally. To me, its inevitable that Johnny Sack whacks someone close to Tony to set off war between the two families.

Of course, I could be wrong. I don't know how many times Sopranos has started one way and then totally dropped what I thought would be an intriguing story line. I am still waiting for that crazy russian guy to come after Paulie and Chris.
junk said:
Here are my theories for Artie getting whacked.

1. The dream sequence mentioned by BP. The only guy alive in a car of dead people. Mentioned by Tony.
2. The ball is in Johnny Sack's court after Tony told him off. He will whack someone close to Tony for his comments and for knowing where Tony B is and not delivering. I see Chris, Tony B. and Bucco as the only options. Personally, I believe Tony B. and Chris will have major storylines in the next season. That leaves Bucco. In addition, this started with the killing of Joey Peeps, a close friend of Sack. Bucco, in turn, is a close friend of Tony. Sack retaliates by killing Bucco. This will be the flashpoint that ignites the war between NJ/NY for next season.
3. Tony's obsession with Bucco's ex wife. Why else would this be brought up both in the dream sequence and in conversation with Tony B? Opens up some story line channels for next season.
4. Bucco is the perfect guy to whack. He could start the NY/NJ war. He doesn't add a whole lot to the show. Tony would take it personally. To me, its inevitable that Johnny Sack whacks someone close to Tony to set off war between the two families.

Of course, I could be wrong. I don't know how many times Sopranos has started one way and then totally dropped what I thought would be an intriguing story line. I am still waiting for that crazy russian guy to come after Paulie and Chris.

But wasn't Joey Peeps being groomed as Johnny's right hand man so to speak?
Yeagermeister said:
But wasn't Joey Peeps being groomed as Johnny's right hand man so to speak?

Maybe so, I missed that part, all I remember them saying was that he was close to Sack and that is why they wanted him whacked.

I think the same for Bucco. Of course, he isn't a mafia guy either.

I am just speculating, maybe the writers do that to deliberately steer people off course.
One think I was hoping would happen, was to see Ade barf all over the FBI people again like she did when they first caught her a couple of seasons back...that was pretty funny....Also it was kind of funny when christopher was calling her his stinky valentine because of her problems.

You know when Tony called Ade and told her that Sil was picking her up...I knew right then and there that she was going to get killed....If it was just to the hospital then I think Tony would have picked her up.

Also, I know this is not where sil took ade...but when they were on the highway and he turned off...the Pine Barrens came right to my mind...and it was funny as I was watching it with someone else and he said....wonder why they never followed up on the russian.

Remember they never found the russians body, they never found Paulies car that was missing...and except for one time that Tony went back to see the other russian to launder his money...they never showed anything about him either.

One other point...later when Tony and Carm were looking at the land he was going to buy her, we all noticed it looked just like the place Sil took Ade....however did anyone notice that Tony looked like he was about to have another attack...maybe it was me, or maybe it was just real subtle...but he blinked his eyes a few times and looked a tad winded before sitting down.

So.....all along we have seen different things that have caused Tony to have his panic attacks....One was his mother, but she is dead was when he saw the uncle bens rice and it reminded him of his daughers black boyfriend and we know Tony is racist...well the boyfriend is no longer with meadow, we have Tony B who Tony S felt guilty for not helping that night because of his panic attacks...Tony S told Tony B so that should be cleared up.

Now we have him dreaming about his coach again....he may have mentioned his coach in the earlier seasons but I really do not remember the coach we can add Ades killing and possilby christoper starting on the sauce and drugs again.

Man this is really was a great episode and the next one should bring everything to a boil and it will suck because if we are lucky it will only be a year before the next season starts.

A couple of other things....if you look at the people close to Tony (as someone pointed out earlier)...there really are not many people left. Silvio, Paulie, Christoper, the Kids, Carm, Artie and a couple of the others besides his Cousin Tony B.

Not many people who could be taken out...Also expect a character or two to be added either in the last episode or beginning of next season to add some to the numbers and entertainment of the show.

I really wish they would show more of Paulie and Junior as I have been missing them of late, also I wish they would follow up with meadows boyfriend and Vito...I hope they do not leave that out in the air like they did with the Russian.

I plan on watching again tonight incase I missed a little.
Like I was not sure if Little Carmine just retired and gave the juice to Johnny...or if Johnny and crew took out little Carmine.
BrAinPaiNt said:
One think I was hoping would happen, was to see Ade barf all over the FBI people again like she did when they first caught her a couple of seasons back...that was pretty funny....Also it was kind of funny when christopher was calling her his stinky valentine because of her problems.

You know when Tony called Ade and told her that Sil was picking her up...I knew right then and there that she was going to get killed....If it was just to the hospital then I think Tony would have picked her up.

Also, I know this is not where sil took ade...but when they were on the highway and he turned off...the Pine Barrens came right to my mind...and it was funny as I was watching it with someone else and he said....wonder why they never followed up on the russian.

Remember they never found the russians body, they never found Paulies car that was missing...and except for one time that Tony went back to see the other russian to launder his money...they never showed anything about him either.

One other point...later when Tony and Carm were looking at the land he was going to buy her, we all noticed it looked just like the place Sil took Ade....however did anyone notice that Tony looked like he was about to have another attack...maybe it was me, or maybe it was just real subtle...but he blinked his eyes a few times and looked a tad winded before sitting down.

So.....all along we have seen different things that have caused Tony to have his panic attacks....One was his mother, but she is dead was when he saw the uncle bens rice and it reminded him of his daughers black boyfriend and we know Tony is racist...well the boyfriend is no longer with meadow, we have Tony B who Tony S felt guilty for not helping that night because of his panic attacks...Tony S told Tony B so that should be cleared up.

Now we have him dreaming about his coach again....he may have mentioned his coach in the earlier seasons but I really do not remember the coach we can add Ades killing and possilby christoper starting on the sauce and drugs again.

Man this is really was a great episode and the next one should bring everything to a boil and it will suck because if we are lucky it will only be a year before the next season starts.

A couple of other things....if you look at the people close to Tony (as someone pointed out earlier)...there really are not many people left. Silvio, Paulie, Christoper, the Kids, Carm, Artie and a couple of the others besides his Cousin Tony B.

Not many people who could be taken out...Also expect a character or two to be added either in the last episode or beginning of next season to add some to the numbers and entertainment of the show.

I really wish they would show more of Paulie and Junior as I have been missing them of late, also I wish they would follow up with meadows boyfriend and Vito...I hope they do not leave that out in the air like they did with the Russian.

I plan on watching again tonight incase I missed a little.
Like I was not sure if Little Carmine just retired and gave the juice to Johnny...or if Johnny and crew took out little Carmine.

I thought about the Pine Barrens and I agree Tony did look like he was having an attack at the end.
Yeagermeister said:
I thought about the Pine Barrens and I agree Tony did look like he was having an attack at the end.

The pine barrens was one of my favorite shows....this last one may have been better.
I think Little Carmine just gave up. When he was standing in front of the fire, it sounded like he basically conceded.

So how does a mob war shake down? Just a bunch of whack jobs until somebody gives up?

Maybe Goose will get in on the action instead of just lurking in the background.
I think Goose is definitely going to get in on the action...He's perfect in that role...They do have him lurking about alot, I think he's only been talked to once, but that is a way they introduce some of their characters.

I think this Jimmy guy, with the crooked eye, who was sitting next to Johnny Sack during the sitdown with Tony and Philly, is gonna have a role to play too. I found it odd why they showed this guy now and never before. He looks nuts
Gaede said:
I think Goose is definitely going to get in on the action...He's perfect in that role...They do have him lurking about alot, I think he's only been talked to once, but that is a way they introduce some of their characters.

I think this Jimmy guy, with the crooked eye, who was sitting next to Johnny Sack during the sitdown with Tony and Philly, is gonna have a role to play too. I found it odd why they showed this guy now and never before. He looks nuts

Is he the same one who called Tony and told about Johnny Sack taking over by alluding to it as a tennis match?
Gaede said:
I think Goose is definitely going to get in on the action...He's perfect in that role...They do have him lurking about alot, I think he's only been talked to once, but that is a way they introduce some of their characters.

I think this Jimmy guy, with the crooked eye, who was sitting next to Johnny Sack during the sitdown with Tony and Philly, is gonna have a role to play too. I found it odd why they showed this guy now and never before. He looks nuts

Everytime I see that he looks like buddy hackett.
junk said:
Is he the same one who called Tony and told about Johnny Sack taking over by alluding to it as a tennis match?

I'm not sure...He looked the same and when he said "my guy won" it would definitely indicate he's on johnny's team.

I don't know what he'd be talking to Tony for though, at the sitdown he looked very angry at Tony and Sil
Gaede said:
I'm not sure...He looked the same and when he said "my guy won" it would definitely indicate he's on johnny's team.

I don't know what he'd be talking to Tony for though, at the sitdown he looked very angry at Tony and Sil

I thought that was odd as well.

But I guess maybe they wanted Tony to know for sure that Little Carmine was out and now Johnny was in charge.

Also could the guy close to Tony that gets get back at tony for not giving up Tony B....could that person be...Junior?

Now he has not been on the show much past the first of the season, in the previews Tony is talking with JR....we all know that although Tony gets frustrated by JR and that JR had a hit out on Tony at one time....we know that Tony still loves JR.

One other thing...after looking at the previews again last night....there was a quick flash of someone wearing a hat and sunglasses, looked like maybe a long coat and sitting in a was hard to be sure as it was so fast but it looked like christopher.
BrAinPaiNt said:
I thought that was odd as well.

But I guess maybe they wanted Tony to know for sure that Little Carmine was out and now Johnny was in charge.

Also could the guy close to Tony that gets get back at tony for not giving up Tony B....could that person be...Junior?

Now he has not been on the show much past the first of the season, in the previews Tony is talking with JR....we all know that although Tony gets frustrated by JR and that JR had a hit out on Tony at one time....we know that Tony still loves JR.

One other thing...after looking at the previews again last night....there was a quick flash of someone wearing a hat and sunglasses, looked like maybe a long coat and sitting in a was hard to be sure as it was so fast but it looked like christopher.

I can't see them whacking JR. He has no power and is a sick old man. No honor in that.
Yeagermeister said:
I can't see them whacking JR. He has no power and is a sick old man. No honor in that.

Not much honor in any of it really....however it seems like they are phasing JR out as he has not been on the show much....I really wonder if he has had some medical problems in real life.
I just realized that after watching the new show. It's been ages since we saw Junior. I saw an interview with the actor who plays his caretaker before the new season began and he was very unhappy with his screen time so I doubt we'll see much more of Junior.
TruBlueCowboy said:
I just realized that after watching the new show. It's been ages since we saw Junior. I saw an interview with the actor who plays his caretaker before the new season began and he was very unhappy with his screen time so I doubt we'll see much more of Junior.

There really isn't much for his character to do in any of the storylines.
whoa, the season finale is days away and I finally find this Soprano forum!

Oh well, here's my season finale tidbit forecast...while faced with all mafia hell, Tony continues to wrestle with the VCR/TV and discovers his cousin's video focusing on his gut and Carmen's arse,,,
EGG said:
whoa, the season finale is days away and I finally find this Soprano forum!

Oh well, here's my season finale tidbit forecast...while faced with all mafia hell, Tony continues to wrestle with the VCR/TV and discovers his cousin's video focusing on his gut and Carmen's arse,,,

It's not showing this week because of that heart operation movie.

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