Sopranos Thread

EGG said:
whoa, the season finale is days away and I finally find this Soprano forum!

Oh well, here's my season finale tidbit forecast...while faced with all mafia hell, Tony continues to wrestle with the VCR/TV and discovers his cousin's video focusing on his gut and Carmen's arse,,,

Oh yes I forgot about may have found the missing link.

So do you think Tony will take out Tony B and then give him to John as a peace offering....or just Call John and tell him where his cousin is at so Philly can do the hit?
and here are my new thoughts on the finale... POSSIBLE MILD SPOILER.

First of all, Johnny Sack's "payback"/"send a message" hit: Patsy Parisi.

I think that the guy in the car that Philly is choking is Patsy Parisi. If it's not Patsy, then it's not a major character, because it certainly wasn't Christopher or Junior or any other person I recognized. There was another scene where three or four guys are attacking someone in a car. So I vote for Patsy.

Second, either Philly or Tony B. will get it.

There was a very very short scene, right after the words "HELL HATH NO FURY" appeared. It was a one-second shot, and it showed Philly entering Uncle Pat's farmhouse late at night.
An earlier scene in the "coming attractions" showed Tony B. sleeping on the floor of the house, and this past week, Tony realized that's where his cousin was hiding out.
So it seems that Philly discovers somehow where Tony B. is (does Tony tell him, or how does he find out?) and goes up there to kill him. Unless Tony B has been tipped off and is gone, one of them surely has to die.
I guess I'll vote for Philly getting it and Tony B. going on the lam.

It also appears that Christopher is going to kill someone. He talks about "proving himself" to Tony. And in another scene, he's in disguise, apparently tracking someone.

Maybe Chris is sent up to Uncle Pat's to take out Philly and warn Tony B. Silvio also seems to be prominently featured in the preview.
Nothing about Finn and Vito. :(
Danny White said:
and here are my new thoughts on the finale... POSSIBLE MILD SPOILER.

First of all, Johnny Sack's "payback"/"send a message" hit: Patsy Parisi.

I think that the guy in the car that Philly is choking is Patsy Parisi. If it's not Patsy, then it's not a major character, because it certainly wasn't Christopher or Junior or any other person I recognized. There was another scene where three or four guys are attacking someone in a car. So I vote for Patsy.

Second, either Philly or Tony B. will get it.

There was a very very short scene, right after the words "HELL HATH NO FURY" appeared. It was a one-second shot, and it showed Philly entering Uncle Pat's farmhouse late at night.
An earlier scene in the "coming attractions" showed Tony B. sleeping on the floor of the house, and this past week, Tony realized that's where his cousin was hiding out.
So it seems that Philly discovers somehow where Tony B. is (does Tony tell him, or how does he find out?) and goes up there to kill him. Unless Tony B has been tipped off and is gone, one of them surely has to die.
I guess I'll vote for Philly getting it and Tony B. going on the lam.

It also appears that Christopher is going to kill someone. He talks about "proving himself" to Tony. And in another scene, he's in disguise, apparently tracking someone.

Maybe Chris is sent up to Uncle Pat's to take out Philly and warn Tony B. Silvio also seems to be prominently featured in the preview.
Nothing about Finn and Vito. :(

Wasn't Patsy shown in one of the first episodes of the season giving the Feds info?
Yeagermeister said:
Wasn't Patsy shown in one of the first episodes of the season giving the Feds info?

You know, I thought the same thing, but I accidentally erased that episode off my TIVO and couldn't go back and check.

Also, Patsy once almost took out Tony after his twin brother (also called Philly) was murdered in the Junior/Tony shakeup.

It was a great scene where Patsy had a gun and was in Tony's backyard. He aimed at Tony through the window, but then thought better of it. Then he peed in Tony's pool. :D

Patsy has been bitter at Tony ever since he killed his twin, and it certainly wouldn't be a stretch if he was snitching.
interesting, it could definitely be Patsy that Philly is attacking in the preview.

The guy in the car has glasses, that's all I can tell...Junior (wouldn't be driving) and Patsy I think are the only main characters with glasses.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Oh yes I forgot about may have found the missing link.

So do you think Tony will take out Tony B and then give him to John as a peace offering....or just Call John and tell him where his cousin is at so Philly can do the hit?

There are so many designed angles on Tony B's character that anything could happen of course,,, but nothing final this season IMHO, he's too good a character to kill off already. Tony Soprano doesn't give up Tony B, he gives him yet another pass.
After seeing the preview again that is Cris in the car with the hat and sunglasses on.
Yeagermeister said:
After seeing the preview again that is Cris in the car with the hat and sunglasses on.

In the one scene, yes. But in the scene where Philly is beating up someone, it's a different person in regular glasses.

I guess we'll see in a week!
[neil young] toniiiiiiiiiiiight's the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight [/neil young]

can't wait...
So, what did you guys think??

I thought it was one of the better season finales they have had.
Rayman said:
So, what did you guys think??

I thought it was one of the better season finales they have had.

I was surprised that Tony S whacked Tony B but it was good business I guess. When the feds came after Johnny Sack at first I thought it was Phil coming after Tony. I think a coup is being setup on Tony for next season.

Which guy was it that setup Johhny?
I think it shows that Chris' Chick was setting Tony up. But, it was preatty good when he realized he just ran 3 miles for no good reason.
All along I was thinking the one guy was setting up Tony...but maybe he was really setting up Johnny.

Very interesting show last night....notice Tony coming out of the woods when sneaking back home...just like the bear coming out of the woods earlier in the season.

Also this sets up some interesting scenarios next season...will Tony be the boss over both areas now with Johnny going and all of his men going to trial.

Poor Jr is really losing it one time he was doing it as an act...but now it is the real deal.

Funny when Tony found the old Painting that Paulie had kept. But after paulie telling him it was Tony as a General and after tony threw his tantrum and finally started thinking about it...he finally realized that he IS the leader and a leader needs to make the hard decisions...even if they are toward his own blood.

Also did anyone else get the feeling that he knows something about Vito...I wonder if meadow or her fiance told tony what happened because he acted kind of funny towards vito when he stopped by the birthday party.

It was also funny with Tony and Carm talking about AJ being an even coordinator.

When Tony met with Johnny....he broke out the evil look...the look that says if you do not do what I say there will be hell to pay...and then Johnny too came to his senses...however with the Feds coming I wonder if Johnny will think Tony had something to do with it.

I heard on the radio that we will have to wait for 18 months before the next (and final) season that sucks.
The guy who set up Johnny Sack was mentioned earlier in this thread. He was in the last episode, Jimmy, right next to Johnny Sack when he and Tony had a sit down. Philly was at the table, Tony was saying "my condolences" and that stuff, Philly exploded, and JIMMY told him to go get a drink

He was also the guy who phoned Tony to tell him that Carmine quit and Johnny was now the boss of New York

That's the only Jimmy in New York I know of

:eek: great episode. I don't think anybody expected it. Tony didn't even hesitate to kill his own cousin -- definitely indicating how he hasn't failed as a leader. He did something he didn't want to, but it was for the better of his family.

His 'escape' was classic

Great episode...
Gaede said:
The guy who set up Johnny Sack was mentioned earlier in this thread. He was in the last episode, Jimmy, right next to Johnny Sack when he and Tony had a sit down. Philly was at the table, Tony was saying "my condolences" and that stuff, Philly exploded, and JIMMY told him to go get a drink

He was also the guy who phoned Tony to tell him that Carmine quit and Johnny was now the boss of New York

That's the only Jimmy in New York I know of

:eek: great episode. I don't think anybody expected it. Tony didn't even hesitate to kill his own cousin -- definitely indicating how he hasn't failed as a leader. He did something he didn't want to, but it was for the better of his family.

His 'escape' was classic

Great episode...

Thanks for clearing that up...but what is going on with the guy talking to the feds that at one time was going to shoot Tony before thinking twice and peeing in the pool.

That part was confusing me because I thought he was ratting on tony and then we see Johnny getting arrested.

I will have to watch the show again to catch a little more. that sig line pic.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Thanks for clearing that up...but what is going on with the guy talking to the feds that at one time was going to shoot Tony before thinking twice and peeing in the pool.

That part was confusing me because I thought he was ratting on tony and then we see Johnny getting arrested.

I will have to watch the show again to catch a little more. that sig line pic.

I was wrong about that. Those are two different guys. Patsy was the one who peed in the pool. Ray (the birthday guy) is the one who is ratting them out.

Then, there's a third guy -- Jimmy Patrile -- who ratted out Johnny.

But Patsy and Ray were the guys I was confusing. They look similar.

I also think it was funny that I was making such a big deal about the guy in the car getting beat up who had glasses on. In the first 5 minutes, they show both Patsy and Ray wearing glasses. And then, for the first time ever, they make a huge deal about Benny (Chris' lackey) wearing glasses. Talk about making me confused.

I was also wondering if they were going to bring Doogie Howser out to patch up his old buddy Vinny Delpino. :D Same actor, of course, as the guy who plays Benny.

Also, some more classic Sopranos scenes in this episode.

** Tony's heart to heart with Sil.
** Tony's very awkward encounter with Paulie at Paulie's house.
** "Tony the Bear" at the very end of the episode, walking through his backyard.
Danny White said:
I was wrong about that. Those are two different guys. Patsy was the one who peed in the pool. Ray (the birthday guy) is the one who is ratting them out.

Then, there's a third guy -- Jimmy Patrile -- who ratted out Johnny.

But Patsy and Ray were the guys I was confusing. They look similar.

I also think it was funny that I was making such a big deal about the guy in the car getting beat up who had glasses on. In the first 5 minutes, they show both Patsy and Ray wearing glasses. And then, for the first time ever, they make a huge deal about Benny (Chris' lackey) wearing glasses. Talk about making me confused.

I was also wondering if they were going to bring Doogie Howser out to patch up his old buddy Vinny Delpino. :D Same actor, of course, as the guy who plays Benny.

Also, some more classic Sopranos scenes in this episode.

** Tony's heart to heart with Sil.
** Tony's very awkward encounter with Paulie at Paulie's house.
** "Tony the Bear" at the very end of the episode, walking through his backyard.

Thank you for saying who the kid that got beat up was....I kept trying to figure out where I seen the guy before.
BrAinPaiNt said:
Also did anyone else get the feeling that he knows something about Vito...I wonder if meadow or her fiance told tony what happened because he acted kind of funny towards vito when he stopped by the birthday party.

You may be right about this, but... right before Tony arrives at the party, Vito had just said: "I'm willing to die for a good cause. This is bull****."

I think Tony gave him the stink-eye because either he overheard this, or the producers want you to think that he maybe overheard it.

One other thing I thought was hilarious about this episode I forgot to mention: the Gardener! That poor slob.

Remember, he's working at all of their houses for FREE! He's always in the background looking pissed as hell. And then he has to get arrested! What a sad sack.

Last thing: anyone catch what Tony's lawyer was saying to him after the Johnny Sack bust? He says something about "be of good cheer" but then he says some thing like "or you could rub a hunchback's hump" or something crazy like that? Did anyone else hear that? And if so, what in the world does that mean??
Danny White said:
You may be right about this, but... right before Tony arrives at the party, Vito had just said: "I'm willing to die for a good cause. This is bull****."

I think Tony gave him the stink-eye because either he overheard this, or the producers want you to think that he maybe overheard it.

One other thing I thought was hilarious about this episode I forgot to mention: the Gardener! That poor slob.

Remember, he's working at all of their houses for FREE! He's always in the background looking pissed as hell. And then he has to get arrested! What a sad sack.

Last thing: anyone catch what Tony's lawyer was saying to him after the Johnny Sack bust? He says something about "be of good cheer" but then he says some thing like "or you could rub a hunchback's hump" or something crazy like that? Did anyone else hear that? And if so, what in the world does that mean??

I think that is what the lawyer was saying....I can only guess that it means don't get bummed because things could get worse and that in some ways this is actually GOOD for Tony as Johnny and gang will be tied up in court and watched even closer then they were before.

About the actual saying...I have never heard it before but he did say something along if you see a hunchback rub the hunch.
BrAinPaiNt said:
About the actual saying...I have never heard it before but he did say something along if you see a hunchback rub the hunch.

OK, I looked this up.
It's supposedly good luck to rub a hunchback's hump. So I guess he's saying that either the situation is good luck for Tony in that he's lucky to be free, or that he's going to need some good luck soon.

Too bad about the long lay-off until next year. I guess I'll just have to watch "Joey" to get any sort of Sopranos fix. Adriana Lives!

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