Sorry, but I think this video board is ridiculous

Sammy Baugh;2900677 said:
But none of those do-overs have been caused by the stadium.

The stadium exists for the sake of the game. There is absolutely no reason why the stadium itself should interfere with the game to the point of a do-over. That should never happen, not even once.

When the stadium interferes with the game to the point of causing do-overs, that is a poorly designed stadium. It is just that simple.

This troll still here?
Sammy Baugh;2900454 said:
I would argue that the situation, if unrectified, puts Dallas at a long-term disadvantage in two ways:

1) punting redos benefit the receiving team, as the coverage team will be more winded for the redo. Given that Dallas will face that situation more than other teams, since the screens are in Dallas, we might see Dallas give up an extra number of big returns. This remains true unless Dallas punters learn to kick around the screens, which brings me to my second point:

2) if Dallas punters learn to kick around the screens, that will reduce their effectiveness. They will learn to have less hang time. They will learn to direct punts away from the screens rather than to the most strategic locations.
If it handicaps us more than any other team what exactly is your problem with it? You have no stake in this at all.
Sammy Baugh;2900677 said:
But none of those do-overs have been caused by the stadium.

The stadium exists for the sake of the game. There is absolutely no reason why the stadium itself should interfere with the game to the point of a do-over. That should never happen, not even once.

When the stadium interferes with the game to the point of causing do-overs, that is a poorly designed stadium. It is just that simple.

So when Ray Guy hit the scoreboard in the Louisiana Superdome, the stadium was poorly designed? Even though, to my understanding, it was never raised and never hit by an NFL punter gain?
M'Kevon;2900716 said:
So when Ray Guy hit the scoreboard in the Louisiana Superdome, the stadium was poorly designed? Even though, to my understanding, it was never raised and never hit by an NFL punter gain?

Slapped him right in the festering gob below his nose.
M'Kevon;2900716 said:
So when Ray Guy hit the scoreboard in the Louisiana Superdome, the stadium was poorly designed? Even though, to my understanding, it was never raised and never hit by an NFL punter gain?

Wow. Someone hit that scoreboard? Amazing.
M'Kevon;2900716 said:
So when Ray Guy hit the scoreboard in the Louisiana Superdome, the stadium was poorly designed? Even though, to my understanding, it was never raised and never hit by an NFL punter gain?

The Superdome video screens were raised after Guy hit the gondola.

They started out 100 feet above the field. But some fans complained about not being able to see them, so they were lowered to 90 feet. After Guy hit the gondola, they were raised to 200 feet.
AdamJT13;2900760 said:
The Superdome video screens were raised after Guy hit the gondola.

They started out 100 feet above the field. But some fans complained about not being able to see them, so they were lowered to 90 feet. After Guy hit the gondola, they were raised to 200 feet.

Uh oh. Adam just guaranteed 12 more pages in this thread. :D
While I was at the stadium watching the game, honestly the very last thing on earth I could have imagined was that (some) Cowboys fans would be complaining about the video screen. There are things I can see complaining about, but not that.

If you haven't been to a game and experienced it, then you simply don't understand what is going on. It's a totally different football experience than anything you've ever had, and if you're complaining, ever imagined. The difference is like the difference between going to a park and watching a game that doesn't have down markers or a scoreboard and trying to keep up with what's going on, vs going to a game at Texas Stadium, where they had electronic scoreboards, seats, an announcer, a big screen where you could see replays (albeit hard to make out sometimes), music, etc. The difference between the football you know now and the football experience at the new Cowboys Stadium is that huge. And you are the guy standing at the park, saying "damn, I think it's stupid to go play a game in a big concrete building when it's just fine here at the park. We dont' need all those blinking lights and music and all that stuff to watch a damn game, it's fine right here at the park."
My only complaint from watching on TV is that there's still too much bare concrete. I'm glad they had the blue walls and white stars at the end zones, but they could have done something with a lot of the other bare concrete walls.

Oh, and I'm guessing that the team or the NFL will be banning the fans in the field-level suites from sitting their kids on the railing a few yards away from the corner of the end zone. That could have been bad.
AdamJT13;2900760 said:
The Superdome video screens were raised after Guy hit the gondola.

They started out 100 feet above the field. But some fans complained about not being able to see them, so they were lowered to 90 feet. After Guy hit the gondola, they were raised to 200 feet.

Did not know that, and The Google failed me.

I was happy to find it after having the memory bug me for a few days.
AdamJT13;2900774 said:
My only complaint from watching on TV is that there's still too much bare concrete. I'm glad they had the blue walls and white stars at the end zones, but they could have done something with a lot of the other bare concrete walls.

The ring of honor, the banners, the star in the middle of the field, etc. are all yet to be added. I hear what you're saying, but they're not done yet.
AdamJT13;2900499 said:
McBriar said the only way he'd hit it is if it was a bad kick.

So... Advantage punting team. No matter how you spin it, it's unfair.
The exterior of those field level suites need to be painted blue or silver or something.
YoMick;2900049 said:
The current scoreboard is a joke. IMO.

you should probably just stop talking, because the issue being talked about isn't a scoreboard. IT'S A VIDEOBOARD!!!
YoMick;2900147 said:

Yeah its the same thing. I often see the actors "acting" out the movie right under the movie screen.

Yep. Same thing.


wow. that really was a pretty stupid argument from you. good try though.
theogt;2900498 said:
You're not physically going to hit the thing if you're kicking for distance. The only way someone can physically kick it is if they're kicking straight up and the ball would only go 30 yards downfield.

The punt that did hit it was only going to go 25-30 yards had it not hit the board. That's just a bad punt.

The punt that hit the board went 27 yards before landing.

You're right when you say that you won't hit it if you go for distance but there are also times when you aren't going for distance. What if you are in opposing territory and you want max height? You'll hit the thing.

If that punt went 27 with it hitting the board, it would have went further if it wouldn't have hit the board.

Also, if you hear Buck after the 2nd kick he says "it was high enough, certainly, but it was off to the side". The punter had enough height on his second kick to hit the board and that kick went 47 yards.

But even without that, there are still times when height and hang time are more important than distance.

I think its being pretty conservative to say that the guys 1st kick would have only went 30 yards but I'll go with that. Pretty much only adding 3 yards to his kick but we'll go with that.

30 yards in distance. 15 yards in distance for the rise of the punt and 15 yards in distance for the fall of punt. Probably nothing close to what the punt really did in terms of rising and falling distance because the actual punt was angled toward one sideline and bounced back toward the other. But just for arguments sake, lets go with it.

If you are at the opponents 40 yard line, you really don't want to kick it more than 30 yards.

So your kicker bombs it up as far as he can from that spot and the screen is still in the way. The ball would, in theory, reach its peak directly above the 25 yard line and the screen still has another 5 yards of width. And thats 5 yards if you aren't counting the side screens tacked onto the main thing.

The screen needs to be moved. Maybe they could get away with removing that big *** Mitsubishi logo and put it on the top of the board but something needs to be done. Replaying downs because someone is too damn stubborn to own up and move the thing is ridiculous.

Its not good for anyone. Even if you want to call it a bad kick, giving a kicker another shot to correct it is insane. If that first put would have went 30 yards, Dallas gets the ball at the 35. Instead, they got the ball at the 17 cause that guy got another shot. Pretty big difference.
AdamJT13;2900760 said:
The Superdome video screens were raised after Guy hit the gondola.

They started out 100 feet above the field. But some fans complained about not being able to see them, so they were lowered to 90 feet. After Guy hit the gondola, they were raised to 200 feet.

You creep me out at times. How you know some of this stuff is nuts.
why dont you actually go to a game and enjoy the screen before you post a car with big wheels up? Im sure it will change your mind. Especially if you are sitting in the 400 sections. Even the players were looking up at it all game.
This video board is the billionaire's version of the overbuilt McMansion with its still-too-big for the room home theater system. Fugly.

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