Spags is still bitter!

Also, to add to the previous post...a gentleman sold Quincy his home, not a female.
kartr said:
Carter haters are traitors
They'd rather lose without him
Than win with him
They hate the only qb since Aikman
to beat the hated Eagles
They hate their only playoff qb since Aikman
even though he has a winning record
They say the defense carried him,
but last year revealed that it was the defense
that was using smoke and mirrors,
Gee, what could be the agenda
of these Cowboy fan pretendas?

You are putting a player above the team.

A player who let his team down and then got cut.

A player who did it again in NY and did not get re-signed.

A player still without a job.

You keep hinting at it, why not just say it? You got a pair?:jerk:
BrownSugar said:
Also, to add to the previous post...a gentleman sold Quincy his home, not a female.

Thank you for sharing that. I'm convinced 100% that this is nothing more than a rumor. Little facts like this can be important when discussing these things. I'm actually relieved.

That being said, I really hope we bring in someone to back up Bledsoe ...
kartr said:
Carter haters are traitors
They'd rather lose without him
Than win with him
They hate the only qb since Aikman
to beat the hated Eagles
They hate their only playoff qb since Aikman
even though he has a winning record
They say the defense carried him,
but last year revealed that it was the defense
that was using smoke and mirrors,
Gee, what could be the agenda
of these Cowboy fan pretendas?

RIGHT! Quincy never done anything wrong! It's the world against him, right? In your eyes, QC has never done anything wrong, right? He does not have to account for anything in his life, right?

Please, tell us about your agenda, kartr! And, I know who you are, and I just knew that at some point you would become frustrated and bring out the "AGENDA" ploy...your too easy, boy! I've seen you do this many, many, many, times...

Poor QC, can't catch a's everyone else's fault but his, right!

Banned_n_austin said:
Better than "lost" and crappy.

Hey, at least I've got the nads to throw something out there that I know I'm going to take heat for.

You, on the other hand, are busy jock-riding Henson from a 5 year old scouting report. And basing your assesment while having never seen him play other than his 1 and a half games last year.

I swear, you're just like a little kid.

Have you noticed how people like ABQ, Hos and many others are able to disagree with out acting like a 5 year old like you do?

My advice would be to take notes from them. This is going to be a long season. And I'll rub your nose in **** the whole time if you keep it up.

That's a promise, you litte flake.

I'm shaking so bad I can hardly type.

I see when you agree with something I say, I'm spot on and insightful. When you disagree I'm a troll, a child, and bring no substance, got it.

Real adult of you by the way.;)
blindzebra said:
I'm shaking so bad I can hardly type.

I see when you agree with something I say, I'm spot on and insightful. When you disagree I'm a troll, a child, and bring no substance, got it.

Real adult of you by the way.;)

I thought you were a horse without eyes! :laugh2:
blindzebra said:
I'm shaking so bad I can hardly type.

I see when you agree with something I say, I'm spot on and insightful. When you disagree I'm a troll, a child, and bring no substance, got it.

Real adult of you by the way.;)


We'll see how bold you are with your ghey little smilies when your boy is either the #3 QB or not on the roster at all.

My guess is you'll have your foot in your mouth so far you won't be able to talk.

BTW, How's Henson looking this year to beat out Bledsoe?


Keep it up with you little childish remarks. This is going to be fun.
dargonking999 said:
kartr i like QC to, think he's a decent QB but umm i think QC records worse than that and he hasnt been playing as long. so i wouldnt exactly throw out that stat

Carter has beaten Bledsoe,head to head. He also has a winning record against, Kurt Warner,Steve McNair,Kerry Collins,Jeff Garcia, with the Browns and the Niners, Vinny, as well as and first round qb's Harrington and Ramsey. Back in college he led Georgia to bowl victories over both Brees and Aaron Brooks. Don't you think these are an awful lot of coincidences. Victories over pro bowl qb's, super bowl qb's and first round qb's, whether his team is favored or not is usually a pretty good indicator that he must be doing something right. If you changed the name from Quincy Carter to another one, I think people here would be all over QC's jock. Look at Kerry Collins competion percentage and at Bledsoe's. These guys have a ton more experience than Carter, yet their numbers in these categories are only marginally better. Both guys have been given numerous chances, but what went wrong was never their fault, but in Carter's 31 starts in Dallas, everything was all his fault,coaching,rb's too old or undrafted,wr's cant catch
or run good routes. There's just too many inconsistencies in the anti-Carter views on this board.
Banned_n_austin said:
Pesonally, if we signed Quincy, I'd have no problem with him taking the #3 spot away from Henson.

Are you kidding, he'd easily push Bledsoe for the starting job.
Banned_n_austin said:
A blind jackass ...

I'm childish?

Who's doing the insulting?

Who's making threats?

You want an adult debate, how about acting like one.
And if we had the same opportunity to sign say Ricky Williams, would you share the same opinion?

I would. Ricky may be a flake, but he's a good back, a proven good back.
When you've had as many losing seasons as we've had lately, you can't be too proud, you've got to take some chances. Carter and Ricky could both help each other if they were on the same team. Alcoholics frequently have a 'buddy' to help them stay on the straight and narrow. These guys are young men. For heavens sakes, we've had Presidents and wonna be presidents admit to drug use as young persons. How does this sound? You can be president if you've used drugs, but you can't play football. Who do young people look up to more, the President or a football player? And it really doesn't matter anyway, kids need to learn that adults make mistakes and should be given more chances to turn their lives around. What message are we sending to kids, if we tell them, make one mistake and your life is over, your career is over, that's just crazy.
kartr said:
Are you kidding, he'd easily push Bledsoe for the starting job.

I wouldn't go that far. Bledsoe is a much better passer IMO if given protection. QC doesn't have the mentality for the game like Bledsoe does. He's immature like our litte friend in this thread. Once a guy has a drug problem, he'll always have that problem ... too much of a risk as far as the mental aspect goes.

On the other hand, Parcells did have a relatively successful season with QC behind center.

I see your point, I just don't agree.
Alexander said:
Dream on.

Boy, you people sure are devoted groupies.

You never met a fact that you liked, unless it served your own agenda.
kartr said:
You never met a fact that you liked, unless it served your own agenda.

Someone who's made up more "facts" than anyone in forum history, should really not go there.
kartr said:
Carter and Ricky could both help each other if they were on the same team.

You got that right, for once! They each could pitch in for a dime bag.... :laugh2:
Banned_n_austin said:
How is Henson coming along in beating out Bledsoe?

Show me a post where I said he was going to, or should I file this one with you claiming I said I was an intern writing on the Cowboys.

Picking a fight works better if you are not screwing up during the attack.;)
Honestly, lets examin this business of bringing QC back. Lets just say we did that. Lets say we have a QB rotation of Bledsoe, Henson/Romo and Carter. What would happen if Bledsoe went down? We would be in a situation where we would have an inexperienced, untested player and a guy who would be on his 4th strike.

What is the 4th strike anyway?

How much sense would this make?

If I'm BP or a GM, there's no way I would introduce this into the equation. Very little upside and tons of risk associated.

Where do you get this 4th strike stuff? Quincy has only failed one test that counts. Jerry's doesn't count because that would be like letting the fox in the hen house. You let teams test their people. That would allow to protect the people they wanted to keep, regardless of what they had done, or get rid of players just cause they didn't like them anymore. It's the reason that you weren't allowed to grade your own test in school, or you parents for that matter. The NFL is an unbiased entity, that's why Jerry's test doesn't count. In fact, we don't really know if QC really failed that test or not, and probably Bill doesn't know for sure either. We all just have Jerry's word for it. Jerry pulled a similar stunt with the Denny Green 'phone interview'. Jerry's a rule-breaker, he thinks that just because he's a billionaire, rules only apply to other people, that's why intervened when a member of his church caravan was stopped for a traffic violation and said, 'this is my party, do you know who I am?.
Mash said:
Well the Cowboys as Micheal Irvin reports..did try to resign him last year before he went to the Jets...

I just would love to see Carter back here just so I can get a laugh out the reaction Spags would would be priceless

Yes it would.

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