Sporting News ranks the coaches


Taco Engineer
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No, it’s your interpretation of the events. If you don’t agree that Jerry fired Tom which even he admits he should have handled better and ran Jimmy off early then your not admitting how the events unfolded. But that’s fine . If you don’t see it by now it’s not going to change. History is on my side as most would agree. It’s a futile effort and really a waste of time to discuss. Your welcome to make this personal as you again appear to have an agenda with me.
You're wrong. You're blaming Jones for firing Landry? Even if it were Jones' idea to fire Landry, so what? The franchise was in the toilet and the team was in a slump. Your entire point is idiotic. Landry never coached again, it was time. Maybe if Bumm cleaned up his own mess and didn't pass on the responsibility? I'm not even a huge fans of Jerry, but some fans go nutty with blame.
2nd, When did Jones admit to running Johnson out? There is factual evidence of statements made by Johnson himself saying he never planned on staying in Dallas for more than 5 years. This departure was a 2 way street. NOT all on Jones and you continue to twist.
And 3rd, BP was also at the end of his coaching career. I would feel different about all of them had they continued coaching at a high level.

So now you're inviting this conversation to get personal? What a childish and pathetic thing to post. You're not that important. You can't even keep from going off topic and suggesting and welcoming personal responses. How sad.


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If Garrett fell off a cliff tomorrow, I would even blink, so don't think of this as some defense of him.

But you can't just look at him in a vacuum without thinking of those two clowns who are his bosses, the drunken used car salesman and his son. I doubt anyone worth anything could reasonably crack the top ten with this type of working environment. Being #12 has to be some kind of miracle.


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Part of being a good coach is knowing what your players do best and using their individual talents to help you win. For instance, asking a big bodied WR to run misdirection routes is just bad coaching. Misdirection routes are for smaller quicker WR. Your big bodied WR should be running more post, seems, and slants. That's just common sense. And if a coach doesn't have common sense then he's going to hold his team back.
I don't disagree. but as a DC if your big bodied WR is always running those routes, then I know your tendencies and I can easily defend them. I would say, 90% of routes perhaps should be that and 10% other, just so to keep the defensive coordinators guessing...…. in the FL doing exactly the same thing, every time turns into Linehan. except for 190s cowboys where they executed so flawlessly that the other team knew it was coming and they couldn't stop it.


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If Garrett fell off a cliff tomorrow, I would even blink, so don't think of this as some defense of him.

But you can't just look at him in a vacuum without thinking of those two clowns who are his bosses, the drunken used car salesman and his son. I doubt anyone worth anything could reasonably crack the top ten with this type of working environment. Being #12 has to be some kind of miracle.
wow. this is football....entertainment....fall off the cliff and you wouldn't blink!!! you have to have your priorities straight..... so in your words, if he fell off the cliff and dies, you don't care.... seriously dude....get a hold of yourself.


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I would probably put him in the 15-18 range....there is about 3 below him on the list I would rank ahead, but given their team's performance last couple of years may have impacted the rankings.
What’s really ironic is that before Garrett became a HC for us he’d probably be near the bottom of any list we’d compile .

Since with no experience ever as HC has become arguably in the upper half of the NFL with moderate success winning COY honors and several division titles all while in one of the most dysfunctional organizations and most meddling owners.


Taco Engineer
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2 wildcard play off round wins in 8+ years is not even in the ballpark of a good HC. He's had plenty of talent as well as a bunch of different positional coaches and coordinators and they won games despite his inadequacies.
The writing is clearly on the wall. JG didn't get and extension. If the team doesn't win at least 1 divisional round play off game he needs to go. He's had a ton of time to improve as a HC, so all of the excuses defending the severe lack of post season success are meaningless.


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What I have a problem wrapping my head around is trying to imagine that there is actually a coach out there that's worse.

I think some Cowboy fans have a bit of a persecution complex and therefore prefer to imagine they, as Cowboy fans, are subjected to much worse coaching than the rest of the NFL. And to make it worse, some fans feel the need to develop a personal grudge against Garrett, as if not being an elite head coach somehow makes him a lousy person.

The truth is a coach like Bellichick is a huge rarity, and even one like Andy Reid for that matter who hasn't had nearly the same success, but is much more successful than most. Most coaches are ordinary, with some being a little better and some being a little worse. That's the real world.


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I think some Cowboy fans have a bit of a persecution complex and therefore prefer to imagine they, as Cowboy fans, are subjected to much worse coaching than the rest of the NFL. And to make it worse, some fans feel the need to develop a personal grudge against Garrett, as if not being an elite head coach somehow makes him a lousy person.

The truth is a coach like Bellichick is a huge rarity, and even one like Andy Reid for that matter who hasn't had nearly the same success, but is much more successful than most. Most coaches are ordinary, with some being a little better and some being a little worse. That's the real world.

Of course, if they clap, they suck!


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Of course, if they clap, they suck!

The clapping is maybe the goofiest argument against him of the lot. Why can't people stick with the simple truth that he's been the head coach a long time and there have been issues with consistency year to year, and even in the better years we can't seem to get over the hump. That's enough to justify wanting a new coach, so why is it necessary to create issues where there is none and imagine a personal grudge against the guy?


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Unfortunately the bigger issue is what is our hope moving forward if we part ways with Garrett?

Is Jerry going to bring in a more proven or experienced HC and let him swoop in and take all the credit for leading us to a championship ?

Jerry didn't like winning championships when the HC received more credit than him and why we are where we are almost 25 years later.


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The clapping is maybe the goofiest argument against him of the lot. Why can't people stick with the simple truth that he's been the head coach a long time and there have been issues with consistency year to year, and even in the better years we can't seem to get over the hump. That's enough to justify wanting a new coach, so why is it necessary to create issues where there is none and imagine a personal grudge against the guy?
Those are obvious trolling symptoms which should be ignored. Like you said there’s enough actual criteria to mount a discussion without those type of childish rants.


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Those are obvious trolling symptoms which should be ignored. Like you said there’s enough actual criteria to mount a discussion without those type of childish rants.
I fault him more for the butt fumble of coaching that is icing his own kicker. Which actually cost us a playoff appearance. How he didn't get blown out after that is crazy.


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I fault him more for the butt fumble of coaching that is icing his own kicker. Which actually cost us a playoff appearance. How he didn't get blown out after that is crazy.

The end result PROBABLY iced the kicker, although that too is speculation. What’s factual, and what everyone seems to have forgotten, is that the assistants were screaming “They’re not ready! They’re not lined up properly”. Many coaches rely on their assistants—they have faith in their judgement.

I’m intrigued by a change at HC. If we stay relatively healthy and STILL don’t make the NFCCG, I’ll join the Eeyores’ chant.


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The end result PROBABLY iced the kicker, although that too is speculation. What’s factual, and what everyone seems to have forgotten, is that the assistants were screaming “They’re not ready! They’re not lined up properly”. Many coaches rely on their assistants—they have faith in their judgement.

I’m intrigued by a change at HC. If we stay relatively healthy and STILL don’t make the NFCCG, I’ll join the Eeyores’ chant.
As the HC you should know and tell them to get lost.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
As the HC you should know and tell them to get lost.

Yeah, no need for assistant coaches and extra eyes on what is taking place. The team would save so much money have they only paid one coach.

Come on, I assume you've played a sport before, and you should know one coach can't see and be aware of everything at all times. There is a reason there are coaches on the sidelines and in the booth and why coaches put on headphones to talk to them at times. They need the input because they cannot see and know all by themselves.


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The clapping is maybe the goofiest argument against him of the lot. Why can't people stick with the simple truth that he's been the head coach a long time and there have been issues with consistency year to year, and even in the better years we can't seem to get over the hump. That's enough to justify wanting a new coach, so why is it necessary to create issues where there is none and imagine a personal grudge against the guy?
Jimmy was the original clapper, just sayin


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Yeah, no need for assistant coaches and extra eyes on what is taking place. The team would save so much money have they only paid one coach.

Come on, I assume you've played a sport before, and you should know one coach can't see and be aware of everything at all times. There is a reason there are coaches on the sidelines and in the booth and why coaches put on headphones to talk to them at times. They need the input because they cannot see and know all by themselves.
at the end of the day it's his responsibility to know and make the right call regardless if god came down and told him they weren't ready. A wise man once told me "never blame people beneath you, because if they had your ability they would be in your shoes".


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He might mean the other Harbaugh.
I am torn on that, besides his run in SF as the only metric, I can see his act not working for a long time on a team. As in his authoritarian act may work well in college with Kids, but in the pros he would need to keep his team on plus side of w/l column or he will have a locker room revolt


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
I am torn on that, besides his run in SF as the only metric, I can see his act not working for a long time on a team. As in his authoritarian act may work well in college with Kids, but in the pros he would need to keep his team on plus side of w/l column or he will have a locker room revolt

That's hard to say. The fact is that he had great success in his first pro stint and the 49'ers have been a wreck since he left. It can also be said that his run in Michigan hasn't gone as well as hoped for or expected.

I'd still take him over Garrett however.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
at the end of the day it's his responsibility to know and make the right call regardless if god came down and told him they weren't ready. A wise man once told me "never blame people beneath you, because if they had your ability they would be in your shoes".

I don't know that Garrett did blame people beneath him. This was a poster on this site setting out the situation. And while it's true that Garrett has the responsibility, he also has to be able to trust his assistants. If he can't they are of no use. And we can't pretend there was all the time in the world for Garrett to hear what the assistants were yelling survey the whole situation, and then make the decision. The play clock doesn't stop to let a coach do that, and the concern about getting set was only there because the clock was winding down.