Sporting News ranks the coaches


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Right? You and he are like, on the same wave-length or something.

Which probably relates to why the two of you have spent so much time with posting privileges restricted or temporarily revoked--robbing the board of literally several good, thoughtful posts between you over the years.

Many many like me that think Garrett is horrid.

Unlike you in that you are the only laughable Cowboys fan that thinks Garrett is going to the HOF when he quits/fired from coaching.

Dont backtrack like you keep trying to do, just admit you were wrong.


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Good for you. I prefer to laugh at Garrett and those that support him. After all, it is funny to listen to some of these types try to defend the horrid Garrett.

Most of the forum has given up on Garrett. They finally get it. So really there is no need to hammer it home as much anymore.

The only time I feel the need to bash Garrett is when some laughable homer comes out and defends him.

Garrett is more of a running joke at this point.

He just looks really stupid when clapping after a turnover or a 3 and out.

Garrett is a cheerleader, nothing more.

No one’s really defending Garrett, just advocating a more balanced perspective.


Offseason mode... sleepy time
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Many many like me that think Garrett is horrid.

Unlike you in that you are the only laughable Cowboys fan that thinks Garrett is going to the HOF when he quits/fired from coaching.

Dont backtrack like you keep trying to do, just admit you were wrong.
This dude is the King of Hyperbole.
I dig the passion, but it's like digging a hole to China.


Fattening up
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Many many like me that think Garrett is horrid.

Unlike you in that you are the only laughable Cowboys fan that thinks Garrett is going to the HOF when he quits/fired from coaching.

Dont backtrack like you keep trying to do, just admit you were wrong.

Find a post from me that says "Garrett is going to the HOF when he quits/fired from coaching." Then come talk to me about backtracking. Until then, see what I said above about me not being responsible for stupid things other people make up and try to pin on me.

It's an even dumber argument you're trying to make here than the one you made that time you thought the Willie Anderson quote in my sig was from a college free agent because you had no idea who Willie Anderson was. Remember how shocked everyone was that you were clueless about that?

Me either. I don't think anyone even blinked.


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That’s a fair ranking. Not sure I’d rank him that high. One by Sporting News I posted yesterday.

Much better than the “ worse HC in NFL “ or “totally suks “ rhetoric we often hear from the Lynch Mob.
The bottom 10 coaches get fired every year. If Jerry wasn’t Garrett’s owner, Garrett would have been fired a long time ago like other bottom 10 coaches!!


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We’re all speculators here. Some prefer laughter and hope, while others enjoy complaining and overreaction.


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Too bad you have no clue

Obviously it was a joke
But also obviously JG can’t win in a playoff environment with tremendous talent
And any team with comparable talent and an ounce of innovative coaching will beat us in the playoffs as has been the case over and over (I.e. my clue). So where ever you want to rank JG be it 12 or 25 just make sure you put him in the ranks of coaches that will never win a SB because they can’t do the most important things coaches are supposed to do, find mismatches, manage games, scheme to cover weaknesses, or ensure consistent peak performance.
If you think he’s a great coach you are the one who is delusional.


Fattening up
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The bottom 10 coaches get fired every year. If Jerry wasn’t Garrett’s owner, Garrett would have been fired a long time ago like other bottom 10 coaches!!

Because he's bottom ten in the league, despite winning a Head Coach of the Year award and finishing behind only Belichick for wins over the last three seasons combined. Seems like a reasonable assessment.


Taco Engineer
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Sounds like someone up Jerry’s butt to me. Not many standing by him. Believe what you will. History stands for itself.
There ya go, resort to your typical childish nonsense when someone brings facts into the discussion. Whether you like it or not, they're facts. Your clear agenda against Jones has clouded your skull.
It has NOTHING to do with standing by Jones, if it's a fact it's a fact.


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Ron Rivera has 7 playoff berths, has 3 NFC south championships & has made the Super bowl , and has 1 NFC championship ... Was hired a year after garrett was .

& YET ... Garrett with 5 playoff berths, and NO conference wins "ranks" 4 spots a head .

Ron Rivera has won Coach of the Year TWICE , not once ... but TWICE .

Garrett can't rank a head of Rivera at 16th .


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There ya go, resort to your typical childish nonsense when someone brings facts into the discussion. Whether you like it or not, they're facts. Your clear agenda against Jones has clouded your skull.
It has NOTHING to do with standing by Jones, if it's a fact it's a fact.
No, it’s your interpretation of the events. If you don’t agree that Jerry fired Tom which even he admits he should have handled better and ran Jimmy off early then your not admitting how the events unfolded. But that’s fine . If you don’t see it by now it’s not going to change. History is on my side as most would agree. It’s a futile effort and really a waste of time to discuss. Your welcome to make this personal as you again appear to have an agenda with me.


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The bottom 10 coaches get fired every year. If Jerry wasn’t Garrett’s owner, Garrett would have been fired a long time ago like other bottom 10 coaches!!
Ok.. so why is this on Garrett? Who suks more?

If Jerry wasn’t owner he would have never been HC. Targeting Garrett is the wrong bulls eye. He’s done pretty well for someone who should have never been HC. As good or better than several other more qualified HC we’ve had.

We really need to learn how to better embrace Jerry’s puppets. Cause Garrett is a fine one. Ha