Sporting News ranks the coaches


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I mean it was his job to hold the snap and he botched it at the most in opportune time. Who should be blamed for it?
I’m not attempting to defer the blame. Romo had an awful blunder as well but do those Gaffs define their careers?

Does your worst mistake in your life define who you are?


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And you love to play the “I’m smart with the benefit of hindsight” game.

But the coaches can’t do that. Coaches have to play the what if game because that’s the only way to deal with an anticipated problem. They can’t plan for contingencies after the fact, and they can’t go back in time and do something to erase a penalty after it’s occurred. So if they think there is a potential problem they have to try and circumvent it.

Apparently your preference is for the coaches to ignore potential problems and cross their fingers and hope for the best. Of course, until it goes wrong, then your hindsight vision would tell you to go the other way.

Again, what are the risks of calling a time out or not. If they call the time out they “ice” the kicker, but stats have proven “icing” has no effect. So, statistically there is no consequence. And if they don’t call timeout they risk a penalty, which if it occurs there is a definite consequence.
How am I playing the hindsight game. I just told you what it actually was. Not a fantasy that you dreamed about.


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I’m not attempting to defer the blame. Romo had an awful blunder as well but do those Gaffs define their careers?

Does your worst mistake in your life define who you are?
In your biggest moments on a national stage I'm gonna go with yes. Considering his whole career pretty much followed that pattern. If he won super bowls after that it probably wouldn't have followed him.


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How am I playing the hindsight game. I just told you what it actually was. Not a fantasy that you dreamed about.

Lol, you don’t understand that the reason you can tell me how it actually was is because you have the benefit of hindsight?


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Only coach in our division I'd take over Garrett is Pederson after seeing what he's done in three years. I'm not a Garrett fanboy but he's not as bad as people make him out to be. 12 seems about right in today's NFL.
He sucks. If you have been a long time Dallas fan and have not noticed all the bone Head mistakes he has made over the years your not paying enough attention. The ONLY reason Garrett still has s job is his stepfather Jerry owns the team.

I could remind everyone of the basic, simple, and predictable game plans over the years( even our own players say it ). I could remind everyone of the terrible clock manegement gaffs. Just one example of many: Twice in 2 years, once in the playoffs, left to much time on the clock for Aaron friggin Rogers. I could go on and on, but everyone that really knows this team, already knows about all the bone headed mistakes Garrett has made over the years.


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it is up to the HC to make sure his team is prepared for various scenarios, and doing a end of game FG is something every team should practice and be good at.
it was obvious, that dallas was not properly prepared to do that kick , hence the clock almost running out and the TO which JG called , but he had not been
paying attention, he was looking at his play sheet instead of the game!! That was incredibly dumb, make the kick and you dont need the play sheet. lol

When JG was OC, he was awful in game mgmt, because he was so into that playsheet, and what to call next. he still carries one around in his pants lol.

Of course, but obviously decisions have to be made during games. Coaches can’t write a script and rehearse as if it’s a play with all the lines and movements known in advance. Teams call timeouts all the time when the play clock is winding down, whether it is a FG situation or just getting a play off on 1st, 2nd or 3rd down. And clearly players don’t always get set. If they did there would never be penalties for that. I’m sorry, but fans can’t bury their head to the fact that even though teams practice and set game plans, there are still adjustments and decisions and reactions that take place during games.


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The “ icing the kicker” debacle simply provides those bashing Garrett some ammo to support their narrative much like those who bashed Romo his career for the “fumbling bumbling” in Seattle.
You know darn well it was not just icing the kicker in that game. Romo and Garrett wasted 35-40 seconds in that game in the last minute. They could have easily ran another play or 2( if they get out of bounds on the first play) and made it a MUCH easier FG.
It was not just icing the kicker in that game. Clock management was terrible. Then Garrett comes out and says, “we felt confident we could make it”. That’s another major problem I have with Garrett, he almost never admits his mistakes. He makes excuses and rationalizes them like the Ivy League nerd he is.


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In your biggest moments on a national stage I'm gonna go with yes. Considering his whole career pretty much followed that pattern. If he won super bowls after that it probably wouldn't have followed him.
Then I’d argue you fall into that Hyberhole trap that many do.


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You know darn well it was not just icing the kicker in that game. Romo and Garrett wasted 35-40 seconds in that game in the last minute. They could have easily ran another play or 2( if they get out of bounds on the first play) and made it a MUCH easier FG.
It was not just icing the kicker in that game. Clock management was terrible. Then Garrett comes out and says, “we felt confident we could make it”. That’s another major problem I have with Garrett, he almost never admits his mistakes. He makes excuses and rationalizes them like the Ivy League nerd he is.
Who admits their mistakes ?


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The game that convinced me that Garrett should go was the 2013 game against the Packers. We were up 26 to 3 at halftime with Matt Flynn at QB for the Packers. Garrett comes out in the second half and calls more pass plays than Green Bay did. The Cowboys choked away a huge lead and somehow still had a chance for a game winning drive until Romo threw a pick to end it. I remember after the game the press was all over Jerry about holding someone accountable and Jerry totally defended Garrett saying he has "a lot more football to coach for the Cowboys." I knew we were stuck with Garrett at that point.


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Bruh it was real time and they were set. That's not hindsight.
The flaw in your is you are looking at when the ball was snapped, not the point when a decision had to be made. That’s not real world. In the real world, and in real time, the play clock is ticking and about to expire, coaches are yelling, and Garrett has to be sure an official can hear the timeout early enough to get the timeout called ....

You act like he could have calmed his coaches down, and asked them them to all take a second look while he joins them in deliberately perusing the field, checking every player closely to see all were set, then if someone wasn’t set he could calmly seek out the nearest official and politely stroll over and request a timeout.

This isn’t T-Ball with the coaches setting the ball on the tee, and the batter having time to step into the batter’s box, peruse the field to see how the defense is lined up, take his time to get comfortable, then swing. In the real world it’s a split second decision with a 95 mph fastball on its way.

You, on the other hand, can go back on video, knowing in advance what you are looking for, watch up until the exact moment the ball is snapped without worrying about whether there is time to find an official and call time out if needed, and if you aren’t sure about something you can rewind and look again.

And, the point you keep avoiding like the plague is there was no statistical reason a timeout would cause harm even if it was ultimately decided the players had got set, but there was harm if they hadn’t got set and he did not call timeout. So, the choice at the time was no harm in calling a timeout, and potential harm if they didn’t.
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The flaw in your is you are looking at when the ball was snapped, not the point when a decision had to be made. That’s not real world. In the real world, and in real time, the play clock is ticking and about to expire, coaches are yelling, and Garrett has to be sure an official can hear the timeout early enough to get the timeout called ....

You act like he could have calmed his coaches down, and asked them them to all take a second look while he joins them in deliberately perusing the field, checking every player closely to see all were set, then if someone wasn’t set he could calmly seek out the nearest official and politely stroll over and request a timeout.

This isn’t T-Ball with the coaches setting the ball on the tee, and the batter having time to step into the batter’s box, peruse the field to see how the defense is lined up, take his time to get comfortable, then swing. In the real world it’s a split second decision with a 95 mph fastball on its way.

You, on the other hand, can go back on video, knowing in advance what you are looking for, watch up until the exact moment the ball is snapped without worrying about whether there is time to find an official and call time out if needed, and if you aren’t sure about something you can rewind and look again.

And, the point you keep avoiding like the plague is there was no statistical reason a timeout would cause harm even if it was ultimately decided the players had got set, but there was harm if they hadn’t got set and he did not call timeout. So, the choice at the time was no harm in calling a timeout, and potential harm if they didn’t.

Have fun

Does it matter they wasted almost a minute not trying to get closer, something garrett just screwed up again hoping his kicker makes a long field goal. So his one blunder that he still makes compounds into icing his own kicker. They were set we won the game. Missed the playoffs because of this loss to a team that was trash btw. Garrett sucks


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Have fun

Does it matter they wasted almost a minute not trying to get closer, something garrett just screwed up again hoping his kicker makes a long field goal. So his one blunder that he still makes compounds into icing his own kicker. They were set we won the game. Missed the playoffs because of this loss to a team that was trash btw. Garrett sucks

The link doesn’t tell us anything different.

I don’t remember everything about that game, but if they wasted time that could have been used to get closer then that was a mistake. That doesn’t mean the timeout was a mistake given the circumstances when the timeout was called.


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The link doesn’t tell us anything different.

I don’t remember everything about that game, but if they wasted time that could have been used to get closer then that was a mistake. That doesn’t mean the timeout was a mistake given the circumstances when the timeout was called.
After doing a little research it had nothing to do with lining up correctly it had to do with them avoiding a delay of game penalty. What makes it worse is they ran down the clock before romo spiked the ball. So how the field goal unit wasn't ready to run out there and kick the ball in time is just as bad. It's just bad coaching across the board and he's responsible for that. It costs us games every year.


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Smart people admit their mistakes and learn from them! If you rationalize your mistakes, you tend to make the same mistakes over and over again, like your boy Garrett.
I’ll rephrase the question for you,

What coaches are publicly admitting their mistakes?


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The link doesn’t tell us anything different.

I don’t remember everything about that game, but if they wasted time that could have been used to get closer then that was a mistake. That doesn’t mean the timeout was a mistake given the circumstances when the timeout was called.
It really doesn’t matter. If he makes the kick it’s all mute. Missing the kick provides for the over analyzing and second guessing. Such is sports..

My memory as it was unfolding was Romo didn’t appear to have a sense of urgency in that situation. Now whether that was him or uncertainties from sidelines we don’t know.

It was an unfortunate situation which most importantly I think Garrett learned from as it’s never happened again.


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After doing a little research it had nothing to do with lining up correctly it had to do with them avoiding a delay of game penalty. What makes it worse is they ran down the clock before romo spiked the ball. So how the field goal unit wasn't ready to run out there and kick the ball in time is just as bad. It's just bad coaching across the board and he's responsible for that. It costs us games every year.

Worrying about not getting set in time is why they were worried about the clock running out and getting the penalty. Admittedly they should have gotten out and lined up more quickly after the ball was spiked.


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It really doesn’t matter. If he makes the kick it’s all mute. Missing the kick provides for the over analyzing and second guessing. Such is sports..

My memory as it was unfolding was Romo didn’t appear to have a sense of urgency in that situation. Now whether that was him or uncertainties from sidelines we don’t know.

It was an unfortunate situation which most importantly I think Garrett learned from as it’s never happened again.
If he makes the kick it's still bad time management all the way around and bad coaching.