Star Wars Force Awakens SPOILER Thread - Don't Click If You Haven't Seen!

Well, I read that they were moons. I will try to find where I read this. But really this is all moot to me. I don't care about Star trek - never have; never will. And things like this s don't affect my enjoyment of a film. Emotion and characterization do that. I mean if you cant' suspend your disbelief for something like this then not sure you should be watching fantasy/sci-fi. lol. And for the record, I personally consider Star Wars more fantasy than Sci-fi...

Boom! :popcorn:
Idk how in the world they're going to explain Ren surviving.
I really liked Kylo-Ren. He wasn't the typical polished villain. He was conflicted with himself, his obvious lack of training and mental stability made him vulnerable. It's clear he has a lot of potential and I'm sure he's going to be a force after his training is complete. Some people didn't like that he struggled or was unable to defeat Fin and Rey. But I'll buy the Blaster shot he took weakened him and was still dealing with his internal conflict.
I don't know why but I think Rey might be Han/Leia's daughter too, they just handled her differently. When she said she never knew there was that much green in the galaxy Han made a sad/guilty face for her being ditched on that desert planet. And the father figure you never had comment. Also weird reason but it seems too obvious and unfair for Lukes kid to be good and Han/Leia's not. I don't know, I guess all that matters is they are all related.

Also I love how Kylo Ren is all insecure about never living up to Darth Vader, tempermental and immature. Fear leads to anger all that. Like Anakin. He's flawed like that which is why he gets all dark. It will be cool seeing him change over the next few movies become more formidable.

I was thinking Leia had twins like her and Luke are. But with the way Rey was affected by Lukes lightsaber makes me think she's his daughter. Idk. Also, you could still see Ren is struggling between the dark and light side.
I enjoyed the movie.
I feel it is worthy of the original trilogy, though perhaps not as good as them so far.

Several areas of the film that annoyed me, and I had many nitpicks. I felt like after the Cantina planet with all the aliens, the movie got super rushed. It could have used another 30 minutes to set things up better.

-How does Kylo Ren, who can stop laser blasts in mid air, lose a light saber duel with a relative novice.

I've been seeing this tossed around a lot.

Finn is a stormtrooper. He's been trained for battle since he was a child, and judging from his fight with the saber vs another trooper with a melee weapon, their training includes melee weapons. Rey is a highly force sensitive person who knows how to wield a bow staff, so you can assume she's somewhat good in a melee battle.

Did you all not see the several shots from Chewie's Bowgun that literally lifted people up and tossed them back several feet when they were hit by it's bolts? There is a reason it got so much focus. They have several scenes showing how powerful that thing is. Kylo took one of those to the hip before his battle. As mentioned by Snokes, his training is incomplete, he is not a novice, but he is also no master. He had also just murdered his own father. So you have an emotionally wrecked intermediate force user who was rather injured, besting the stormtrooper Finn, while taking damage to his shoulder. He then goes on to fight a highly force sensitive person who also has melee combat training/experience with a badly injured hip area, shoulder damage, and unruly emotions.

I don't see a huge issue with him losing the battle here.

-Speaking of Kylo Ren, why does he even wear a mask? I mean, he takes it off at the end but it's obviously a requirement to make him more menacing and Darth Vader like......except he's not.

You kind of answered your own question here. He wears it because HE wants to be more menacing and Darth Vader like. He's young. That's the kind of thing a person his age would do. People his age do stuff like this all the time in real life, I don't see why this is a stretch IN UNIVERSE. I do agree for movie purposes though, it is used for nostalgia factor, which does peeve me only because there is too much of it in this movie.

-We hear about Luke who went into hiding because Ren betrayed him but we don't really get any further explanation to help develop the plot....and even then we see Luke at the end of the film but I really didn't see the urgency to finding him to give him his light saber.

There are two more movies in this trilogy, there is no real reason to explain everything. You'll get your answers, it didn't need to be explained here.

-Luke was on a mission to train Jedi's but all that goes to hell when one turns. Count Doku turning didn't destroy the Jedi and I'd assume other Jedi turned to the Dark Side in SW cannon since turning to the dark side is a common theme in the previous movies but Kylo Ren turns and it all ends.

Luke was a lone Jedi, who had only been trained by 2 people before him, and only on how to use the force. He wasn't trained how to create a new jedi order. He did not have a school/order that had been established and backed by the official government for hundreds of years, nor did (assuming) he have hundreds of Jedi in his service. 1 Jedi going sith mode and killing most of the others has a bigger impact than a sith in the prequel era. Count Duku couldn't have attacked the Jedi Temple and suceeded back then. Kylo Ren would have been attacking mostly novice force users, with 0 experience vs the Dark Side of the force. This point is a non issue to me.

-The First Order has become this fighting force but no one can explain what happened to weaken the Republic or how they came to be the "resistance" once again.

The Resistance and the Republic are 2 separate entities. The Republic is the established government (more or less), the Resistance is a group assembled to fight the First Order I believe.
I did find the lack of more details into the political situation/structure mildly annoying myself however. But again, there are 2 more movies, I'm sure we'll get more info in the future.

-The major confrontation with the First Order to destroy the new Death Star had no battleships and just a handful of X-Wing fighters for the Republic.

I agree here. I felt the whole thing was very underwhelming, and the super weapon self destructing due to a single weak point was eyeroll inducing.

-Using the force to retrieve a light saber stuck in the snow? Been there, done that.

Pure nostalgia factor. I have no problem with things like this scattered throughout the movie a few times . The problem was this movie used these little nostalgia factors way way too often, so I can understand the annoyance.

-So Fin has been a Storm Trooper almost from birth and trained to be a fighter but he turns on the First Order after they kill the villagers. I guess the First Order became this huge fighting force, led by a wanna be Sith, whose aim is to take over the Galaxy but that didn't include killing anyone along the way.

I don't understand. Ofcourse they have been. The attack on Jakku was Finn's first misson, not the First Order's. There is a huge difference about hearing about war, and actually being in the middle of it and shooting a person.

-Attack the new Death Star to drop the shield so the Republic could attack....been there done that.

Another dose of nostalgia, and the most annoying bit of it. I disliked the Super weapon and the attack on the Super Weapon quite a bit.

The score. It was really underwhelming. They should have incorporated more of the OTs music. Originality be damned.
Agreed. Needed more umph, or just pull in more of the OST.

I loved the movie. All the new characters were great and the old ones too. The only complaint I had was I wanted to see Chewey and Leia hug after Han's death.
Probably my biggest gripe in the whole movie. Holy crap was I annoyed with this. She walks RIGHT PAST CHEWIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The person with the longest history and perhaps the deepest bond with Han, to hug some person she met a day ago. The hug should have been with Chewie, not with Rey, there was literally no reason for her to go to Rey after Han's death.

I think that was it. Basically the blue print was the same as episode 4.

Lonely character on a desolate planet who dreams of adventure, finds it by boarding the millennium falcon, mentor (although brief) sacrificed killed by main villain (Han/Obi Wan), finds the force.

Then basically the redo of the Death Star, a rescue mission on the Death Star, how the Death Star (or star killer, this round) was destroyed.

A lot of parallels that paid homage to the original film, but at some point you just want to see something original.
And this was my largest actual problem with the movie as a whole. Too much Copy Pasta and nostalgia shoved down the audiences throat.

Those weren't extra planets; those were moons that were destroyed.

Does it matter? At least one of them was clearly inhabited. A moon that people live on is more or less the same thing as a planet being destroyed.

I never understood the hate of the prequels. They had there misses just like the original did but they were highly entertaining (thats the point right) and they succeeded in giving us a very good (LOL) backstory for Darth Vader, Darth Sideous, Yoda, and Obi Wan


Quality perception wise, I think LOTR really hurt the prequel trilogy. Being from the same time as another episodic saga that was superior in quality hurt peoples perception of the prequels considering its a shared fanbase for the most part. Saying that the prequels competed very well for popularity VS LOTR. If they sucked so bad, they would have been almost irrelevant 2001-2003

You vastly underestimate the POWER of the Star Wars brand. It's pretty much impossible for Star Wars to ever be Irrelevant. LOTR didn't hurt the Prequels, the prequels were just garbage which is pretty much why they are universally disliked by critics and people who were older than 13 when they first saw them.

Also I love how Kylo Ren is all insecure about never living up to Darth Vader, tempermental and immature. Fear leads to anger all that. Like Anakin. He's flawed like that which is why he gets all dark. It will be cool seeing him change over the next few movies become more formidable.
I really liked Kylo-Ren. He wasn't the typical polished villain. He was conflicted with himself, his obvious lack of training and mental stability made him vulnerable. It's clear he has a lot of potential and I'm sure he's going to be a force after his training is complete. Some people didn't like that he struggled or was unable to defeat Fin and Rey. But I'll buy the Blaster shot he took weakened him and was still dealing with his internal conflict.

Agreed. I really liked Kylo Ren.

I absolutely hated the Jedi mind trick scene. HATED IT, even though it made me giggle. I can handle her being able to use a melee weapon like a lightsaber somewhat efficiently, that's the type of thing that comes natural to highly force sensitive people (Luke with his vision blocked off was blocking laser bolts after a short amount of time practicing), but Jedi Mind Trick seems like a much more advanced tactic (Luke didn't use this until ROTJ), and what would even make her think to do this, or that it would work? Just meh.

All in All, Enjoyed it. I think it was rushed towards the end to quickly get everything in the proper place for the next movie, but overall worth the price of admission (a few times).
I was thinking Leia had twins like her and Luke are. But with the way Rey was affected by Lukes lightsaber makes me think she's his daughter. Idk. Also, you could still see Ren is struggling between the dark and light side.

This is what I thought. Her handiness on the Falcon and apparently teaming up with Chewy at the end suggests Han could be the father, too.
You don't know the whole story yet. Neither do I. But there is a possibility she WAS trained as a child. Maybe even along side him. Besides she was pretty awesome with her pole fighting or whatever that thing was in the beginning of the film. Luke trained for all of a day with Ben Kenobi and blew up the Deathstar. Yes, he trained with Yoda then faced Vader who was MUCH stronger than Ren. Ren is not completely trained. So to me it doesn't weaken his character at all. It intrigues me that he is flawed and screwed up and not the this all-encompassing Evil dude. Besides, he KILLED his father. I don't know... I'm continually amazed at how people have such different perceptions. Blows my mind.

for someone who could have been secretly "trained" - face it. she had no idea how to do the "jedi mind trick" and not being a jedi, wouldn't that also be a contradiction? and luke also had a lot of bad shots and misfires while he learned how to use the force UNDER bens distant guidance.

and i do know the whole story now. it's more like "all my children" than "star wars" at this point. THIS star wars was NOT that different from the 1977 star wars. it mirrored it but badly almost the entire story.

as for "suspension of disbelief" - i'm a writer and i love writing science fantasy as to best put it along with other "real" stories that do make sense. even if i forgo saying "geez, didn't they do this in 1977" for the 212th time, and put this disbelief down, how does a custodian / janitor stormtrooper wind up in the battlefield not able to shoot anyone?

makes no logisitical sense and while you can say "IT'S A MOVIE" sure. it is. but when you pull stunts like that, it's a bad one.

i got to see star wars in 1977 in a drive in theater and this was nothing like that. if this were the "first" star wars and had no history to build off of, this would be a flop.

or maybe i'm still tired at 6am and just being overly harsh.
Here are some tidbits from the interwebs:

Plagueis is said to be able to manipulate medichlorians to create life... Anakin was conceived immaculately by the medichlorians. So what is deal with Rey?

It should be noted that Kylo is not Ben’s given name, it is most likely a combination of his family names sKYwalker and soLO.

Finn refers to Kylo Ren as “Ren” and not Kylo which seems to suggest he could be the only remaining member of the group.

according to Palpatine, “Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise. He could influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.” While Plagueis had the ability to cheat death, Palpatine claimed to have killed Plagueis in his sleep

And we also know that Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber called to her. Maz even makes a point of saying that the lightsaber belonged to Luke Skywalker and his father Anakin Skywalker before him, “and now it’s calling for you.” So that must mean she’s a Skywalker, right?

Is Rey a Kenobi?
There is one more possibility: She could be Obi-wan Kenobi’s granddaughter. I had heard early on that the change from Michael Arndt’s script to the one J.J. Abrams was working on with Lawrence Kasdan was that it changed the story from being just about the Skywalkers to being a story about the Kenobis vs. the Skywalkers. Again, that was just a rumor and a lot of what we heard early on was wrong or evolved into something else. But it is possible.

Consider this: Obi-Wan Kenobi was in possession of that lightsaber for three decades, while Luke Skywalker had it only for a year or so. The lightsaber calling to her might have nothing to do with Luke and Anakin Skywalker. Also, while Rey is having her vision we hear Obi-wan Kenobi say “Rey, you’ve taken your first steps.” Of course, Yoda is also heard during this sequence, but of course he is one of the highest Jedi masters of all time. So the question is, if Rey is a Skywalker — why did Rey hear Obi-Wan in her vision and not Anakin Skywalker?

Later in the conversation Boyega mentioned he loved the fan theory that Finn is Mace Windu’s grandson and enthused about an encounter he had with Samuel L. Jackson at a party. Going by race alone, Finn could possibly be a descendant of Mace Windu or Lando Calrissian. But do we really need to make this universe any smaller than it already is? I would rather see Finn try to explore his past and find a new story with new characters and not make this galaxy any smaller and too connected by fate.
I enjoyed the movie.
I feel it is worthy of the original trilogy, though perhaps not as good as them so far.

Several areas of the film that annoyed me, and I had many nitpicks. I felt like after the Cantina planet with all the aliens, the movie got super rushed. It could have used another 30 minutes to set things up better.

All in All, Enjoyed it. I think it was rushed towards the end to quickly get everything in the proper place for the next movie, but overall worth the price of admission (a few times).

not to get too crazy here but great stuff from both. we seem to share a lot of the same frustrations and yea, i was getting very tired of watching the first star wars over again. by the midpoint i had to force myself to STOP finding comparisons and it was difficult.

finns first mission - from custodial to fighting? i guess this wasn't clear or maybe it was said when i had to pass the wine bottle back and forth between others who decided to get a bottle for the movie where we were. :)

i think they could have done less deja vu and more character development for the current set of actors that will take this forward, good or bad. the storyline itself seems more parts and pieces put together and nothing really coherant except stealing from SW IV.
Here are some tidbits from the interwebs:

Plagueis is said to be able to manipulate medichlorians to create life... Anakin was conceived immaculately by the medichlorians. So what is deal with Rey?

It should be noted that Kylo is not Ben’s given name, it is most likely a combination of his family names sKYwalker and soLO.

Finn refers to Kylo Ren as “Ren” and not Kylo which seems to suggest he could be the only remaining member of the group.

according to Palpatine, “Darth Plagueis was a dark lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise. He could influence the midichlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the Dark Side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.” While Plagueis had the ability to cheat death, Palpatine claimed to have killed Plagueis in his sleep

And we also know that Anakin Skywalker’s lightsaber called to her. Maz even makes a point of saying that the lightsaber belonged to Luke Skywalker and his father Anakin Skywalker before him, “and now it’s calling for you.” So that must mean she’s a Skywalker, right?

Is Rey a Kenobi?
There is one more possibility: She could be Obi-wan Kenobi’s granddaughter. I had heard early on that the change from Michael Arndt’s script to the one J.J. Abrams was working on with Lawrence Kasdan was that it changed the story from being just about the Skywalkers to being a story about the Kenobis vs. the Skywalkers. Again, that was just a rumor and a lot of what we heard early on was wrong or evolved into something else. But it is possible.

Consider this: Obi-Wan Kenobi was in possession of that lightsaber for three decades, while Luke Skywalker had it only for a year or so. The lightsaber calling to her might have nothing to do with Luke and Anakin Skywalker. Also, while Rey is having her vision we hear Obi-wan Kenobi say “Rey, you’ve taken your first steps.” Of course, Yoda is also heard during this sequence, but of course he is one of the highest Jedi masters of all time. So the question is, if Rey is a Skywalker — why did Rey hear Obi-Wan in her vision and not Anakin Skywalker?

Later in the conversation Boyega mentioned he loved the fan theory that Finn is Mace Windu’s grandson and enthused about an encounter he had with Samuel L. Jackson at a party. Going by race alone, Finn could possibly be a descendant of Mace Windu or Lando Calrissian. But do we really need to make this universe any smaller than it already is? I would rather see Finn try to explore his past and find a new story with new characters and not make this galaxy any smaller and too connected by fate.

Here is link

I pasted the guitar tab to song nam learning lol
Well.... If Snoke is Darth Plageuis.... That's all you need.

Yeah, true. He must see potential in him cause he sure wasn't impressive at the end, getting shot by a wookie, taking a hit from a storm trooper and beaten by a girl.ha
Yeah, true. He must see potential in him cause he sure wasn't impressive at the end, getting shot by a wookie, taking a hit from a storm trooper and beaten by a girl.ha



If not for that Jedi/force/skywalker juju... He would be useless.
Rey knew Ren was a Darth Vader wannabe.

At the end the "Supreme Leader" mentioned "finishing his training"

I wonder how this parlays into making him a more evil, scary character.

Personally, I'm expecting to see two sets of training - Rey and Luke Jedi training like he and Yoda did in the Empire Strikes Back, and Kylo Ren being trained in the Dark Side - which we've never gotten to see before. I see something almost reminiscent of a 'Rocky' style set up (minus the montage), leading up to some type of conflict at the end.

it was BEAUTIFUL..and I liked the characters.

Leia should have been killed off with her smoker voice, not Han.

I absolutely hated it was a huge rehash. ZERO originality.

Orphan on a sand planet finds a droid with sensitive info and ends up on the millenium falcon then theres a huge space station we gotta destroy....old and played out. Disney trashed the 7-9 story boards that Lucas had and I expected them to be innovating...instead they crapped the bed with rehash. Boring.

Vader needed an apprentice and started a clone program, the best clone he created was Starkiller. Starkiller is a sith...NOT a space station. Hated that.

I'm a huge star wars fan...HUGEEEEE *insert donald trump voice* but I wasnt blown away, I was left with "it was ok"

I mean HUGE

I have darth vader dress socks that have CAPES!

I really liked Kylo-Ren. He wasn't the typical polished villain. He was conflicted with himself, his obvious lack of training and mental stability made him vulnerable. It's clear he has a lot of potential and I'm sure he's going to be a force after his training is complete. Some people didn't like that he struggled or was unable to defeat Fin and Rey. But I'll buy the Blaster shot he took weakened him and was still dealing with his internal conflict.

And that's exactly what the storytellers were looking for. They twice showed him pounding on the area where he was shot, trying to impart to the audience that he was at far less than 100%. From there, it's up to the viewer to either understand that or not.
Darth Plageuis was killed by Darth Sidious (palpatine), that theory is dead imo

That's entirely possible, but I'm thinking that if the theory is accurate, that Plageius wasn't killed, but hurt so badly that it took him this much time to recover. The thing that makes me wonder are the scars on Snoke. They look pretty severe and had to come from somewhere.
That's entirely possible, but I'm thinking that if the theory is accurate, that Plageius wasn't killed, but hurt so badly that it took him this much time to recover. The thing that makes me wonder are the scars on Snoke. They look pretty severe and had to come from somewhere.

hmmm...i suppose, but it fits together if only jaggedly

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