Star Wars Force Awakens SPOILER Thread - Don't Click If You Haven't Seen!

Personally, I'm expecting to see two sets of training - Rey and Luke Jedi training like he and Yoda did in the Empire Strikes Back, and Kylo Ren being trained in the Dark Side - which we've never gotten to see before. I see something almost reminiscent of a 'Rocky' style set up (minus the montage), leading up to some type of conflict at the end.

Be really interesting when Rey is running around with Luke in her backpack. ;)
hmmm...i suppose, but it fits together if only jaggedly

I think we can look at a lot of it that way. They've told us what they wanted to tell us, and left out plenty of details. I'm not sure if that was entirely intentional - to sell us more stuff where they fill in the blanks - or simply due to time constraints and the story they had in mind.
I thought Harrison Ford played Solo very well in this one. Do wonder if he would have came back if the character lived.
I thought Harrison Ford played Solo very well in this one. Do wonder if he would have came back if the character lived.

He wanted to be killed off over 30 years ago. ESB I believe. He was not doing a fifth movie.
He wanted to be killed off over 30 years ago. ESB I believe. He was not doing a fifth movie.

What I was getting at. Though he is a lot older and any fears of being typecast as a Han Solo character would surely have vanished by now.

or maybe i'm still tired at 6am and just being overly harsh.

I think it's that lol combined with you being a professional in the genre. I think forest for the trees in a way ..... I just disagree with you completely and I'm a trained screenwriter/movie person. So we're both coming at it from backgrounds that are informed I just don't see the issues you have. Oh well, sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did.
What I was getting at. Though he is a lot older and any fears of being typecast as a Han Solo character would surely have vanished by now.

I've heard him speak on "Star Wars".
Doesn't sound emotionally invested at all.
It's solely a job and paycheck.

The actors didn't get much money back then. No residuals or royalty etc.
He got a good check for this one. The original trilogy catapulted his career. He got paid via SW boost!
Idk how in the world they're going to explain Ren surviving.

I'm guessing Phasma escapes the trash compactor and they somehow fly off together .... She was a character I wasn't drawn to at all though she is supposed to feature largely in the next installment according to the actress.
I think it's that lol combined with you being a professional in the genre. I think forest for the trees in a way ..... I just disagree with you completely and I'm a trained screenwriter/movie person. So we're both coming at it from backgrounds that are informed I just don't see the issues you have. Oh well, sorry you didn't enjoy it as much as I did.

except i enjoyed the **** out of it.

back in 1977 when it was released. this is pretty much a do-over and not done as well. again take away the star wars history and established fan base, would THIS movie have done NEARLY as well?
Here are some tidbits from the interwebs:

Is Rey a Kenobi?
There is one more possibility: She could be Obi-wan Kenobi’s granddaughter. I had heard early on that the change from Michael Arndt’s script to the one J.J. Abrams was working on with Lawrence Kasdan was that it changed the story from being just about the Skywalkers to being a story about the Kenobis vs. the Skywalkers. Again, that was just a rumor and a lot of what we heard early on was wrong or evolved into something else. But it is possible.

Consider this: Obi-Wan Kenobi was in possession of that lightsaber for three decades, while Luke Skywalker had it only for a year or so. The lightsaber calling to her might have nothing to do with Luke and Anakin Skywalker. Also, while Rey is having her vision we hear Obi-wan Kenobi say “Rey, you’ve taken your first steps.” Of course, Yoda is also heard during this sequence, but of course he is one of the highest Jedi masters of all time. So the question is, if Rey is a Skywalker — why did Rey hear Obi-Wan in her vision and not Anakin Skywalker?

Later in the conversation Boyega mentioned he loved the fan theory that Finn is Mace Windu’s grandson and enthused about an encounter he had with Samuel L. Jackson at a party. Going by race alone, Finn could possibly be a descendant of Mace Windu or Lando Calrissian. But do we really need to make this universe any smaller than it already is? I would rather see Finn try to explore his past and find a new story with new characters and not make this galaxy any smaller and too connected by fate.

Interesting RE Kenobis.... When Obi Wan says, "Rey, you've taken your first steps..." everything in that sequence seems to be a flashback or a flashforward so I'm going on a limb and saying she has heard him tell her that BEFORE that moment.

I totally agree regarding Finn heritage. Can people just not be related to everyone else in this universe? lol
except i enjoyed the **** out of it.

back in 1977 when it was released. this is pretty much a do-over and not done as well. again take away the star wars history and established fan base, would THIS movie have done NEARLY as well?

I don't think you can compare bc it is, in fact, a sequel. So without attachment to the original 3, no, this wouldn't have done as well - at any time but that's not an indicitment on the film - more of no reference point for one's emotions IMO.

But I'm GLAD you did enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I don't think you can compare bc it is, in fact, a sequel. So without attachment to the original 3, no, this wouldn't have done as well - at any time but that's not an indicitment on the film - more of no reference point for one's emotions IMO.

But I'm GLAD you did enjoy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

it's a huge indictment on the film, to me, when they more or less do it over step by step.

escaped droid
valuable data
orphan in the desert
orphan finds droid
orphan must leave planet in a hurry w/droid
orphan finds mentor in space...

its fine when you pull some references in from the past movie to queue up todays audience, esp after 40 years, but in this instance, i enjoyed IV. not the VII version of IV.
it's a huge indictment on the film, to me, when they more or less do it over step by step.

escaped droid
valuable data
orphan in the desert
orphan finds droid
orphan must leave planet in a hurry w/droid
orphan finds mentor in space...

its fine when you pull some references in from the past movie to queue up todays audience, esp after 40 years, but in this instance, i enjoyed IV. not the VII version of IV.

And I absolutely love that they did that! And I absolutely believe that they have used the familiar/same to set up the story but will twist and turn in the next 2... if they DON'T - then I will agree with you. So I'm going to wait and see. You mentioned reading/writing fantasy-sci-fi.... have you read Tad Williams? He wrote a series Memory,Sorrow, Thorn... the first book seemed to be a pretty typical fantasy trope but the next 2 books took and it and twisted... just curious if you have read his work.
What I was getting at. Though he is a lot older and any fears of being typecast as a Han Solo character would surely have vanished by now.

hard to be typecast as han solo when your biggest/best accomplishment was indiana jones lol
Darth Plageuis was killed by Darth Sidious (palpatine), that theory is dead imo

I guess you don't understand that he found a way to cheat death, etc.
(Not your fault, apparently sidious didn't understand it either... Even as he was telling the story to Anakin) lol

It would actually be a perfect tie in to all the movies.

That would mean Plageuis has been pulling strings since the day of using midiclorians to creste Anakin.
All this has happened before and it will happen again.

To what real end though?

Someone somewhere always has a monkey wrench... Lmao
Is it just me or is Rey being a Kenobi pretty obvious? She's not Han Solos or Luke's daughter in my opinion. When Anakins lightsaber called her everyone assumes well she has to be a Skywalker since that's Anakins and later Luke's Lightsaber. But the voice she hears is Obiwans and he had that lightsaber for years..there's a connection there as well.

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