Stephen A. Smith: Dak is worth $40 mil/season


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Would rather start Rush than pay Dak that much. I think.
No qh is worth close to that much. I would never pay a qb that much. The day will come when a team properly built sets the table for their qb to look good and that qb will ask for too much. They'll turn him down because he benefits from a line and rb or a line and defense. He'll leave and his replacement will do equal or better while he takes a step back. That day will come. I hope soon. Only Rodgers, Brady and Manning in his prime deserve more than 20 million. Manning deserves it more than anyone because he carried a weak team for 10 plus years. He left and they sucked so bad they got Andrew Luck.


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I don't give a bleep because it doesn't have jack to do with this exact topic here. Like I said your types always looking for stuff that isn't there. This is about football period.

Disagree! He insinuates, he implies—I’ve heard it too many times. He comes on looking like the elf from Bad Santa, doing his Jesse Jackson routine, spit flying, arrogantly croaking about “an accident waiting to happen”. He stirs people up, which means rating$, and that’s ALL they care about. Max Kellerman isn’t much better—an ultra liberal, know-it-all Giant homer. Turn the channel, and you’ve got Skippy and Horseface. You’re better off watching GSN or reruns of Scrubs, that’s how bad it is!


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Funny Upenn doesn't think I'm too stupid so I won't be bothered by some avg person like yourself telling me I'm stupid. Also why do people think ignore from them is a big deal as if they are some star? The ego of the avg online I tell you lol. Have a great life whenever you read avg person.
Who is Upenn and why would anyone care? If that is shorthand for a college, I will piss myself laughing. At least be creative. Utrapperkeeper. Upencilsharpener.


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NO QB should get 30 million though. Dak Isn't worth more than 15 million. That should be ok. The strengths of this team are o-line, rb, and now d-line.


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I can't stand Rodgers. I hate looking at his face. I hate how the media loves him. I hate how he gets calls whenever he plays us. But, he's the 2nd best qb in the league if not the first. Pay abs what they're worth. Dak should get 12 or 13. Zeke should get 16. Brady should get 20. Rodgers should get 21. Zack Martin should get 15.


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No qh is worth close to that much. I would never pay a qb that much. The day will come when a team properly built sets the table for their qb to look good and that qb will ask for too much. They'll turn him down because he benefits from a line and rb or a line and defense. He'll leave and his replacement will do equal or better while he takes a step back. That day will come. I hope soon. Only Rodgers, Brady and Manning in his prime deserve more than 20 million. Manning deserves it more than anyone because he carried a weak team for 10 plus years. He left and they sucked so bad they got Andrew Luck.
Try reading the post I responded to and the one that person responded to. Context is amazing.


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Stephen A obviously likes Dak as he never cared about Romo before. Is it because of his play or something else?

That is the 40 million dollar question.

I’ve never been one to infere that, but I’m close and that’s sad for me to say.


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You can bet Jerry will sign him to a very stupid contract.
Lets be objective for a second. Im a cowboys fan and I hope he wins because I want superbowls. What are the strengths of this team? Who carries us? The o-line is the only unit on the team among the very best. Zeke is arguable the best too. He was rookie of the year. He led the league in yards per game. He left and our points dropped. The entire team got worse when he left. If thats the case, why pay another player who benefits from what they do? The line is so good, a rookie 4th rounder was able to start and win games. It's a smack in the face to the line and zeke if Dak gets paid more than them.

Its the same with Russell Wilson. Marshawn get traded to them and gave them an identity. He brought respectability to them. he lead them to the playoffs. Eventually, the defense got better and became an elite unit. The rb and defense combined to lead them to a Super Bowl and got them deep in the playoffs multiple times. That defense intimidated every team they played. That rb intimidated teams. They're the reason that team won a Super Bowl and made it to another one. They carried Wilson ,but Wilson got paid the most. When they tried to force him to be the star , the lost a Super Bowl. then Marshawn left. The team got worse every year after that. Then the defense got old and they missed the playoffs. It's a smack in the face to the defense and marshawn to pay the qb that much. It's a smack in Zeke' s face and the line to play Dak more than them.


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Who is Upenn and why would anyone care? If that is shorthand for a college, I will piss myself laughing. At least be creative. Utrapperkeeper. Upencilsharpener.
You must be the other posters lover how cute. Upenn isn't a who and truthfully nobody should care. It's just funny when people say you're stupid when things in real life are contrary to that that's all. That's like a bum telling me I'm poor. I'm not surpirised that you would pee yourself you seem the type that didn't learn how to use the bathroom yet. Keep working on it it will happen.