Stephen A. Smith: Dak is worth $40 mil/season


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He’s basing this projection on Dak having a great season.

If not he’s probably going to recieve a more Bortyles type contract.


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There is no player in the NFL past or present worth 40 million a year. I love Aikman, Emmitt, respect Montana and Jim Brown, name an all all time great and I will stay say they would not be worth 40 million a year.


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Yet, you've kept watching, or you watched it enough to claim "too many times". Why is it some big mystery to people why ESPN keeps him employed?

It’s not. Just don’t like the awesome person. Tons of people feel that way.


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It’s a sore subject with many—good, hardworking Joes making dirt, seeing entitled, ungrateful, sometimes borderline criminal idiots making WAY too much money playing ball, being defended daily by some smug, screaming, race baiting awesome person. Yeah, there are a lot of great guys playing ball that work hard, it’s a game meant to be fun, and we all know SOME of what SAS says has some truth to it, but come on! Why are some people defending this guy? Yeah, he likes most of the players and holds no grudges against the Cowboys—he probably laughs with Jerry about it over drinks— and there ARE a lot of annoying Cowboy fans that deserve it. But to pretend he’s not “triggering” a giant fan base of great people for ratings is denial. To deny that many times he uses racist comments to incite for profit actually strengthens the divide.

Maybe hardworking Joes should just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and exercise some "personal responsibility" so they won't "make dirt." Then maybe they wouldn't care what players make in the same market economy they claim to love when it works for them. Heck, if they're so scary good, maybe they can be players themselves and make millions of their own.

As for SAS, he's doing what you and others love to claim the media should be ignored for: trolling. However, the media knows that emotional knee-jerks can't help themselves so when drama queens give lip service about ignoring the media, they know you'll be back to confirm your "outrage" over and over again. The media is also great at using people's own hatred against them and because hate is a strong emotion, people will lack the control necessary to filter out noise all the more. Hatred now sells more than even sex and violence it seems. This is why all the people who claim to hate the Kardashians (over and over again) have made them multimillionaires. They understand this. If people are honest with themselves, they know exactly why the Kardashians are hated. It's why people like you bring up race here in a story that never even had a hint of race in it. SAS was simply trolling the largest football fanbase in the world but because he knows people hate him, it only makes what he says that much more popular for all the reasons you people reveal by going into triggered mode. He and ESPN understood this very early in his career so it's remained his shtick to do over and over and the emotional knee-jerks fall for it. Every. Single. Time. The media always wins and the people who criticize them most give them the victory.


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Stephen A obviously likes Dak as he never cared about Romo before. Is it because of his play or something else?
Stephen A is an iggles fan so don't let him fool you. He does not really respect Dak despite what he says. He likes Dak as the Cowboys franchise QB like I like the aging Eli as the giants franchise QB. Dak has a year to go before getting paid bank. $40 million is an insult to what Jerry will be signing him for if all works out this season.


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Maybe hardworking Joes should just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and exercise some "personal responsibility" so they won't "make dirt." Then maybe they wouldn't care what players make in the same market economy they claim to love when it works for them. Heck, if they're so scary good, maybe they can be players themselves and make millions of their own.

As for SAS, he's doing what you and others love to claim the media should be ignored for: trolling. However, the media knows that emotional knee-jerks can't help themselves so when drama queens give lip service about ignoring the media, they know you'll be back to confirm your "outrage" over and over again. The media is also great at using people's own hatred against them and because hate is a strong emotion, people will lack the control necessary to filter out noise all the more. Hatred now sells more than even sex and violence it seems. This is why all the people who claim to hate the Kardashians (over and over again) have made them multimillionaires. They understand this. If people are honest with themselves, they know exactly why the Kardashians are hated. It's why people like you bring up race here in a story that never even had a hint of race in it. SAS was simply trolling the largest football fanbase in the world but because he knows people hate him, it only makes what he says that much more popular for all the reasons you people reveal by going into triggered mode. He and ESPN understood this very early in his career so it's remained his shtick to do over and over and the emotional knee-jerks fall for it. Every. Single. Time. The media always wins and the people who criticize them most give them the victory.
This exactly.


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Maybe hardworking Joes should just pull themselves up by their own bootstraps and exercise some "personal responsibility" so they won't "make dirt." Then maybe they wouldn't care what players make in the same market economy they claim to love when it works for them. Heck, if they're so scary good, maybe they can be players themselves and make millions of their own.

As for SAS, he's doing what you and others love to claim the media should be ignored for: trolling. However, the media knows that emotional knee-jerks can't help themselves so when drama queens give lip service about ignoring the media, they know you'll be back to confirm your "outrage" over and over again. The media is also great at using people's own hatred against them and because hate is a strong emotion, people will lack the control necessary to filter out noise all the more. Hatred now sells more than even sex and violence it seems. This is why all the people who claim to hate the Kardashians (over and over again) have made them multimillionaires. They understand this. If people are honest with themselves, they know exactly why the Kardashians are hated. It's why people like you bring up race here in a story that never even had a hint of race in it. SAS was simply trolling the largest football fanbase in the world but because he knows people hate him, it only makes what he says that much more popular for all the reasons you people reveal by going into triggered mode. He and ESPN understood this very early in his career so it's remained his shtick to do over and over and the emotional knee-jerks fall for it. Every. Single. Time. The media always wins and the people who criticize them most give them the victory.
There are PLENTY of hardworking Joes out there (myself included) that have kept their nose to the grindstone for YEARS, doing the right things the right way, for dirt wages (when compared to athletes and actors), so yeah, they are so perfectly justified to be offended. For you to arrogantly suggest that all those people haven’t worked and sacrificed adequately is an insult, and to insinuate (which your words do seem to imply) that
you somehow feel superior because YOU somehow know what others don’t is ridulous. So don’t worry about the rest of us lower life forms and our “personal responsibility”, ok?

Of course the media always wins. Everyone knows it. So what? It’s like the government, and there’s NOTHING we can do about it. You think you’re some whiz bang that has everything figured out? You certainly talk like it. When people gripe, it’s just to vent, to blow off steam, and they have every right to feel the way they want.

You love to scoff, don’t you? You live to disprove, to have the last word, to be “the voice of reason”, but you know what? You haven’t changed my opinion one iota, and I’d wager the vast majority will continue to hold their opinion as well.

Now go ahead. Hit me with a long, scoffing post filled with logic and reason and “factual” information, so you can have the last word and “win” the debate.


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Yes, but they keep watching. Thats why he is still on the air. How many threads pop up around here where someone is quick to point out what SAS said?

It’s like 99.9% of everything else within the human scope. We keep on keepin’ on, DESPITE everything to the contrary. We continue to smoke, drink, drive fast, pollute, etc., even though logic says we shouldn’t. It seems like EVERYTHING is love/hate these days. We keep electing politicians, even though they’re ALL dishonest crooks. Steven A. and his ilk are like a car wreck. You know you shouldn’t watch, but...


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Stephan A isn’t a blinded Cowboy fan who (for some reason) forgot young QBs have bumps in the road sometimes before they fully develop. Not all young QBs play like prime Romo in their second year (first with roster adversity).
No, he's a HUGE Giants fan who would love to see the team he hates make the biggest mistake possible.

Let's hope Dak develops to make this moot.


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40 Million per?! unless he wins a chip this season and constantly making the playoffs idk about this contract.


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There are PLENTY of hardworking Joes out there (myself included) that have kept their nose to the grindstone for YEARS, doing the right things the right way, for dirt wages (when compared to athletes and actors), so yeah, they are so perfectly justified to be offended.

Being "justified to be offended" is a matter of opinion. You certainly have the right to feel that way the same as I have the right to call people tools for griping over the way another man makes his living when it affects you in no other way than jabbing at a bruised financial ego. It's not like it's even a neighbor or an acquaintance either. It's freakin' strangers.

For you to arrogantly suggest that all those people haven’t worked and sacrificed adequately is an insult, and to insinuate (which your words do seem to imply) that you somehow feel superior because YOU somehow know what others don’t is ridulous. So don’t worry about the rest of us lower life forms and our “personal responsibility”, ok?

Please quote where I said regular Joes don't work hard or that I "somehow feel superior." When someone yaps about what they make compared to what athletes make, to me that indicates they're not satisfied with what it is they make if they're begrudging others' earnings. So my solution is to "just work harder." Ain't that the American way?

...that you somehow feel superior because YOU somehow know what others don’t is ridulous.

I had to requote this for nothing more than the vast amount of irony in it, especially since you as the Grand Poobah Conspiracy Revealer love to educate us "ostriches" about things we don't know about or intentionally remain oblivious to as the New World Order begins its terrorizing reign by denying the Dallas Cowboys success on the field. Physician, heal thyself, lol.

Of course the media always wins. Everyone knows it. So what? It’s like the government, and there’s NOTHING we can do about it. You think you’re some whiz bang that has everything figured out? You certainly talk like it.

More irony.

When people gripe, it’s just to vent, to blow off steam, and they have every right to feel the way they want.

You love to scoff, don’t you? You live to disprove, to have the last word, to be “the voice of reason”, but you know what? You haven’t changed my opinion one iota, and I’d wager the vast majority will continue to hold their opinion as well.

Now go ahead. Hit me with a long, scoffing post filled with logic and reason and “factual” information, so you can have the last word and “win” the debate.

The fact that I haven't changed your opinion one iota is part of the entertainment. Please never, ever agree with me.


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There is no way in heaven or hell that Dak is anywhere near deserving of 40 mil a year. What the heck would Wentz command then? 60 mil?


Regular Joe....
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SAS, placing land minds in the path of the Cowboys, as usual. Dak deserves whatever the market will support but at this point in his career, only an asinine idiot would suggest that Dak is worth more then any QB in the NFL, based on his performance thus far. Could he eventually be worth that kind of money? Absolutely, he could. Is he worth that now, I see nothing to suggest to me that he is the Best QB in the NFL, by a lot, based on this type of salary.

SAS is a joke.


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Being "justified to be offended" is a matter of opinion. You certainly have the right to feel that way the same as I have the right to call people tools for griping over the way another man makes his living when it affects you in no other way than jabbing at a bruised financial ego. It's not like it's even a neighbor or an acquaintance either. It's freakin' strangers.

Please quote where I said regular Joes don't work hard or that I "somehow feel superior." When someone yaps about what they make compared to what athletes make, to me that indicates they're not satisfied with what it is they make if they're begrudging others' earnings. So my solution is to "just work harder." Ain't that the American way?

I had to requote this for nothing more than the vast amount of irony in it, especially since you as the Grand Poobah Conspiracy Revealer love to educate us "ostriches" about things we don't know about or intentionally remain oblivious to as the New World Order begins its terrorizing reign by denying the Dallas Cowboys success on the field. Physician, heal thyself, lol.

More irony.

The fact that I haven't changed your opinion one iota is part of the entertainment. Please never, ever agree with me.

Wouldn’t be hard to find working Joe’s who think athletes or actors are overpaid. I know plenty of guys who are hardworking and highly intelligent that have always done it the right way, and STILL make less than 75k per year. Most of them roll their eyes and chuckle when they hear someone like SAS defending guys covered in tats with a seventh grade reading level who hold out for 15 million because they were “disrespected” with an offer of 14.5. After all, they have to prepare for life after football...

As to the Grand Poobah of Conspiracy and all that garbage you spouted...yeah it IS entertaining to read your “reasoning”. The conspiracy stuff is certainly real, and it goes far beyond the Dallas Cowboys, but I try to keep it on the Cowboys because they’re the centerpiece of this forum. There are exceptions, and even though most of us (myself included) are guilty of it, the object is to keep politics out of it.

In closing, the fact that you haven’t changed my opinion one iota MUST bother you, otherwise you wouldn’t spend so much time responding to my opinions. Unless of course you derive entertainment from reading then refuting...