Stone Cold Steve Austin

Phoenix;3976800 said:
WWE is getting a cut of all the costs of the texts, and not a single text has had any affect whatsoever on the matches. Of COURSE everything is already written in tonight's script!

Don't ruin it for R2A.
CM Punk is the #1 contender for Cena's title.

Said he is leaving July 17.

The gimmick being worked on for months comes to fruition.
RoyTheHammer;3974767 said:
Don't get me wrong.. i love the promos, but there arn't any tough guys who i believe in wrestling anymore. There's no more Triple H, Stone Cold, Rock, Scott Steiner, Hall and Nash, etc etc.. these guys could talk and pulled off the bad arse personas so well. Not much like these guys nowadays. Now you got all your pretty boys and metrosexuals.

Also, promos are nothing without wrestling and action to back it up..and the amount of talking to wrestling in shows now has gotten out of hand. In a common 2 hour program there's usually only like 20 minutes of actual wrestling anymore. Its just silly, but like you said.. that's what draws most of these sheep, so its whatever. I'll keep watching the parts of both shows that i enjoy, and fast forwarding over the rest until hopefully one company learns how to write and book well again.

Np man. It's all good. :)

Hostile;3975513 said:
I'd like to kick him in the pills for taking that role. I will never watch that version of the movie.

It wasn't a bad movie. It certainly wasn't John Wayne either.
Punk announced on Raw once the match was set that his contract with WWE expires the next day, 7/18 and he would be leaving WWE, teasing that he was going to win the belt and walk out with it.

zrinkill;3976844 said:
CM Punk is the #1 contender for Cena's title.

Said he is leaving July 17.

The gimmick being worked on for months comes to fruition.

Envious? Not a gimmick
I have not watched the show yet but if he said he was leaving..taking the belt...that is all storyline related. Words he was given to say. And he would not be taking a coveted belt. They would not let a wrestler quit the company & do that.
DallasGirl50;3976954 said:
I have not watched the show yet but if he said he was leaving..taking the belt...that is all storyline related. Words he was given to say. And he would not be taking a coveted belt. They would not let a wrestler quit the company & do that.

The Marks are being worked.
DallasGirl50;3976991 said:
I will watch later and see what he said...but I get it. I'm a dumb mark so I am Truth would say....

Watch out for the Jimmy's

On his Twitter account, CM Punk wrote the following:
"I knew I was gone at the beginning of the year. I just woke up one day and I knew. That's the way I work a lot of the time. I think it's creepy too, but it's really helpful. I knew I'd be history by July. Come say goodbye on July 17th. I promise to go out with a bang. Trust me. XxX"

Punk wrote a very similar blog when he was heading into his final announced ROH appearance, a bout where he was scheduled to challenge then-ROH champion Austin Aries. Some of the verbiage is actually the same. In that bout, Punk won the title and began a farewell speech, but then turned heel in the process and "took the belt hostage" for the summer, teasing he was going to deliver the belt to Vince McMahon. He would leave ROH several months later after losing the belt to James Gibson.

When Punk made his one return ROH appearance during a blizzard, by the way, he closed out that show by inviting the crowd out into the make snow angels.

Source pwinsider
DallasGirl50;3976954 said:
And he would not be taking a coveted belt. They would not let a wrestler quit the company & do that.

This is exactly the reason for the infamous Montreal Screwjob of Bret Hart.
Phoenix;3977040 said:
This is exactly the reason for the infamous Montreal Screwjob of Bret Hart.

Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-pac, have said that was a work ..... the greatest of all time.

Jim Neidhart even hinted at it being a work.
zrinkill;3977212 said:
Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, X-pac, have said that was a work ..... the greatest of all time.

Jim Neidhart even hinted at it being a work.

The Anvil I might put some stock in if he had come right out and said that. The other three? No chance.
Watched it & heard what he said...makes no sense unless it's just storyline to put a wrestler in a title match when he's leaving...and particularly in a match where you have to pay...there is no chance he would take that belt with him.
DallasGirl50;3977538 said:
Watched it & heard what he said...makes no sense unless it's just storyline to put a wrestler in a title match when he's leaving...and particularly in a match where you have to pay...there is no chance he would take that belt with him.

Exactly.. Punk v. Cena was rumored to be a feud they would run with this summer, Punk is leaving so they will hype up the match with Punk saying he will leave with the title. He won't but it will boost the buy rates and then he will leave, as predicted by everyone and their mothers, except for Zrinkill.

I could see a finish where Punk his the GTS, Cena is out for the count but then a WWE Legend, Stone Cold, comes out and knocks out the ref so Punk can't leave with the title, stuns Punk and then a new ref comes and 1-2-3 Cena defends, Punk leaves saying he was screwed & whenever he returns you got the rumored Punk-Austin feud setup, you make Austin relevant to new fans as they say he is the man who saved the WWE title & have one hell of a PPV finish.

Another possibility since it is MITB is Punk wins against Cena, and then gets cashed in on and loses, he cashed in a few years ago on an injured edge? to capture his title the first time, so it is an interesting dynamic to think about, and in this scenario you can have Punk pop the buyrate, pop the Raw rating and make a star on the way out PLUS it create's good will with Punk as you give him a farewell title reign, no matter how short. This is what they should do, IMO.
Well he's not leaving with the belt as Phoenix said & nobody will pay 40 bucks to buy a PPV in a title match that they know Cena will win going in. There is little surprise as it is...if this isn't storyline related there is no surprise. He can leave..fine. But it makes no sense to try to sell that match as one Punk would win. Just let him leave..that makes sense.

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