Stone Cold Steve Austin

Hostile;3976149 said:

You want to stick with that story or save face now?

Oops, too late.

Post #101

"Miz has really grown on me, he deserves a spot on the card. I said he should be a midcarder, and now I believe a upper-midcard role, such a s Kane/Big Show role is fine for him."

:laugh2: :laugh2:

How in the blue hell did they go with Del Rio beating Big Show?

That's a recap i'll have to read for sure.
RoyTheHammer;3976154 said:
How in the blue hell did they go with Del Rio beating Big Show?

That's a recap i'll have to read for sure.

Del Rio drops Show's neck over the ropes and goes to the top rope. Del Rio leaps off but Show grabs him for a chokeslam. Del Rio fights out and goes for the armbreaker but Show hits him with a huge back drop. Show walks towards Del Rio now as Del Rio begs him to back off. Del Rio kicks Show's leg out from under him and applies a submission hold on the leg.

The hold is finally broken but Show is hurt. The referee asks him if he can continue. Show keeps trying to stand up but he can't. The referee calls for the bell and it's announced that Del Rio wins due to Show not being able to compete.
Hostile;3976149 said:

You want to stick with that story or save face now?

Oops, too late.

Post #101

"Miz has really grown on me, he deserves a spot on the card. I said he should be a midcarder, and now I believe a upper-midcard role, such a s Kane/Big Show role is fine for him."

Ok. Upper midcarder, still a Midcard level performer. Not a main eventer. Never will be in my mind a main eventer. Upper midcarders compete for Intercontinental and US title, what was he around this time last year? A upper midcarder. An occasional title match in between programs, where he loses cleanly is fine. He would never ever hold the a world title in a company that makes sense. The Miz v. Kane for the intercontinental title, fine. The Miz v. John Cena for the WWE title, no.

Kane & Big Show now, so don't go pull out that they are ex-world champions. I mean the role they are in now. Where the Big Show perform TN on the PPV? The Midcard. Where was Kane? Not on the card.
zrinkill;3976157 said:
Del Rio drops Show's neck over the ropes and goes to the top rope. Del Rio leaps off but Show grabs him for a chokeslam. Del Rio fights out and goes for the armbreaker but Show hits him with a huge back drop. Show walks towards Del Rio now as Del Rio begs him to back off. Del Rio kicks Show's leg out from under him and applies a submission hold on the leg.

The hold is finally broken but Show is hurt. The referee asks him if he can continue. Show keeps trying to stand up but he can't. The referee calls for the bell and it's announced that Del Rio wins due to Show not being able to compete.

That's pretty weak for a ppv. This was the guy who destroyed Mark Henry just 2 or 3 days ago and now he gets kicked in the leg and can't continue? Unless he really injured his leg idk..

Also, Bourne beating Swagger is lame. Swaggers such a great talent, do we really have to waste it on matches with friggin Evan Bourne that he's not even winning? Come on now, its not even believable. Swag is huge and athletic, he would squash Bourne in a second.
Pretty good Obama impersonator makes a stupid cameo.

He and Booker T are gonna do something dumb (probably a spinaroonie)
RoyTheHammer;3976159 said:
That's pretty weak for a ppv. This was the guy who destroyed Mark Henry just 2 or 3 days ago and now he gets kicked in the leg and can't continue? Unless he really injured his leg idk..

Also, Bourne beating Swagger is lame. Swaggers such a great talent, do we really have to waste it on matches with friggin Evan Bourne that he's not even winning? Come on now, its not even believable. Swag is huge and athletic, he would squash Bourne in a second.

Agreed. I don't like Swagger, but I respect what he can do in the ring when he is allowed, Bourne isn't bad but Swagger is a level above him. He's an ex-world champ (no matter how mental that is), he should go over Evan Bourne.
Ziggler winning the IC title is pretty sweet though. He's another guy they should be pushing hard.

For some reason i thought Punk was facing Cena.. they still have him fighting guys like Rey Rey? Come on.. give him a title run. R Truth can go back to the mid where he belongs.
zrinkill;3976161 said:
Pretty good Obama impersonator makes a stupid cameo.

He and Booker T are gonna do something dumb (probably a spinaroonie)

Booker should get back in the ring and wrestle at least semi full time. He's terrible on commentary.
RoyTheHammer;3976164 said:
Ziggler winning the IC title is pretty sweet though. He's another guy they should be pushing hard.

For some reason i thought Punk was facing Cena.. they still have him fighting guys like Rey Rey? Come on.. give him a title run. R Truth can go back to the mid where he belongs.

Punk is a ex-3 time world champ, he's also leaving the company soon. Ziggler I also agree with, if they change his name and get rid of Vickie. I don't get it, she draws massive heat and they always stick her with people that can get over on their own.
RoyTheHammer;3976183 said:

Killings missed a legdrop and Cena nailed his usual offensive maneuvers. He drilled Truth with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and went for the Attitude Adjustment but Truth slipped out and nailed Cena for a two count.

Cena used a droptoehold and locked on the STF but Truth made it to the ropes. Cena refused to break it until the last second. Truth cut him off and nailed the scissor kick. He covered Cena but Cena kicked out at the last second.

Cena rolled out of the ring. Truth followed, then took a hat from a fan as well as a drink from the fan’s cup. The fan then splashed Truth in the face. That was funny.

Cena grabbed Truth, tossed him in the ring and nailed the Attitude Adjustment, pinning Truth.

Your winner and still WWE champion, John Cena!
Romo 2 Austin;3976184 said:
Killings missed a legdrop and Cena nailed his usual offensive maneuvers. He drilled Truth with the Five Knuckle Shuffle and went for the Attitude Adjustment but Truth slipped out and nailed Cena for a two count.

Cena used a droptoehold and locked on the STF but Truth made it to the ropes. Cena refused to break it until the last second. Truth cut him off and nailed the scissor kick. He covered Cena but Cena kicked out at the last second.

Cena rolled out of the ring. Truth followed, then took a hat from a fan as well as a drink from the fan’s cup. The fan then splashed Truth in the face. That was funny.

Cena grabbed Truth, tossed him in the ring and nailed the Attitude Adjustment, pinning Truth.

Your winner and still WWE champion, John Cena!

RoyTheHammer;3976131 said:
Again, it doesn't matter if you're at the shows when they edit things later. Its common sense that some of you old timers just can't seem to grasp.

zrinkill;3976134 said:
Do you have a link to this common knowledge? And no something the other kid writes is not good enough.

Romo 2 Austin;3976158 said:
Ok. Upper midcarder, still a Midcard level performer. Not a main eventer. Never will be in my mind a main eventer. Upper midcarders compete for Intercontinental and US title, what was he around this time last year? A upper midcarder. An occasional title match in between programs, where he loses cleanly is fine. He would never ever hold the a world title in a company that makes sense. The Miz v. Kane for the intercontinental title, fine. The Miz v. John Cena for the WWE title, no.

Kane & Big Show now, so don't go pull out that they are ex-world champions. I mean the role they are in now. Where the Big Show perform TN on the PPV? The Midcard. Where was Kane? Not on the card.
Again..."Miz has really grown on me" is a long way from "No, I'm not."

A wise old cowboy once told me, "Take a lesson from the whale, the only time he gets harpooned is when he comes up to spout."
Steve Austin and CM Punk continue their public feud, William Regal gets involved

On Sunday night, Austin kicked off the war of words with the following comments toward CM Punk via his Twitter page:

"@CMPunk Dirty. Rotten. Scoundrel...yeah...that describes you to a T... im glad i could "set the wheels in motion" for you...word."

Austin's comments were in response to a movie that Punk was watching after his tremendous match against Rey Mysterio Jr.

Before Punk could come up with a witty response, William Regal jumped in and stirred up trouble: "@steveaustinBSR @CMPunk you two just need to fight and get it over with.". Punk echoed these sentiments went he replied to Regal "Oh, you little **** ruined my movie."

Austin chimed back in and directed comments at both Punk and Regal: "uh...hello...PUNK...i am turning in for the evening...never forget...that your only a split second away from a STONE COLD STUNNER..."

"@RealKingRegal dude...youre my old travel partner and friend...surely you dont want me to completely decimate Punk on a worldwide platform?"

Regal would answer Austin's question: "Yes please.I'm a villain with insomnia. What else have I got to do? @steveaustinBSR" Austin would say that he's heading off to bed which prompted CM Punk to make the following comments: "Remember Steven, Everybody at one time or another, goes to sleep"
My first thought was they must be really bored..but I'd be the first to admit that I don't get all the buzz about Twitter.
A special LOL to any WWE Raw viewers out there right now tonight, watching Raw, texting your "vote" for matches for this "Power to the People" night.

WWE is getting a cut of all the costs of the texts, and not a single text has had any affect whatsoever on the matches. Of COURSE everything is already written in tonight's script!

This kind of show is just insulting. AS IF they would actually allow fans to "vote" for a matchup. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

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