Stone Cold Steve Austin

silverbear;3978579 said:
Maybe that used to be the case, but the last year or two he was still in WWE, it seemed that his role was to play the fool with Triple H... watching him jog around Helmsley was just sad...

Missed this yesterday but I simply don't agree. I felt Michaels was hilarious in the role due to the way he is personally now. He enjoyed all the goofy actions he did, in the return of DX, cause it was completely different than the way he would have acted back when DX was originally formed.

I found it hilarious that the guy pulled off being a 40 year old acting silly. I thought it was fun and some of the moments in segments were just hilarious.

His "I love Mr. Fuji" and running off to avoid seeing the women topless sticks out.

The time he and Hunter were standing outside the Divas locker room and Hunter is giving this sort of vague speech and all the sudden Shawn goes "Aww...we're going in there aren't we?" To which of course Hunter says yes and Shawn covers his eyes as they go through there. Hilarious.

And of course that rerun of DX produced one of my all time favorite HBK segments ever. When they were out of the building, kicked out or whatever, and they decided to go and by tickets from Crime Time and HBK is all like "Follow me. I speak jive."

That whole segment was hilarious.

To each their own though. I can see where some people didn't like it nearly as much cause he wasn't as edgy and crude as he was back in the late 90's but I personally found him more entertaining in the second go around then even the first one.

RoyTheHammer;3978753 said:
I just got done watching the top 50 wrestlers of all time program.. and i gotta say im mildly outraged by some of the decisions there. The only one i would move out of the top 5 (and some of you are going to hate me) would be Shawn Michaels. I'd put Triple H at the top. I think 12 for him was a slap in the face. Guy was simply epic. Everytime his music hit, whether it be the old "My Time" theme with DX, or "The Game".. i was friggin pumped up and bouncing off the walls. Same with Austin.

I think Kurt Angle should be way higher than he was listed as well. Jeff Hardy the same, just for the crazy things that guy has done, all in the name of entertainment. I'd put Angle, Hardy, Flair, and Macho all in the top 10. I'd definitely move Hogan down, and put Hall and Nash in the top 30 somewhere, and X Pac in the 49-50 range. Ha. Wish you were allowed to include factions on the list.

I agree with you on being outraged by some of these picks. Of course they were done by the current roster of today so some people are higher than they should be and others lower.

6 that immediately stuck out as piss poor were HHH, Angle, Foley, Flair, Macho Man, and Jericho. They absolutely all could have, and should have, been higher. The one that bugged me the most was Jericho. He's very easily, in my book anyway, a top 8 guy and they had him at 25. That was just maddening. I just didn't get it. Terrible.

Then of course Angle and Foley were WAY low. Both could easily be top 10-12 guys and with Kurt I could make a case all day long for him being top 5 with out a blink of an eye.

I disagree with you on Hogan though. He should have been higher. I know he's a jerk to deal with backstage, and a pain in the ***, and has held on to long but that simply can not diminish not only what he accomplished in wrestling, but what he meant to the explosion of wrestling in the 80's and early 90's. And then again, of course, to the success of WCW during his heel run in the late 90's. As much as I'd like him to just go away, for good, now days I still respect what he did for the business and that alone should have landed him much higher.

I'm not mad that you'd move HBK out of the top 5, again this is all personal preferance, but with him being my all time favorite I was thrilled they put him at #1 and I do believe it's his rightful spot. Taker at 2 was perfect and I like having Austin and Rock rounding out that top 5. I would have had HHH up there with, or even Jericho or Angle, had it been my top 5 but the top 5 was the one place that I felt they didn't do too bad a job.
Romo 2 Austin;3978605 said:
I'm pretty sure your wrong, since you juts downplayed AJ Styles. If you somehow find him boring, I just don't know what to say that's like saying HBK-Jericho WM 19 was boring, it makes no sense.

Theres a very good reason this was published, and it's because its 100% accurate.


if you don't agree, thats fine and dandy, don't call me out on it when he was ranked by the biggest pro-wrestling magazine as #1 in the world, i'm far from the only one with that opinion, infact it's probably the majority opinion with the retirement of Edge & HBK... Also, AJ Styles is helping book the upcoming X-Division PPV with TNA next month.

Man, you really are one lost little fanboi, aren't you??

DallasGirl50;3978608 said:
That was a classic line by Taker & interestingly enough in one of the first matches he had with Kurt he knocked out some of Kurt's front teeth. Accidently of course. I've heard him say that to him Kurt was an all time great. He loved wrestling against him...the good old days.

Angle is magnificent technically, but I never could get into his character...

I guess I always thought he should be a white hat, but they had him playing the arrogant jerk...
silverbear;3979334 said:
Angle is magnificent technically, but I never could get into his character...

I guess I always thought he should be a white hat, but they had him playing the arrogant jerk...

I always liked him. Heel or face he was great. He still is but that Jarrett feud is very lame. I know nothing about Olympic wrestling but do wonder if he has a chance of making the team...
* Batista said he left WWE last year because he no longer fit with their product. He dislikes WWE’s kid-friendly direction, saying there is nothing kid-friendly about Dave Batista. Batista said WWE’s direction leaves a bad taste in his mouth as it’s too unbelievable and hokey. He feels he became disconnected from the industry and became unhappy with it. Though he still believes in WWE as a company, he doesn’t think there is a place for him anymore


Right on Dave.. right on.

To give R2A the benefit of the doubt, I watched the TNA show last night and made a point to give AJ Styles a chance....

I changed the channel two minutes into his promo. Am I missing something?
Aikmaniac;3979635 said:
To give R2A the benefit of the doubt, I watched the TNA show last night and made a point to give AJ Styles a chance....

I changed the channel two minutes into his promo. Am I missing something?

You must have missed when he dove off the top of a scaffolding pole on the stage onto the concrete floor below the stage and put Bubba through a table. Not many guys in the business have taken a risk like that lately.. or ever.
silverbear;3979332 said:
Man, you really are one lost little fanboi, aren't you??


How? I'm far from a fanboy, I'm a huge fan of AJ, as are a ton of people. Yes the best in the business
I said this before in another thread..he reminds me of Kerry Von Erich on the mic. Country accent that can't be disguised & just seems uneasy. He's definitely no Rock on the mic..
Aikmaniac;3979635 said:
To give R2A the benefit of the doubt, I watched the TNA show last night and made a point to give AJ Styles a chance....

I changed the channel two minutes into his promo. Am I missing something?

best way to watch TN ..... excuse me "Impact", is with the mute on.

They have a few talented in ring guys ...... but only a handful are any good on the stick.

I cringe whenever Morgan, AJ, Abyss, or Gunner try and talk.
DallasGirl50;3979656 said:
I said this before in another thread..he reminds me of Kerry Von Erich on the mic. Country accent that can't be disguised & just seems uneasy. He's definitely no Rock on the mic..

Good comparison, don't hear that one often. More often I see people compare him to Bret Hart, top 3 in the world in the ring but average at best on the mic, which is pretty much a dead on comparison with AJ Styles.

The Southern accent helps imo, I hate the NY accent that Bully Ray has. I think it's just that whatever region people are from, they dislike that accent, I wish I had a Southern Accent it sounds much cooler than the obnoxious NY accent.
Romo 2 Austin;3979743 said:
Good comparison, don't hear that one often. More often I see people compare him to Bret Hart, top 3 in the world in the ring but average at best on the mic, which is pretty much a dead on comparison with AJ Styles.

The Southern accent helps imo, I hate the NY accent that Bully Ray has. I think it's just that whatever region people are from, they dislike that accent, I wish I had a Southern Accent it sounds much cooler than the obnoxious NY accent.

This sounds harsh but he sounds a bit like a hick...not saying accent equals IQ. There is not just his voice but he looks uneasy as well to me. I have to laugh at "Bully Ray"...he lapses in & out of that accent. He may be from Brooklyn or wherever but that accent is forced for TV. Big time.
Romo 2 Austin;3979743 said:
Good comparison, don't hear that one often. More often I see people compare him to Bret Hart, top 3 in the world in the ring but average at best on the mic, which is pretty much a dead on comparison with AJ Styles.

The Southern accent helps imo, I hate the NY accent that Bully Ray has. I think it's just that whatever region people are from, they dislike that accent, I wish I had a Southern Accent it sounds much cooler than the obnoxious NY accent.

Annoying with a southern accent is still annoying :p:

I watched the show...well most of it...they have WAY too much diva stuff (I hesitate to use the word diva..that one gal makes Chyna look all girly & feminine). Joe & Daniels were much better mic wise than AJ.
silverbear;3979332 said:
Man, you really are one lost little fanboi, aren't you??


I can see why the kid likes him. AJ is great in the ring. But he's over the top about it cause some forum of people who think like he does, and some magazine, told him that AJ is the best in the world. THus it's fact and can't be disputed.

That's the biggest problem with that kid.

RoyTheHammer;3979449 said:
* Batista said he left WWE last year because he no longer fit with their product. He dislikes WWE’s kid-friendly direction, saying there is nothing kid-friendly about Dave Batista. Batista said WWE’s direction leaves a bad taste in his mouth as it’s too unbelievable and hokey. He feels he became disconnected from the industry and became unhappy with it. Though he still believes in WWE as a company, he doesn’t think there is a place for him anymore


Right on Dave.. right on.


Good for you Dave. If you don't like it glad you didn't stay. Right move. I'm sure WWE, and all the money they're racking in without you, are really hurt that you're gone.

Aikmaniac;3979635 said:
To give R2A the benefit of the doubt, I watched the TNA show last night and made a point to give AJ Styles a chance....

I changed the channel two minutes into his promo. Am I missing something?

To be fair...yes.

What you missed was him wrestling. It's the part of AJ Styles that is definately worthwhile and worth seeing. He's average, at best, on the mic but to watch him wrestle is pretty entertaining.

I do agree with R2A on AJ when it comes to the in-ring work.

DallasGirl50;3979752 said:
This sounds harsh but he sounds a bit like a hick...not saying accent equals IQ. There is not just his voice but he looks uneasy as well to me. I have to laugh at "Bully Ray"...he lapses in & out of that accent. He may be from Brooklyn or wherever but that accent is forced for TV. Big time.


I've said that many times over the last few years is that one of his problems is that he looks uneasy and doesn't really seem to want to be doing the talking.

That happens to some guys. Even Bret Hart admits for the longest time, when he first started wrestling, he had it rough cause he was never comfortable with it. He eventually got passed that to become better on the mic, above average (and his heel turn and Anti-America/Pro-Canada stuff was quite good IMO), but it's not always that easy for guys to over come that.

AJ really does need a mouth piece. Someone to talk for him and let him do the wrestling. He would benefit a great deal from that.
It's intimidating to speak in front of people. I do it rarely & it is not easy. To me it's real obvious that AJ is not comfortable...look at Mark. He's been wrestling for decades..mic work is not his thing. If he has a good spot talking it's almost always when he's got somebody else working with him.
zrinkill;3979662 said:
best way to watch TN ..... excuse me "Impact", is with the mute on.

They have a few talented in ring guys ...... but only a handful are any good on the stick.

I cringe whenever Morgan, AJ, Abyss, or Gunner try and talk.

Abyss and Morgan arn't bad with the stick.. i especially like the new "The Art of War" stuff he does.
RoyTheHammer;3980057 said:
Abyss and Morgan arn't bad with the stick..

Abyss is trying to do the mankind thing ...... and Morgan is just awful.

I am talking John Morrison bad.

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