Stone Cold Steve Austin

Cowboy Brian

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DallasGirl50;3972459 said:
RAW was a bit boring tonite..being that Austin was there & all. Way too much R Truth..who I actually think is doing a decent job but it was overkill tonite. Divas were a waste of time as usual. Interesting they are pushing tag team action so much. I do like Sin Cara.. Austin just never changes. He is always funny to me.

Not enough Truth IMO, he's been great. Quickly rising back into my favorites like he was as Ron Killings.


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Romo 2 Austin;3973035 said:
Not enough Truth IMO, he's been great. Quickly rising back into my favorites like he was as Ron Killings.

Please.. in the attitude era, R Truth would have been one of the jabroni's the Rock smacked around every week and then fed his strudel too. He's comedic relief at best.. and an embarassment at worst. Shouldn't be taking up major segments of programming.

Cowboy Brian

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RoyTheHammer;3973064 said:
Please.. in the attitude era, R Truth would have been one of the jabroni's the Rock smacked around every week and then fed his strudel too. He's comedic relief at best.. and an embarassment at worst. Shouldn't be taking up major segments of programming.

I like him, he can perform in the ring & unlike other wrestling comedy angles he's actually funny.


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RoyTheHammer;3973064 said:
Please.. in the attitude era, R Truth would have been one of the jabroni's the Rock smacked around every week and then fed his strudel too. He's comedic relief at best.. and an embarassment at worst. Shouldn't be taking up major segments of programming.

I disagree ....... only thing he has going against him is his age.


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I like Truth but that was too much of him last night.. He's doing better than I expected him too though. I guess I was selling him short...I can't see any scenerio where he beats Cena. They are just waiting for John to get back for Truth.

big dog cowboy

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Every minute that Truth is on TV is a another minute that drives me crazy. I really wish Stone Cold would have given him a stunner to at least make me smile for putting up with him last night.


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He's sure getting alot of TV time...I think the little Jimmy stuff is kind of funny in a corny way.


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big dog cowboy;3973118 said:
Every minute that Truth is on TV is a another minute that drives me crazy. I really wish Stone Cold would have given him a stunner to at least make me smile for putting up with him last night.

Ahh.. finally someone of reason. Guy is a clown, nothing more. He's the new Eugene.


Slanje Va
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zrinkill;3972677 said:
Liked all the Stone Cold bits ...... especially the teaser with CM Punk.

Liked how they had CM Punk (a guy who is supposedly leaving the company according to some) beat their top star to set up the next feud between Punk and Cena (followed by Punk and Austin in my opinion)

I also think they are setting up the return of Batista with the constant attacks of Mason Ryan on Rey ......

This obviously doesn't make it true as it comes from a rumour site but I thought its worth posting since r2a is being ridiculed for saying he expects punk to leave later this year.

"The latest update on CM Punk's status with WWE is that he is still planning on taking a leave of absence once his contract expires this year. Those close to the Raw Superstar say he feels like he hasn't been treated like a "top guy," which will factor in his decision"


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daschoo;3973225 said:
since r2a is being ridiculed for saying he expects punk to leave later this year.

I have r2a on ignore ...... but if he is being ridiculed, its for being an obnoxious little twit.

Punk may very well leave ...... I do not know ..... but he twittered months ago it was a rumor. If he wants some time off I hope he takes it ......

He took offense at that and attacked my character because of it ...... just like he does when anyone says anything good about Dez Bryant.

That is why he is now on mine (and probably many others) ignore list.


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daschoo;3973225 said:
This obviously doesn't make it true as it comes from a rumour site but I thought its worth posting since r2a is being ridiculed for saying he expects punk to leave later this year.

"The latest update on CM Punk's status with WWE is that he is still planning on taking a leave of absence once his contract expires this year. Those close to the Raw Superstar say he feels like he hasn't been treated like a "top guy," which will factor in his decision"

Yup.. this story has been going around for several months now, so its not just something one guy knows about. I think Punk has a legit gripe, and its pretty obvious he's not the happiest guy with the organization. I wouldn't be at all suprised to see him take time off or do some indy bookings for awhile.


Slanje Va
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zrinkill;3973269 said:

cheers for that.

how ridiculous does r-truth look when he goes for austin, realises its the miz next to get stunned and just kind of stands waiting for austin to turn round.

for the record i hope you're right regarding punk, i'd love to see him and austin feuding.


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daschoo;3973339 said:
for the record i hope you're right regarding punk, i'd love to see him and austin feuding.

I do not know if it will happen.

but Vince usually does not hint at something without following through.

Vince usually buries guys who are leaving the WWE ...... and he has Punk beat his top guy in the main event of his top show ...... does not make sense.

Hopefully Punk is just holding out for a better contract ...... we will see if he leaves in July like people are saying.


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Punk gets plenty of airtime..before this Corre stuff he had his own group & he got tons of airtime. He was also out with an injury for awhile. As for belts...Taker has been there for decades & been champ 4 or 5 times...Kane even fewer. Cena probably already has more title reigns than either of them...Edge had something like 12. They never have bellyached about it....I like Punk. I think he's one of the best out there.


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DallasGirl50;3973361 said:
Punk gets plenty of airtime..before this Corre stuff he had his own group & he got tons of airtime. He was also out with an injury for awhile. As for belts...Taker has been there for decades & been champ 4 or 5 times...Kane even fewer. Cena probably already has more title reigns than either of them...Edge had something like 12. They never have bellyached about it....I like Punk. I think he's one of the best out there.

I agree - Punk is really good. I think Kane had the belt exactly once, and even that was for...what was it, a day? A week? Something like that?

The way Punk sits down...does that remind anyone else sorta kinda of what Raven used to do?


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Phoenix;3973441 said:
I agree - Punk is really good. I think Kane had the belt exactly once, and even that was for...what was it, a day? A week? Something like that?

The way Punk sits down...does that remind anyone else sorta kinda of what Raven used to do?

That is very Raven "ish" of Punk...great observation. I never thought of that! Glenn/Kane has been world champ maybe 2X's...held some tag belts but he doesn't complain or say he's leaving...same with Taker. I mean seriously who deserves more championship belts when it's all said & done..Taker or Cena? And yet Cena probably already laps Mark.....

Cowboy Brian

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daschoo;3973225 said:
This obviously doesn't make it true as it comes from a rumour site but I thought its worth posting since r2a is being ridiculed for saying he expects punk to leave later this year.

"The latest update on CM Punk's status with WWE is that he is still planning on taking a leave of absence once his contract expires this year. Those close to the Raw Superstar say he feels like he hasn't been treated like a "top guy," which will factor in his decision"

;). & Vince usually puts people over on the way out, did it with Jericho, did it with others, so they can make someone on the way out. Hell he put the WWE title on Jeff Hardy when Hardy said he was leaving/taking time off, Jeff must've went wild on that burying eh Zrinkill?

They only bury when they want the person to leave, if they want them to stay, Hardy, Jericho, now Punk and a ton more, they make em a focal point of the storyline, so even if they do leave they'll come back in the future. It's good will, and it usually works making a star on the way out, or solidifying one.. Hardy made Punk on the way out, Jericho helped make Cena on the way out and Punk probably will make Ryan on the way out.

Cowboy Brian

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Phoenix;3973441 said:
I agree - Punk is really good. I think Kane had the belt exactly once, and even that was for...what was it, a day? A week? Something like that?

The way Punk sits down...does that remind anyone else sorta kinda of what Raven used to do?

Kane had it two times, a day like a decade ago and a few month World Heavyweight Title reign last year.