Stone Cold Steve Austin

Hostile;3974013 said:
Cena started as a heel doing the Dr. of Thuganomics stuff. He's a better face and shouldn't be goofed with on that.

I want Jericho back. My favorite heel.

I like Jericho too. I know he is writing another book...I thought he'd be back by now. He just has so much besides wrestling in his life...maybe he figures he'll just retire.
Hostile;3974032 said:
I'm confused if you are even still a fan of the sport or not. Reading your takes on wrestling are more depressing than reading obituaries.

He is like the "bach" of wresting/sports entertainment.
DallasGirl50;3974092 said:
I like Jericho too. I know he is writing another book...I thought he'd be back by now. He just has so much besides wrestling in his life...maybe he figures he'll just retire.

Pretty sure he said on his twitter that he's doing a tour of Europe with his band shortly, I could be wrong though.
edit: just googled and this is the tour dates

Jun 29, 2011 - Wed - Queens Hall - Nuneaton, England
Jun 30, 2011 - Thu - Moho Live - Manchester, England


Jul 01, 2011 - Fri - Westcoast Bar - Margate, England
Jul 02, 2011 - Sat - Le Maroquinerie - Paris, France
Jul 03, 2011 - Sun - Reload Festival - Twistringen, Germany
Jul 05, 2011 - Tue - Schurr - Luzern, Switzerland
Jul 06, 2011 - Wed - Zakk - Dusseldorf, Germany
Jul 08, 2011 - Fri - Rock Harz Festival - Ballenstedt, Germany
Jul 10, 2011 - Sun - Sonisphere - Knebworth, England
Jul 11, 2011 - Mon - Garage - Saarbrucken, Germany
Jul 12, 2011 - Tue - Voxhall - Aarhus, Denmark
Jul 15, 2011 - Fri - Dour Festival - Dour, Belgium
Jul 16, 2011 - Sat - Zwarte Cross Festival - Lictenvoorde, Netherlands
Jul 17, 2011 - Sun - Dingwalls - London, England

a while yet before we see him back in the ring then
Hostile;3974013 said:
Cena started as a heel doing the Dr. of Thuganomics stuff. He's a better face and shouldn't be goofed with on that.

I want Jericho back. My favorite heel.

Definitely disagree with you there. He's dreadful as a face in my opinion, I understand the character isn't aimed at me but still I really hate watching him these days whereas in the video I posted earlier he's entertaining. As has previously been said though his current character is making Vince a lot of money so he's unlikely to change it any time soon.
My sister tweets with of many thousands I'm sure...I thought his tour was over...I definitely was wrong about that. She told me that he said his aches & pains were worse now than when he was wrestling & he was joking about that. Oh well..he's one of those that could come back anytime & step into any program and be fine...and fans everywhere would be glad to see him. They could put him with anyone..on either show. Chris is a busy guy!
RoyTheHammer;3974038 said:
According to Vince, its not a sport, and you'd be fined for referring to it as such.
I stopped reading right here. Gonna go look at the obituaries and cheer up.
daschoo;3974108 said:
Definitely disagree with you there. He's dreadful as a face in my opinion, I understand the character isn't aimed at me but still I really hate watching him these days whereas in the video I posted earlier he's entertaining. As has previously been said though his current character is making Vince a lot of money so he's unlikely to change it any time soon.
People who are dreadful as a face don't cause the crowd to erupt. Hogan did that too. I consider him a horrible wrestler but he was a great face.
Hostile;3974032 said:
I'm confused if you are even still a fan of the sport or not. Reading your takes on wrestling are more depressing than reading obituaries.

Most of his opinions are not opinions, they are facts.
RoyTheHammer;3974038 said:
According to Vince, its not a sport, and you'd be fined for referring to it as such.

...that's the problem i have with the WWE right now. Its not "my take", its just the product they are putting out. Its a soap opera aimed at kids. Let your favorite character hit his same five moves in a row and get the win and let the merchandise flow from the heavens. To call it "wrestling" anymore with what little they allow them to do in the ring in the WWE right now would be an insult though.

Even when you have guys who are supremely talented in ring tacticians, it largely goes wasted anymore becaue they arn't allowed to show their full potential in those 3 minutes matches that follow a strict script. Don't tell me if you really watch, you can't predict most matches nowadays. I watched a match between Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Rocky Maivia on Netflix the other day from early in both men's careers, and compared to the garbage they show us now it was like night and day. That was real wrestling, and the match went on for like 10 plus minutes.

The stuff we see today sadly, will never measure up. That's why i root for TNA. They at least allow their guys to perform in the ring and seem to care about the traditional wrestling show style. They need work in alot of areas, anyone can see that.. but their basic style of production is one that i relate to better and enjoy more, and they allow their athletes to go out there and do what they love to do. Wrestle.

big dog cowboy;3974053 said:
Mr. "Break The Walls Down" should be returning soon. If I recall, he was going to take a break after his dancing days then return. Hopefully he will be back in time for Summer Slam. My preferance would be that he is on Raw when he comes back. Either way the WWE will be that much stronger then.

Hopefully SD, stronger wrestlers on the show, better matches. Jericho-Bryan, Jericho-Cara, Jericho-Christian feuds will produce better matches than Jericho-Ryan, Jericho-Cena & Jericho-Del Joke.
Hostile;3974165 said:
I stopped reading right here. Gonna go look at the obituaries and cheer up.

lol.. im sure you did too. If you can't handle reality, the WWE is definitely the place for you now. Tune in next week to see who's having Kelly and Victor's baby and who Mrs. Smith is sleeping with now...
RoyTheHammer;3974369 said:
Tune in next week to see who's having Kelly and Victor's baby and who Mrs. Smith is sleeping with now...
Don't you mean Karen, Kurt, and Jeff?
Hostile;3974421 said:
Don't you mean Karen, Kurt, and Jeff?

Ah.. so even you see how wrestling has gotten alot more "soap opera-y" lately. Good.

Btw, thought you were off reading obituaries. lol
Hostile;3974421 said:
Don't you mean Karen, Kurt, and Jeff?

What a complete waste of one of the best...Kurt. He must owe some major child support or something & is being forced to work with Karen. I've been ff'ing over their bits for what seems like months now. I even like Jeff but all that is awful.
RoyTheHammer;3974038 said:
The stuff we see today sadly, will never measure up. That's why i root for TNA. They at least allow their guys to perform in the ring and seem to care about the traditional wrestling show style. They need work in alot of areas, anyone can see that.. but their basic style of production is one that i relate to better and enjoy more, and they allow their athletes to go out there and do what they love to do. Wrestle.

Sadly for you, and others, you're going to be out of luck for a very long time then.

It's pretty clear in the ratings, rather people want to try and blame it on what network they're on or whatever, that what Vince is selling brings in higher ratings, and more buy rates, than what TNA does.

So, unfortunately, the majority of wrestling fans, right now, aren't really all that interested in rather the matches are 5 star quality all the time or not. Apparently the soap opera sells more than the matches.

Which, in all honesty, isn't all that far off from how it's always been which is why your top draws, especially the ones all time, have always been the guys who can talk and play their roles to perfection. That's what draws.

Back in the day, until the mid-late 80's, the in-ring product could keep a company going, and going strong, without the characters or talking because people believed it's real. Unfortunately for people who still want the wrestling to be the biggest focus that's a tough sell now because no one whose older than 7 believes it's real anymore. They know it's fake and as such aren't nearly as interested in the matches.

I know for me personally it's like this. The matches are nice. A great, amazing, match is icing on the cake. But its not the draw, and hasn't been since I was about 6 or 7 years old. The talking, the characters, the segments, that's the draw. That's what made me want to watch the show every week.

The wrestling? Eh. I can take it or leave it honestly. I couldn't care less if the match is 5 minutes long or 50. When a great match up happens (Taker/HBK at WM 25 and 26) that's absolutely awesome and I appreciate what they do.

but for me, and apparently according to the ratings, a lot of other people aren't really as interested in the wrestling.

It's one of the things that irks me the most about people who won't be rational about TNA. Now obviously this isn't aimed at you Roy cause you've been one of the most level headed TNA guys I've seen. But everytime some kid comes around and tries to tell everyone that they're wrong, and everyone else agrees that TNA is so much better cause of the wrestling, but then makes up excuses or ignores the facts that the ratings do not back up their claims....well it's just annoying.

TNA needs to be better. They need to push the WWE. That would be great for all wrestling fans. I certainly wish they were better and did push them.

But right now, with the only thing they have to hold onto being that they have the better in-ring product...well frankly they're not even getting close to getting the job done.
Jericho as a heel was entertaining as all. He's so good on the mic and cracked me up back in the long hair days. In my opinion, similar to the Rock, I almost prefer him as a heel than a face.
BraveHeartFan;3974501 said:
Sadly for you, and others, you're going to be out of luck for a very long time then.

It's pretty clear in the ratings, rather people want to try and blame it on what network they're on or whatever, that what Vince is selling brings in higher ratings, and more buy rates, than what TNA does.

So, unfortunately, the majority of wrestling fans, right now, aren't really all that interested in rather the matches are 5 star quality all the time or not. Apparently the soap opera sells more than the matches.

Which, in all honesty, isn't all that far off from how it's always been which is why your top draws, especially the ones all time, have always been the guys who can talk and play their roles to perfection. That's what draws.

Back in the day, until the mid-late 80's, the in-ring product could keep a company going, and going strong, without the characters or talking because people believed it's real. Unfortunately for people who still want the wrestling to be the biggest focus that's a tough sell now because no one whose older than 7 believes it's real anymore. They know it's fake and as such aren't nearly as interested in the matches.

I know for me personally it's like this. The matches are nice. A great, amazing, match is icing on the cake. But its not the draw, and hasn't been since I was about 6 or 7 years old. The talking, the characters, the segments, that's the draw. That's what made me want to watch the show every week.

The wrestling? Eh. I can take it or leave it honestly. I couldn't care less if the match is 5 minutes long or 50. When a great match up happens (Taker/HBK at WM 25 and 26) that's absolutely awesome and I appreciate what they do.

but for me, and apparently according to the ratings, a lot of other people aren't really as interested in the wrestling.

It's one of the things that irks me the most about people who won't be rational about TNA. Now obviously this isn't aimed at you Roy cause you've been one of the most level headed TNA guys I've seen. But everytime some kid comes around and tries to tell everyone that they're wrong, and everyone else agrees that TNA is so much better cause of the wrestling, but then makes up excuses or ignores the facts that the ratings do not back up their claims....well it's just annoying.

TNA needs to be better. They need to push the WWE. That would be great for all wrestling fans. I certainly wish they were better and did push them.

But right now, with the only thing they have to hold onto being that they have the better in-ring product...well frankly they're not even getting close to getting the job done.

The "drama" may draw you, the "wrestling" draws me and many others. Do more people like the "drama", yes probably, but not me and if TNA goes more towards that aspect i'll start watching more ROH, I prefer wrestling and there are tons of people like me in that aspect.
BraveHeartFan;3974501 said:
Sadly for you, and others, you're going to be out of luck for a very long time then.

It's pretty clear in the ratings, rather people want to try and blame it on what network they're on or whatever, that what Vince is selling brings in higher ratings, and more buy rates, than what TNA does.

So, unfortunately, the majority of wrestling fans, right now, aren't really all that interested in rather the matches are 5 star quality all the time or not. Apparently the soap opera sells more than the matches.

Which, in all honesty, isn't all that far off from how it's always been which is why your top draws, especially the ones all time, have always been the guys who can talk and play their roles to perfection. That's what draws.

Back in the day, until the mid-late 80's, the in-ring product could keep a company going, and going strong, without the characters or talking because people believed it's real. Unfortunately for people who still want the wrestling to be the biggest focus that's a tough sell now because no one whose older than 7 believes it's real anymore. They know it's fake and as such aren't nearly as interested in the matches.

I know for me personally it's like this. The matches are nice. A great, amazing, match is icing on the cake. But its not the draw, and hasn't been since I was about 6 or 7 years old. The talking, the characters, the segments, that's the draw. That's what made me want to watch the show every week.

The wrestling? Eh. I can take it or leave it honestly. I couldn't care less if the match is 5 minutes long or 50. When a great match up happens (Taker/HBK at WM 25 and 26) that's absolutely awesome and I appreciate what they do.

but for me, and apparently according to the ratings, a lot of other people aren't really as interested in the wrestling.

It's one of the things that irks me the most about people who won't be rational about TNA. Now obviously this isn't aimed at you Roy cause you've been one of the most level headed TNA guys I've seen. But everytime some kid comes around and tries to tell everyone that they're wrong, and everyone else agrees that TNA is so much better cause of the wrestling, but then makes up excuses or ignores the facts that the ratings do not back up their claims....well it's just annoying.

TNA needs to be better. They need to push the WWE. That would be great for all wrestling fans. I certainly wish they were better and did push them.

But right now, with the only thing they have to hold onto being that they have the better in-ring product...well frankly they're not even getting close to getting the job done.

Don't get me wrong.. i love the promos, but there arn't any tough guys who i believe in wrestling anymore. There's no more Triple H, Stone Cold, Rock, Scott Steiner, Hall and Nash, etc etc.. these guys could talk and pulled off the bad arse personas so well. Not much like these guys nowadays. Now you got all your pretty boys and metrosexuals.

Also, promos are nothing without wrestling and action to back it up..and the amount of talking to wrestling in shows now has gotten out of hand. In a common 2 hour program there's usually only like 20 minutes of actual wrestling anymore. Its just silly, but like you said.. that's what draws most of these sheep, so its whatever. I'll keep watching the parts of both shows that i enjoy, and fast forwarding over the rest until hopefully one company learns how to write and book well again.
RoyTheHammer;3974767 said:
Don't get me wrong.. i love the promos, but there arn't any tough guys who i believe in wrestling anymore. There's no more Triple H, Stone Cold, Rock, Scott Steiner, Hall and Nash, etc etc.. these guys could talk and pulled off the bad arse personas so well. Not much like these guys nowadays. Now you got all your pretty boys and metrosexuals.

Also, promos are nothing without wrestling and action to back it up..and the amount of talking to wrestling in shows now has gotten out of hand. In a common 2 hour program there's usually only like 20 minutes of actual wrestling anymore. Its just silly, but like you said.. that's what draws most of these sheep, so its whatever. I'll keep watching the parts of both shows that i enjoy, and fast forwarding over the rest until hopefully one company learns how to write and book well again.

I'd like to get your take on SD recently, honestly I think it was last week they had 36 minutes of wrestling, I believe I read it was the most on a TV show w.o any gimmicks since iMPACT some time in 2009, before Hogan & Bischoff arrived. SD has had a real "old school" feel to its booking recently, and i've been enjoying it. Me and you are probably the two that like the "old school" way of things the most, so wanted your take on SD recently. It's really sad that SD has the lower ratings imo, it's consistently been the better wrestling show, 2002-2004 SD is my favorite wrestling era, over the Attitude era.
RoyTheHammer;3974431 said:
Ah.. so even you see how wrestling has gotten alot more "soap opera-y" lately. Good.
It has always been soap opera stuff.

Stephanie going to marry Test, HHH gets her passed out drunk and marries her himself, then marries her in real life.

Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan fighting over Woman, and then in real life she leaves Sullivan and marries Benoit only to be killed by him later.

Savage and Miss Elizabeth.

Matt Hardy vs. Edge over Lita.

I realize you are pining for a bygone era of WWE but I'm not. Wrestling evolves and goes in cycles. I've never needed glitz and glamor and R ratings to enjoy what these people give. Curt Hennig was never a filthy mouthed guy, but in a wrestling ring no one was better. Dean Malenko was never good on a Mic, but in the ring he was awesome. Benoit in the ring was a master.

I like the promos and the entertainment and I like the wrestling. You and R2A can get all caught up in Miz is a former reality show star. I could care less about that. What someone used to do doesn't matter to me. Can they wrestle? Can they entertain? Do they get audience reactions?

Wrestling has always been a soap opera. There isn't more now than there used to be. It's just different people doing the same old story lines with a slight twist here or there. 20 years from now there will love triangle soap opera stories in wrestling. There will be snooty rich guys telling everyone they are better because of their wealth. There will be somebody pretending to be a singer, rapper, or dancer. There will be somebody who has anti-social tendencies. There will be a good guy too good to be true who goes bad by attacking another good guy.

All a soap opera for entertainment purposes.

Whatever sells.

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