Stone Cold Steve Austin

DallasGirl50;3973471 said:
That is very Raven "ish" of Punk...great observation. I never thought of that! Glenn/Kane has been world champ maybe 2X's...held some tag belts but he doesn't complain or say he's leaving...same with Taker. I mean seriously who deserves more championship belts when it's all said & done..Taker or Cena? And yet Cena probably already laps Mark.....

Paul bearer said it best on his blog a few years ago.

Guys like Taker, Kane, big Show, Michaels, and Flair do not need to be chasing the belt to have the respect of the crowd or be in the main event.

They transcend it.
zrinkill;3973558 said:
Paul bearer said it best on his blog a few years ago.

Guys like Taker, Kane, big Show, Michaels, and Flair do not need to be chasing the belt to have the respect of the crowd or be in the main event.

They transcend it.

I completely agree with that but Flair has over a dozen belts I think..but I know what he meant. I personally think Cena can't carry Taker's jock. Or any of the others mentioned for that matter.
DallasGirl50;3973670 said:
I completely agree with that but Flair has over a dozen belts I think..but I know what he meant. I personally think Cena can't carry Taker's jock. Or any of the others mentioned for that matter.

If he makes it in the business till he is 40 he will e a Legend just like those guys.

"Smarks" used to hate Shawn Michaels too ..... until he got old.
RoyTheHammer;3972767 said:
Austin could probably pull of one or two more matches on a grand stage, but i don't think we'll ever see him in the ring for a considerable amount of time again.

This is what I believe as well. I think that's exactly what he's got left in him.

zrinkill;3972792 said:
What Happened After RAW Last Night with Austin, Cena, Miz and Punk?

The crowd was super hot all night and loved Austin. After RAW went off the air on USA, The Miz came out to face John Cena in a Street Fight for the WWE Title.

Sheamus, Punk, R-Truth and Miz all ended up beating Cena. Punk mocked Steve Austin and had a "beer bash" but with Diet Pepsi. Austin's music hit and he came out with Stunners for everyone. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment on Miz to win the match and Austin stunned Punk to send everyone home super happy.

That is awesome. I'll have to watch the video later.

RoyTheHammer;3973064 said:
Please.. in the attitude era, R Truth would have been one of the jabroni's the Rock smacked around every week and then fed his strudel too. He's comedic relief at best.. and an embarassment at worst. Shouldn't be taking up major segments of programming.

Agreed in part. In the attitude era, for sure. He's nothing special, he's certainly not the best heel, but I think he's done a decent job of carrying the story, and character, they're giving him right now.

They appeared to put him on the show a little to much Monday night but thats to be expected I suppose.
zrinkill;3973697 said:
If he makes it in the business till he is 40 he will e a Legend just like those guys.

"Smarks" used to hate Shawn Michaels too ..... until he got old.

Not this one. :)

I've been a Michaels fan since the very early 90's and I'm quite proud of that. :)
zrinkill;3973697 said:
If he makes it in the business till he is 40 he will e a Legend just like those guys.

"Smarks" used to hate Shawn Michaels too ..... until he got old.

Oh I know John is popular with many & all that..sells the shirts'etc. Hard worker no doubt. As many boo him as cheer him when I 've seen him so I'm not alone thinking he's as corny as popcorn...:). And since you mentioned Shawn I think on his worse day in the ring he's better than John on his best.
DallasGirl50;3973767 said:
And since you mentioned Shawn I think on his worse day in the ring he's better than John on his best.

In the ring Shawn is better than anyone as a performer.

Cena is fine in the ring.
I'll probably never be a Cena fan other than admiring that he has succeeded in a hard business...I'm too old for that rap crap he use to pull & his GI Joe act got old a long time ago for me. But that's just nephews are the age market they put John out there for & they have Cena hats..wristbands..shirts. I like the guys with some edge to their ring personality. He'll be around running into guys with his shoulder for many more years if his neck holds out...
DallasGirl50;3973839 said:
I'll probably never be a Cena fan other than admiring that he has succeeded in a hard business...I'm too old for that rap crap he use to pull & his GI Joe act got old a long time ago for me. But that's just nephews are the age market they put John out there for & they have Cena hats..wristbands..shirts. I like the guys with some edge to their ring personality. He'll be around running into guys with his shoulder for many more years if his neck holds out...

WWE has 2 characters that are mainstream, Cena & Orton.. and Cena is much more known than Orton, without Cena WWE is in horid shape.
DallasGirl50;3973839 said:
I'll probably never be a Cena fan other than admiring that he has succeeded in a hard business...I'm too old for that rap crap he use to pull & his GI Joe act got old a long time ago for me. But that's just nephews are the age market they put John out there for & they have Cena hats..wristbands..shirts. I like the guys with some edge to their ring personality. He'll be around running into guys with his shoulder for many more years if his neck holds out...

Not a fan of cena but in fairness to the guy he's a lot better than he's being allowed to show just now. He's shown in the past that he's better in ring than the 5 moves he's used for the last few years and as for his horrendous kid friendly superman character this to me shows you how misused he is.
In saying that I'm saying misused from the point of view of entertaining me, Vince is obviously looking at it from what character is going to get kids to pester their parents into buying merch.
daschoo;3973853 said:
Not a fan of cena but in fairness to the guy he's a lot better than he's being allowed to show just now. He's shown in the past that he's better in ring than the 5 moves he's used for the last few years and as for his horrendous kid friendly superman character this to me shows you how misused he is.
In saying that I'm saying misused from the point of view of entertaining me, Vince is obviously looking at it from what character is going to get kids to pester their parents into buying merch.

Well Vince is a billionaire & he got that way by being business smart so you're right. Cena sells the shirts & all that. Generally you don't fix something if it ain't broken. I totally get that. Cena needs to turn spice up that boring ring persona of his. I don't buy it but many do. That's my only point.
Romo 2 Austin;3973850 said:
WWE has 2 characters that are mainstream, Cena & Orton.. and Cena is much more known than Orton, without Cena WWE is in horid shape.

Known where? Among wrestling fans? If wrestling fan should be familiar with the name Orton. Long before Cena there was a famous Orton wrestling. WWE can survive any guy leaving..far bigger have left than John if he left. And he won't...he's on TV more than anyone...he's never long without a belt. If his neck holds out he's got a cushy job with WWE for a long time.
DallasGirl50;3973839 said:
I'll probably never be a Cena fan other than admiring that he has succeeded in a hard business...I'm too old for that rap crap he use to pull & his GI Joe act got old a long time ago for me. But that's just nephews are the age market they put John out there for & they have Cena hats..wristbands..shirts. I like the guys with some edge to their ring personality. He'll be around running into guys with his shoulder for many more years if his neck holds out...
I have never quite understood the Cena dislike. You ought to look up what Ric Flair thinks of him on youtube. Quite revealing the respect he has in the kid and the way he has gone about rising properly and respecting the business. Praise from Flair is not cheap. He usually reserves it for true professionals like Harley Race, Steamboat, et al.
DallasGirl50;3973940 said:
Known where? Among wrestling fans? If wrestling fan should be familiar with the name Orton. Long before Cena there was a famous Orton wrestling. WWE can survive any guy leaving..far bigger have left than John if he left. And he won't...he's on TV more than anyone...he's never long without a belt. If his neck holds out he's got a cushy job with WWE for a long time.

I'm talking mainstream american. You say CM Punk to someone on the street they'll say who? You say John Cena, they'll say oh that wrestler guy. I'm not talking about wrestling fans.

The difference between now and then, is they've always had a ton of stars built up for the time when people left, now after Cena and Orton they have no body ready to carry the company, they've always had 4-5 main eventers at a time, and a few people that could step up, now who do they have that could step up without people going "what the hell", maybe The Miz? that's it.
Hostile;3973941 said:
I have never quite understood the Cena dislike. You ought to look up what Ric Flair thinks of him on youtube. Quite revealing the respect he has in the kid and the way he has gone about rising properly and respecting the business. Praise from Flair is not cheap. He usually reserves it for true professionals like Harley Race, Steamboat, et al.

He just bores me..he never ring personality I mean. Has he ever been a heel? The stuff he does is too predictable. That's not entirely his fault..he's got a script to follow just like everybody else. I know he's a hard worker..I have posted that. I like the wrestlers with a bit of edge to them..that's why Taker has always been my favorite.
DallasGirl50;3973980 said:
He just bores me..he never ring personality I mean. Has he ever been a heel? The stuff he does is too predictable. That's not entirely his fault..he's got a script to follow just like everybody else. I know he's a hard worker..I have posted that. I like the wrestlers with a bit of edge to them..that's why Taker has always been my favorite.
Cena started as a heel doing the Dr. of Thuganomics stuff. He's a better face and shouldn't be goofed with on that.

I want Jericho back. My favorite heel.
Hostile;3974013 said:
Cena started as a heel doing the Dr. of Thuganomics stuff. He's a better face and shouldn't be goofed with on that.

I want Jericho back. My favorite heel.

Ehhh to both. Cena is a PG pop culture hero.. nothing about him says one of the great wrestlers of all time to me though.

Jericho was great when he first came to the WWE, however his gimmick got old over the years and i hated "short hair Jericho".

The main problem nowadays is the product. It doesn't matter how good in the ring any of the wrestlers in the WWE are nowadays, because they all follow a strict script of moves.. usually the same 5 moves and in the same order every single time, ending with the set up and the finisher. I can predict so many matches now its ridiculous. Also, matches are ALOT shorter nowadays, in addition to all following the same script.. it just makes for a horrible in ring product. The WWE cares too much about the soap opera, and not enough about the wrestling anymore, which is why its so hard for me to watch their programming anymore. Its for little kiddies who want to see their favorite superstar hit his finisher and that's it. Im actually glad Vince is taking away the word wrestling from the brand name, because to continue to call it that would be an insult to what wrestling used to, and should, be.
RoyTheHammer;3974022 said:
Ehhh to both. Cena is a PG pop culture hero.. nothing about him says one of the great wrestlers of all time to me though.

Jericho was great when he first came to the WWE, however his gimmick got old over the years and i hated "short hair Jericho".

The main problem nowadays is the product. It doesn't matter how good in the ring any of the wrestlers in the WWE are nowadays, because they all follow a strict script of moves.. usually the same 5 moves and in the same order every single time, ending with the set up and the finisher. I can predict so many matches now its ridiculous. Also, matches are ALOT shorter nowadays, in addition to all following the same script.. it just makes for a horrible in ring product. The WWE cares too much about the soap opera, and not enough about the wrestling anymore, which is why its so hard for me to watch their programming anymore. Its for little kiddies who want to see their favorite superstar hit his finisher and that's it. Im actually glad Vince is taking away the word wrestling from the brand name, because to continue to call it that would be an insult to what wrestling used to, and should, be.
I'm confused if you are even still a fan of the sport or not. Reading your takes on wrestling are more depressing than reading obituaries.
Hostile;3974032 said:
I'm confused if you are even still a fan of the sport or not. Reading your takes on wrestling are more depressing than reading obituaries.

According to Vince, its not a sport, and you'd be fined for referring to it as such.

...that's the problem i have with the WWE right now. Its not "my take", its just the product they are putting out. Its a soap opera aimed at kids. Let your favorite character hit his same five moves in a row and get the win and let the merchandise flow from the heavens. To call it "wrestling" anymore with what little they allow them to do in the ring in the WWE right now would be an insult though.

Even when you have guys who are supremely talented in ring tacticians, it largely goes wasted anymore becaue they arn't allowed to show their full potential in those 3 minutes matches that follow a strict script. Don't tell me if you really watch, you can't predict most matches nowadays. I watched a match between Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Rocky Maivia on Netflix the other day from early in both men's careers, and compared to the garbage they show us now it was like night and day. That was real wrestling, and the match went on for like 10 plus minutes.

The stuff we see today sadly, will never measure up. That's why i root for TNA. They at least allow their guys to perform in the ring and seem to care about the traditional wrestling show style. They need work in alot of areas, anyone can see that.. but their basic style of production is one that i relate to better and enjoy more, and they allow their athletes to go out there and do what they love to do. Wrestle.
Hostile;3974013 said:
I want Jericho back. My favorite heel.
Mr. "Break The Walls Down" should be returning soon. If I recall, he was going to take a break after his dancing days then return. Hopefully he will be back in time for Summer Slam. My preferance would be that he is on Raw when he comes back. Either way the WWE will be that much stronger then.

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