Stone Cold Steve Austin

Hostile;3974810 said:
It has always been soap opera stuff.

Stephanie going to marry Test, HHH gets her passed out drunk and marries her himself, then marries her in real life.

Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan fighting over Woman, and then in real life she leaves Sullivan and marries Benoit only to be killed by him later.

Savage and Miss Elizabeth.

Matt Hardy vs. Edge over Lita.

I realize you are pining for a bygone era of WWE but I'm not. Wrestling evolves and goes in cycles. I've never needed glitz and glamor and R ratings to enjoy what these people give. Curt Hennig was never a filthy mouthed guy, but in a wrestling ring no one was better. Dean Malenko was never good on a Mic, but in the ring he was awesome. Benoit in the ring was a master.

I like the promos and the entertainment and I like the wrestling. You and R2A can get all caught up in Miz is a former reality show star. I could care less about that. What someone used to do doesn't matter to me. Can they wrestle? Can they entertain? Do they get audience reactions?

Wrestling has always been a soap opera. There isn't more now than there used to be. It's just different people doing the same old story lines with a slight twist here or there. 20 years from now there will love triangle soap opera stories in wrestling. There will be snooty rich guys telling everyone they are better because of their wealth. There will be somebody pretending to be a singer, rapper, or dancer. There will be somebody who has anti-social tendencies. There will be a good guy too good to be true who goes bad by attacking another good guy.

All a soap opera for entertainment purposes.

Whatever sells.

Miz has really grown on me, he deserves a spot on the card. I said he should be a midcarder, and now I believe a upper-midcard role, such a s Kane/Big Show role is fine for him.

Del Rio, he bores me, gets no reaction and is plain awful. He should become a jobber, then come back repackaged under the dos caras gimmick, more potential. ADR is a failed project and I am ecstatic to have predicted it.
Romo 2 Austin;3974813 said:
Miz has really grown on me, he deserves a spot on the card. I said he should be a midcarder, and now I believe a upper-midcard role, such a s Kane/Big Show role is fine for him.

Del Rio, he bores me, gets no reaction and is plain awful. He should become a jobber, then come back repackaged under the dos caras gimmick, more potential. ADR is a failed project and I am ecstatic to have predicted it.
I disagree with you there. Not liking someone (like I am with Hogan) does not mean you have to be blind to how people react. Del Rio gets a lot of fan reaction. Exactly the kind a heel is supposed to.

Pay attention.
Hostile;3974810 said:
It has always been soap opera stuff.

Stephanie going to marry Test, HHH gets her passed out drunk and marries her himself, then marries her in real life.

Chris Benoit and Kevin Sullivan fighting over Woman, and then in real life she leaves Sullivan and marries Benoit only to be killed by him later.

Savage and Miss Elizabeth.

Matt Hardy vs. Edge over Lita.

I realize you are pining for a bygone era of WWE but I'm not. Wrestling evolves and goes in cycles. I've never needed glitz and glamor and R ratings to enjoy what these people give. Curt Hennig was never a filthy mouthed guy, but in a wrestling ring no one was better. Dean Malenko was never good on a Mic, but in the ring he was awesome. Benoit in the ring was a master.

I like the promos and the entertainment and I like the wrestling. You and R2A can get all caught up in Miz is a former reality show star. I could care less about that. What someone used to do doesn't matter to me. Can they wrestle? Can they entertain? Do they get audience reactions?

Wrestling has always been a soap opera. There isn't more now than there used to be. It's just different people doing the same old story lines with a slight twist here or there. 20 years from now there will love triangle soap opera stories in wrestling. There will be snooty rich guys telling everyone they are better because of their wealth. There will be somebody pretending to be a singer, rapper, or dancer. There will be somebody who has anti-social tendencies. There will be a good guy too good to be true who goes bad by attacking another good guy.

All a soap opera for entertainment purposes.

Whatever sells.

Whatever sells.. spoken like a true sheep.

Funny how you talk about great in ring wrestlers, then you ramble on about how you never needed glitz and glamour to enjoy wrestling.. when you admit that's all it is. One big soap opera. You don't even know what to think about it apparently.

If you're happy with the PG, 5 move matches, "Lil Jimmy" comedy, metrosexuals, dancing, midgets, giants in dresses, Cena walking billboard crap.. that's great. Im glad you're entertained.

Im not, and prefer more old school production and wrestling style. We've had this discussion before, so there's no need for you to keep responding to my posts with the same argument.
RoyTheHammer;3974879 said:
Whatever sells.. spoken like a true sheep.

Funny how you talk about great in ring wrestlers, then you ramble on about how you never needed glitz and glamour to enjoy wrestling.. when you admit that's all it is. One big soap opera. You don't even know what to think about it apparently.

If you're happy with the PG, 5 move matches, "Lil Jimmy" comedy, metrosexuals, dancing, midgets, giants in dresses, Cena walking billboard crap.. that's great. Im glad you're entertained.

Im not, and prefer more old school production and wrestling style. We've had this discussion before, so there's no need for you to keep responding to my posts with the same argument.
Then shut up, and take that sheep comment and put it where the sun don't shine if you can jam it in there with your head.
Stone Cold and Punk still working angle on Twitter

Up & atom. Eggs & bacon. Ice & Coco.

@CMPunk how bout a beer to wash all that down?

@steveaustinBSR What?

@CMPunk it is waaaaay too early for this....have a good one....Punk.

@steveaustinBSR Have a stunning day....Steven.
Hostile;3974917 said:
Then shut up, and take that sheep comment and put it where the sun don't shine if you can jam it in there with your head.

Funny! btw..answer a question for me because I am nosy...who is the player in your avatar?
Would love to hear that glass break and see Stone Cold in the vest and knee braces come down that ramp one more time!
I don't belittle anyone who enjoys wrestling but I never understood the appeal of it.

Clearly those who do enjoy seem to be loyal fans
DallasGirl50;3974983 said:
Funny! btw..answer a question for me because I am nosy...who is the player in your avatar?

I'm strictly guessing here, but Jim Thorpe?
Hostile;3974168 said:
People who are dreadful as a face don't cause the crowd to erupt. Hogan did that too. I consider him a horrible wrestler but he was a great face.

Like I said in my opinion he's dreadful. He's successful at appealing to his target audience ie kids but you only need to listen to the crowd reaction when he comes out. Its extremely split, most people over the age of 16 or so hate his character. Since you brought up Hogan, who I agree with you about, I think he'd have the same problem as Cena does if he was doing what he did in the 80's now, people these days just aren't going to cheer for that superman, whiter than white, goody two shoes kind of character who takes a beating all match then hits a couple of big moves to send everyone home happy.

Romo 2 Austin;3974813 said:
Miz has really grown on me, he deserves a spot on the card. I said he should be a midcarder, and now I believe a upper-midcard role, such a s Kane/Big Show role is fine for him.

Del Rio, he bores me, gets no reaction and is plain awful. He should become a jobber, then come back repackaged under the dos caras gimmick, more potential. ADR is a failed project and I am ecstatic to have predicted it.

I really don't get your hatred of Del Rio at all, you might well be ecstatic about predicting his failure but there is the small problem of not many agreeing with you that he has been a failure.
daschoo;3975200 said:
Like I said in my opinion he's dreadful. He's successful at appealing to his target audience ie kids but you only need to listen to the crowd reaction when he comes out. Its extremely split, most people over the age of 16 or so hate his character. Since you brought up Hogan, who I agree with you about, I think he'd have the same problem as Cena does if he was doing what he did in the 80's now, people these days just aren't going to cheer for that superman, whiter than white, goody two shoes kind of character who takes a beating all match then hits a couple of big moves to send everyone home happy.

I really don't get your hatred of Del Rio at all, you might well be ecstatic about predicting his failure but there is the small problem of not many agreeing with you that he has been a failure.

Romo 2 Austin;3975144 said:

7 pages, 1 person disagrees with him not over. Most say he doesn't deserve to be a jobber.

:rolleyes:, "heel heat" does not = silence.

I'm sure thats more the target audience, you know, wrestling fans?
Romo 2 Austin;3975223 said:
I'm sure thats more the target audience, you know, wrestling fans?

Recent post in the thread

"Am I the only person who thinks that the silence stands for: What the #$!* is RR saying? Cos thats how I feel..."

in his avatar, yup, Del Rio.

In his sig.
marking for:
Raw- John Morrison, Del Rio, CM Punk, Ziggler, McIntyre, Kingston, The Miz

and even he admits its utter silence, even though he grasps for a pathetic excuse for it, if a Del Rio fan can admit he's not over enough to get a reaction, why are you all in denial?
DallasGirl50;3974983 said:
Funny! btw..answer a question for me because I am nosy...who is the player in your avatar?

It's Marion Morrison aka The Duke aka John Wayne
WWE is getting their money's worth out of Alberto. He got huge heat when I saw him....there was a huge crowd around him after the show and he couldn't have been any nicer so he is good PR.There is a huge Latino market out there...he's making them money. And that's why they are there.

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