Stone Cold Steve Austin can consider yourself a "smart mark" wrestling fan & myself not till pigs fly & that's fine...I've been to more live wrestling than you can ever dream about...seen more big names than you can imagine. Most wrestlers are nice humble guys..too bad some fans aren't. BTW..I meet one of your super TNA wrestlers a few weeks ago @ a match...Hernandez. Good wrestler & a nice guy. I enjoyed watching him. But darn I forgot to mention to him that I'm just not a "smart mark" wrestling fan. If he knew I wasn't he might have been rude to me. I mean what wrestler wants to talk to a dumb cluck like me..
Romo 2 Austin;3975444 said:
Wasn't really harrassment to say hey to someone and ask them about a match, and if you don't think i'd have the "nerve" to walkup to someone you don't know me at all :laugh1: If I saw Barack Obama on the street i'd walkup to him and talk to him like i've known him for years. I've got a ton of "nerve".

Tyler Black was on the indys for years, he most likely met AJ a ton of times. Like I side, he was in the gym unrecognized and I said hi. I'm sure Cena and Orton went much earlier in the day, when less people where there.

you obviously have a different meaning to the word "harass" than I do...I would pay money to watch anybody try to harass Randy Orton. Even you with all your bravado might find yourself calling your dentist for an emergency visit. He's too smart for that of course but it'd be funny to watch him scare the crap out of you. Look up the word...walking up to somebody to say hey & talk about a match is NOT harassing them. That's called talking...
Hostile;3975448 said:
John Wayne when he was a DT at USC.

one of the other guys answered my question...I did not know he played ball @ USC. He was great...the scene in "True Grit" where he twirls his magic right there.
DallasGirl50;3975464 said:
one of the other guys answered my question...I did not know he played ball @ USC. He was great...the scene in "True Grit" where he twirls his magic right there.
He actually broke his leg while playing football at USC and while it was rehabbing he was working as a gopher for the studios. There are rumors the leg break was a surfing accident. Whichever is true he was interrupted from football.

John Ford saw him walking with that famous limp and envisioned him as a Cowboy. John Wayne was always in the company of a dog named Duke on the movie sets and people took to calling them Big Duke and Little Duke. That is where the nickname came from. Then Ford cast him as an extra in several movies, first as Duke Wayne, and later as John Wayne. He finally got his break in a Raoul Walsh movie called "The Big Trail."

John Wayne got one of his buddies from the USC football team into the movies as well. That buddy was Ward Bond.
Romo 2 Austin;3975457 said:
On SD he got a huge reaction, because they pump it in in post-production, in Raw it's silent since it's live.
He gets no reaction was your comment. Now he gets a huge reaction but its artificial. I can't wait for you to wake up to the fact that he is getting exactly the reaction that more experienced wrestling fans are telling you.
Romo 2 Austin;3975435 said:
The Great Khali is the most over performer in India, Del Rio is one of the most over performers in/by Mexico, but is he worthy of the top role when he gets no reaction virtually, no.

I'm not saying don't like, him, hell if you do its better for the business as your a WWE fan, much more so than I am, your going to buy their products, so if you like him WWE would be happy, I don't, a majority of the "IWC" don't. You know what, the WWE hates the IWC, they hate our guts. It's the reason they buried Punk for years, its the reason Jericho never made it big until they had no one left and the fans demanded after his return, i'm a "smart mark" fan, your not. Your who they want, they want me to go hell. My opinions, like RoytheHammers are radical, nothing like yours & the other casual fans here, I forgot who said it but someone said that the drama draws, it doesn't draw me, it doesn't draw smart mark fans. Hell i've been watching japan wrestling recently because of the in-ring work.

You all can **** on me for my football opinions all you like, most are radical I won't deny that, will Miles endup being better than Dez? I have no clue, I believe so. In 7-10 years we will see, but my wrestling opinion is absolute fact when it comes to the mass opinion of the IWC, any single thing I say you can check on any major wrestling forum, and it'll be backed up. Del Rio is not accepted mainstream, The Miz is hated by the IWC, he's accepted mainstream. Punk is a messiah in the IWC, he has recently become accepted mainstream. Same thing with Samoa Joe, you all call him a fat freak, the IWC buys anything he main events.

I'm not an "average" fan, so the "average" fans opinion can not be gaged by mine, but I am absolutely right about Del Rio not being over. I guarantee if he does not get over after the upcoming feud with Cena he will be used as a special attraction similar to The Great Khali is, when they are about to tour Mexico, oh its ADR back for a feud for the intercontinental title, done with Mexico, ADR back in the abyss of not being on tv.

Dude.. Del Rio gets a crowd reaction. You can't keep saying he doesn't. I have the show DVR'd. If i knew how to upload video i'd show you.
DallasGirl50;3975459 said:
I've been to more live wrestling than you can ever dream about...seen more big names than you can imagine.

Most wrestlers are nice humble guys..too bad some fans aren't.

Hostile;3975473 said:
He gets no reaction was your comment. Now he gets a huge reaction but its artificial. I can't wait for you to wake up to the fact that he is getting exactly the reaction that more experienced wrestling fans are telling you.
SD pumps in audience reactions, thats as well known as a fact as Vince McMahon is in charge of WWE is.
DallasGirl50;3975459 said: can consider yourself a "smart mark" wrestling fan & myself not till pigs fly & that's fine...I've been to more live wrestling than you can ever dream about...seen more big names than you can imagine. Most wrestlers are nice humble guys..too bad some fans aren't. BTW..I meet one of your super TNA wrestlers a few weeks ago @ a match...Hernandez. Good wrestler & a nice guy. I enjoyed watching him. But darn I forgot to mention to him that I'm just not a "smart mark" wrestling fan. If he knew I wasn't he might have been rude to me. I mean what wrestler wants to talk to a dumb cluck like me..

Wrestler's don't like me either, look at twitter. :laugh2:

Didn't really expect Hernandez to be a nice guy, but i've been a ton of wrestling for my age. I've been to shows where me and 2 friends where 3 of 25 people if that in the entire place.
RoyTheHammer;3975476 said:
Dude.. Del Rio gets a crowd reaction. You can't keep saying he doesn't. I have the show DVR'd. If i knew how to upload video i'd show you.

Ricardo Rodrigquez doing that dropkick got more of a pop than Del Rio has in his entire tenure, I mean if I post a thread that is not over 8 pages of people agreeing with me on a wrestlingfourm I don't know what more I can do, so i'll stop talking about the topic.

Del Rio gets a reaction, so did The Ringmaster, it's not over to the point where it should be. There has never been a Rumble winner as unover as he is, there is a reason they put the Edge & Del Rio match first at WM, and that reason is not Edge.
Romo 2 Austin;3975483 said:
SD pumps in audience reactions, thats as well known as a fact as Vince McMahon is in charge of WWE is.
You have no idea what you are talking about. The Chinese philosopher Kung ** Tzu, better known in the Western hemisphere as Confucius had some sage advice for people like you.

"Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open mouth and remove all doubt."
Hostile;3975490 said:
You have no idea what you are talking about. The Chinese philosopher Kung ** Tzu, better known in the Western hemisphere as Confucius had some sage advice for people like you.

"Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open mouth and remove all doubt."

I bet you envy our ability to put him on ignore.
Romo 2 Austin;3975486 said:
Ricardo Rodrigquez doing that dropkick got more of a pop than Del Rio has in his entire tenure, I mean if I post a thread that is not over 8 pages of people agreeing with me on a wrestlingfourm I don't know what more I can do, so i'll stop talking about the topic.

Del Rio gets a reaction, so did The Ringmaster, it's not over to the point where it should be. There has never been a Rumble winner as unover as he is, there is a reason they put the Edge & Del Rio match first at WM, and that reason is not Edge.

If I recall correctly, Punk vs. Orten was the first match of the Extreme Rules PPV, and that was the best match of the night too. Doesn't mean much man.

Im not a huge Del Rio fan, but i like him alot better than guys like Miz, Morrison, Truth, etc..

I'd like to see him (and everyone) actually wrestle more, but i guess im asking alot there.
Hostile;3975472 said:
He actually broke his leg while playing football at USC and while it was rehabbing he was working as a gopher for the studios. There are rumors the leg break was a surfing accident. Whichever is true he was interrupted from football.

John Ford saw him walking with that famous limp and envisioned him as a Cowboy. John Wayne was always in the company of a dog named Duke on the movie sets and people took to calling them Big Duke and Little Duke. That is where the nickname came from. Then Ford cast him as an extra in several movies, first as Duke Wayne, and later as John Wayne. He finally got his break in a Raoul Walsh movie called "The Big Trail."

John Wayne got one of his buddies from the USC football team into the movies as well. That buddy was Ward Bond.

Cool story...I can't say I like the remake of "True Grit" better but I have to say Jeff Bridges was a good choice...he said he took the part in homage to Duke..who he idolized growing up.
DallasGirl50;3975512 said:
Cool story...I can't say I like the remake of "True Grit" better but I have to say Jeff Bridges was a good choice...he said he took the part in homage to Duke..who he idolized growing up.
I'd like to kick him in the pills for taking that role. I will never watch that version of the movie.
Hostile;3975513 said:
I'd like to kick him in the pills for taking that role. I will never watch that version of the movie.

It's actually quite good & Jeff was the only one probably who could pull it off...but I do understand why you say that.
zrinkill;3975493 said:
I bet you envy our ability to put him on ignore.

this stuff is funny for the most part....and he has the big red button...the BAN button. He could nuke us all!
Hostile;3975490 said:
You have no idea what you are talking about. The Chinese philosopher Kung ** Tzu, better known in the Western hemisphere as Confucius had some sage advice for people like you.

"Better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open mouth and remove all doubt."

Your wrong Hostile, it's common knowledge they pump in crowd reactions on SD. TNA does it on iMPACT, every recorded wrestling show does it.

Your in denial about that too? What a surprise.

Christian gets "boo'd" like crazy on SD, 1 week after a heel turn, why? because its pumped in, a week later he's on raw and half the crowd is cheering like he never turned heel until he got cheap heat by making fun of the town.
RoyTheHammer;3975499 said:
If I recall correctly, Punk vs. Orten was the first match of the Extreme Rules PPV, and that was the best match of the night too. Doesn't mean much man.

Im not a huge Del Rio fan, but i like him alot better than guys like Miz, Morrison, Truth, etc..

I'd like to see him (and everyone) actually wrestle more, but i guess im asking alot there.

It matters on WM, they usually organize the card based on the expected reactions by the crowd, and when was the last the the Rumble winner opened WM? I honestly don't think ever.
Desmond Wolfe officially done with TNA Wrestling

Desmond Wolfe has reportedly been released by TNA Wrestling today, according to several sources.

(I know most of you will be like .... who? But he was a big deal in TNA.)

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