The Great Khali is the most over performer in India, Del Rio is one of the most over performers in/by Mexico, but is he worthy of the top role when he gets no reaction virtually, no.
I'm not saying don't like, him, hell if you do its better for the business as your a WWE fan, much more so than I am, your going to buy their products, so if you like him WWE would be happy, I don't, a majority of the "IWC" don't. You know what, the WWE hates the IWC, they hate our guts. It's the reason they buried Punk for years, its the reason Jericho never made it big until they had no one left and the fans demanded after his return, i'm a "smart mark" fan, your not. Your who they want, they want me to go hell. My opinions, like RoytheHammers are radical, nothing like yours & the other casual fans here, I forgot who said it but someone said that the drama draws, it doesn't draw me, it doesn't draw smart mark fans. Hell i've been watching japan wrestling recently because of the in-ring work.
You all can **** on me for my football opinions all you like, most are radical I won't deny that, will Miles endup being better than Dez? I have no clue, I believe so. In 7-10 years we will see, but my wrestling opinion is absolute fact when it comes to the mass opinion of the IWC, any single thing I say you can check on any major wrestling forum, and it'll be backed up. Del Rio is not accepted mainstream, The Miz is hated by the IWC, he's accepted mainstream. Punk is a messiah in the IWC, he has recently become accepted mainstream. Same thing with Samoa Joe, you all call him a fat freak, the IWC buys anything he main events.
I'm not an "average" fan, so the "average" fans opinion can not be gaged by mine, but I am absolutely right about Del Rio not being over. I guarantee if he does not get over after the upcoming feud with Cena he will be used as a special attraction similar to The Great Khali is, when they are about to tour Mexico, oh its ADR back for a feud for the intercontinental title, done with Mexico, ADR back in the abyss of not being on tv.