Stupidest thing you've done in anger over a Cowboys game?

When Jackie Smith dropped the TD pass, I stomped my feet.

I wasn't wearing shoes. It was a concrete floor. I injured the bottom of my left foot.

It still gives me trouble if I spend a lot of time on my feet.


Since then, when things go bad, I just yell a lot.
HeavyHitta31 said:
In the 4th quarter of the 1998 playoff humiliation to Arizona, I threw the remote through a plate-glass window. Father was not pleased, to say the least...
I was at that game. Great seats .... 50 yard line, around the 10th row from the field. Very disappointing game. The team seemed to have zero intensity.
1983 NFC championship against the Commanders. I was in high school. When Dallas lost, I destroyed an ash-tray holder that I made in shop class.

1995 against the 49ers. I snapped a remote control in half during the game.

Those are the two biggies.
This thread rocks.. but one thing I am noticing is that so many of you guys watch the games with rival fans. That would irritate me to no end. I can maybe handle that once a year at most.
This thread has had me LOL several times.

I got so pissed at the Cowboys/Seahawks game from a few years ago, the one where JJ ripped them apart and we won at the end, that I couldn't finish watching the game. I checked my blood pressure and it was through the roof - something like 180/100. So I left the house to get away from the game.

It was raining pretty hard that night and I failed to see the concrete barrier in the turning lane until it was too late. So I slammed on the brakes and slid into the thing with my car.
Duane said:
This thread has had me LOL several times.

I got so pissed at the Cowboys/Seahawks game from a few years ago, the one where JJ ripped them apart and we won at the end, that I couldn't finish watching the game. I checked my blood pressure and it was through the roof - something like 180/100. So I left the house to get away from the game.

It was raining pretty hard that night and I failed to see the concrete barrier in the turning lane until it was too late. So I slammed on the brakes and slid into the thing with my car.

Yeah that was another one of those games that I just about got into a fight with my co-workers messing with me about the Cowboys losing. It was a MNF game and the Cowboys were up by something around 14 points in the fourth, when Seattle came back and took a 2 score lead. Then the Boy's came back with a late TD pass to Keyshawn, an onside kick, and JJ's running to win the game.

Needless to say that was the last time those co-workers ever came out to watch a Cowboys game with me. Now they warn other co-workers about watching the Cowboys with me... LOL!


Dallas22 said:
Many different things... let's see, here are a couple off the top of my head:

-Cowboys 4th & 1, 2 times at FAGadelphia with Switzer... I kicked a speaker and completely destroyed it... the game was tied but of course we gave Philly FG with only minutes left to play and the Cowboys lost :(

-Last season in game 1 at San Diego I was at a local bar watching the game and when on 4th down and LONG on SD's last drive, Brees threw up a prayer and they caught it inside the Cowboys 10 yard line - I proceeded to punch a Deer hunting video game and almost broke it... that would've been jail time. I got lucky BUT so did the Cowboys and they held off the Chargers to win.

-Also last season after the Seattle game I lost control with my friends I was with. After the unbelievable loss and punching the bar table a dozen times, my friends kept asking me why it was such a big deal and why I was so upset. I told them to just leave me alone and not talk to me but they continued. I got so angry that I punched the wooden stool and broke it. not fun.

-After the Washington loss on MNF last season, I was in denial that we lost and in complete disbelief. But as I was walking out of the bar and it starting sinking in and I threw a plastic "beer specials" holder and shattered... obviously I slinked out of the bar ASAP.

-I've also kicked TV sets, thrown remotes and hit TV's, punched holes in walls, gotten into a couple of fracases, and other things in many different Cowboy games. I'm not proud of any of these things, in fact, it's embarrassing, but it is almost impossible for me to not express my anger and frustration when the Cowboys lose in close games.

Hopefully in 2006, I'll be able to learn from my mistakes and not be SO destructive, but something inside me tells me I won't succeed unless I smoke A LOT of weed!!! LOL


Hopefully the situation won't come up in '06 :D
JackMagist said:
Hopefully the situation won't come up in '06 :D

Hopefully not, but probably it will :bang2: Hopefully if and when the Cowboys lose a game this season, it won't be like last year against Washington and Seattle... but others still hurt like Denver (on Thanksgiving) and at NY... but I also lost it almost as bad in some of the ones the Cowboys won like against NY, Carolina, MNF at Philly, SD, KC and SF... I mean, that is like taking at least 10 years off in one f'ing season!!!

Please not so many heart breakers this season AND not so many close games... Win and WIN strong!!!


TheSkaven said:
This thread rocks.. but one thing I am noticing is that so many of you guys watch the games with rival fans. That would irritate me to no end. I can maybe handle that once a year at most.
I have had only ONE friend who was a fan of a rival team that I would watch games with. He was the best man at my last wedding and we ragged one each other endlessly about football...he was a Skins fan. He was the only one that I felt I could hold my temper with during a game because he knew when to shut the hell up...and I had practice with his ribbing.
Dallas22 said:
Hopefully not, but probably it will :bang2: Hopefully if and when the Cowboys lose a game this season, it won't be like last year against Washington and Seattle... but others still hurt like Denver (on Thanksgiving) and at NY... but I also lost it almost as bad in some of the ones the Cowboys won like against NY, Carolina, MNF at Philly, SD, KC and SF... I mean, that is like taking at least 10 years off in one f'ing season!!!

Please not so many heart breakers this season AND not so many close games... Win and WIN strong!!!


The advantage that I have there is that when I was first really getting into the Cowboys as an avid fan Stuabach was the QB. I learned to never get too uptight until the game was over because we were never out of it until the final gun sounded. My blood pressure still gets up during those games but I hold it all in until the game is over.
I got so angry once that I threatened Hos that I would tell everyone that he was actually Nors...

JackMagist said:
Never did anything really stupid except PO the ole lady (she gets over it). I just go into the other room away from everyone else and wait it out. The family I think has finally learned to just leave me alone.

But I DO NOT want to telk about it.

You really Punched Out your wife?

That is so blinking cool Jack!!!!

(I'm kidding Jack)
JackMagist said:
As soon as I posted that I KNEW someone was gonna do this :banghead:

Sorry. That one was lobbed up there and I had to swing at it. :)
Wow, it sounds like alot of you boys and girls have some anger issues!

Lucky for you, I have a web site that I can help you through some of these issues...for only $129.99 I can help you out...sign in here:

I don't do any of those sorts of things, I just walk away from the TV in disgust, drink another 6 beers or so and pass out. The next morning is a new day for me....

i ripped a cieling fan out of the cieling at someone else's house last year when the cowboys lost to the giants...

as for the worst/best thing...My high school is a major rival with another one near here. So one night at like 2 AM we went and spray painted all over their brand new football field with our school colors and stuff. One of my proudest accomplishments.

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