Stupidest thing you've done in anger over a Cowboys game?

Its nothing crazy.... I just start cursing beyond control with many Mother F-Bombs(and all its acompanying other nice words) LOL... to the point where everyone that was giving me flak about the cowboys THEY THEN STOP... and all look in disbelief LMAO:chainsaw: :bomb:
Thanks to all of you for reminding me why I quit doing stuff like that. It wasn't just the damage to myself and anything around me, it was the misery foy days or weeks afterward. Finally, in the blackness of deep despair, I realized that I wouldn't feel this way if I would take better control over my anger responses in the first place.

Eventually, I learned to control my responses more like an adult than the childish brat I had become and I have enjoyed the games much more since and Have been better company for others during the games. Learning to have consideration for others was very difficult because I always wanted my way and didn't care about others.

I took a Dale Carnegie Sales Course and among other things, they made me read and report on his book How to win Friends and Influence People, which wasn't the least bit macho, but helped me understand more about how to deal with other people by understanding what they responded favorably to and it completely changed how I deal with people and helped make me successful in selling.

I hope everyone here can learn to deal with their own emotions better as that will make life much sweeter. Life is good. :)
Last year's Seattle game when Cortez missed the 28 yarder, I threw the remote against the wall, shattering it. Then kicked the living snot out of my dresser which seriously messed up my foot which didn't feel right for about 2 months and my dresser drawers don't work correctly.

On a non-Cowboys note. When I was in college I went to go visit some friends of mine who went to a different college in Virginia. We were watching the Packers vs. Niners playoff game (one where Owens catches the game winning TD). One of my friend's buddies was from Green Bay, parents are season ticket holders, and thus a huge Packers fan. As the Niners are driving down the field, a huge fight breaks out at their neighbors apartment and winds up rolling into my friend's apartment while we're watching the game. Everybody is either:

a) trying to break up the brawl

b) running out of the apartment.

c) trying to get out of the way.

Except for the Packers fan who doesn't move from his seat because he's focused on the game. Finally the police arrive and are asking questions while Young throws the TD. The Packers fan goes bezerk and starts smashing anything he can get his hands on and the cops throw him in jail for drunken disorderly conduct.

In my younger days as a Cowboy fan I was a complete Cowboyholic (still am). From August - January my life completely evolved around this team. My mood swings, diet, sleep, and over all temprement was determined by how well they played on Sunday.

On Game days I was like an expectant father in the waiting room of the hospital. The coffee would taste terrible, could not eat, I would pace the floor, walk to the front yard, walk around in the back yard. Waiting for game time seemed like a week.

When I was watching the game My wife and daughters were afraid to walk into the room. The dog stayed under the couch the entire day. The parakete well that stupid bird ..... let's just say pluckings were not unusual.

There was a time when the Cowboys would lose I would be devistated until the following Sunday. I would be a pathetic mess for the entire week.. Then after a couple of losing seasons I figured acting this way had to be a hazard to my well being.:rolleyes:

So Over the years I have mellowed somewhat, for health reasons, and probably because now I have a keyboard and a mouse that take the brunt of my frustrations..;)

But, I will have to admit, I still get very uptight on Gameday and I am quite sure that will never cease to happen.
Durring the away game last year against the Giants I became so frsustrated I threw the remote control across the room shattering it into pieces. This happened right after Bledsoe fumbled and it went back for a TD.

Not Cowboy related but durring the Michigan-Nebraska Alamo Bowl last year I was so upset I didn't talk to anyone for about a week. I went upstairs (after injuring my foot by throwing my hat on the floor at top speed) and laid down and stared at the cieling for about 2 hours. No sheets or pillows on the bed ( I ripped them off in frustration) just laying on a bare matress staring at the cieling.
I guess I can keep my temper better than alot of you. :D

I just sit there for 5 minutes, staring at the screen, refusing to talk.

Then, I've controlled my temper, and people give me all kinds of crap about it, and I just take it nicely.

Heck, I watched the second Commanders game with an annoying Commanders fan. I didn't even punch him out!
in '81 NFC Championship game after Danny White fumbled with , i kicked in my TV set.

on a side note, when Quincy got drafted, i went nuts. i smashed my remote against the wall, and flung pillows for about 5 minutes while cursing over our lovely draft pick
Last year, Monday night against the skins. Played hookie from work to stay home and watch the game. I have these little foam footballs that sit in a tray that straps on to a recliner. The idea behind these are for the sole purpose of throwing them at the TV when you are fustrated at something.

Well after the the skins had just scored there second TD in like a minute and half and took the lead. I hurled one of these footballs at the TV, but I missed and hit a glass frame picture of my daughter on the wall up and to the left of my TV. The frame fell which took 2 glass candle holders(hanging on the wall right beside the picture). Those holders then hit a little end table with another 3 standing glass candle holders on it, causing it to fall over. Everything was either broken or cracked after it was said and done.

But instead of thinking man my girlfriend is going to kill me, I was just plain sick to my stomach after what I had just witnessed. To make a long story short my Girlfriend no longer lets me play with my balls during games. ;)
Way back before I knew the Lord, I was dating this girl and went to her house to watch a game. Cowboys and SKins. Seems like everytime Dallas would have a good play, the refs would throw a flag. I was getting madder and madder by the minute. Finally with about 2 or 3 minutes left in the game Dallas scored but it was called back bby a holding penalty. (It would have put us up but 4 points). The replay showed no holding and I went nuts.

I picked up a couch pillow and chucked it against the wall. What I didn't know was that I had also grabbed My girlfriends cat at the same time. (The cat liked to sllep under the pillow.) All I heard was screeching and then the cat went into the window.

My girlfriend was not happy. Neither was the cat. I figured we were all even because no one was happy.

I hate the Commanders. :skins:
Brainpaint got so angry once he ripped off all his clothing, put on his trenchcoat, went down to elementary school and...

Oh I guess I shouldn't be telling that one. ;)
After a few seasons of watching the Boys having their butts whooped, I finally got tired of it during a Monday night game. I had just sworned that I had had enough of their losing, and that I wasn't going to be a Cowboy fan anymore. As I reached to turn off the TV (didn't have remote control in those days), Tony Dorsett broke off this "99 1/2" yard touchdown run against the Vikings. We lost the game, but I took the timing of this historic run as a sign not to ever give up on the Boys. I've been a lifelong fan ever since. Rain or shine, I'm a Cowboy fan forever. :bow:
marchetta said:
After a few seasons of watching the Boys having their butts whooped, I finally got tired of it during a Monday night game. I had just sworned that I had had enough of their losing, and that I wasn't going to be a Cowboy fan anymore. As I reached to turn off the TV (didn't have remote control in those days), Tony Dorsett broke off this "99 1/2" yard touchdown run against the Vikings. We lost the game, but I took the timing of this historic run as a sign not to ever give up on the Boys. I've been a lifelong fan ever since. Rain or shine, I'm a Cowboy fan forever. :bow:

I could never swear off the Cowboys or not be a fan... Actually, that thought has never crossed through my mind... But that is why the losses hurt that much more, because we are truely Cowboy fans.

Endless remotes (stopped counting at 15), a coffee table, a hole in the wall, a broken oak dresser (and toe), a guitar, and two windows, Just caught myself short of kicking a hole in the 53" HD tv after the Monday night Skins game (averted quickly to a dvd stand).

I have a bad temper to begin withand I've managed to control it in virtually every other phase of my life, but as far as the Boys go, I just can't help myself. God please let this be a good season.

skinsscalper said:
Endless remotes (stopped counting at 15), a coffee table, a hole in the wall, a broken oak dresser (and toe), a guitar, and two windows, Just caught myself short of kicking a hole in the 53" HD tv after the Monday night Skins game (averted quickly to a dvd stand).

I have a bad temper to begin withand I've managed to control it in virtually every other phase of my life, but as far as the Boys go, I just can't help myself. God please let this be a good season.


That's a mighty impressive (read: expensive) temper you got there...
peplaw06 said:
That's a mighty impressive (read: expensive) temper you got there...

WAY expensive temper. Last year was a pretty good year though, only the dvd stand and the hole in the wall (lol).

Really, though, I've gotten a lot better than I used to be. Maybe I'm just getting too old for the 20 minute rampages. Now, the violence ends in about 30 seconds and the lamenting lasts the rest of the day (but I still don't watch SC or NFL Network for a week).

I remember sometime back in 1980 or 1981 Dallas was playing in Detroit... A rookie QB, Eric Hipple, was fixing to get his first start... This was back when Billy Sims was toting the rock... Dallas was favored big time... America's Team vs. the lowly motown Lions...

Dallas was winning handily all game and then in the 2nd half Sims made some nice plays and Detroit got on a roll, Hipple managed the game well, and Edde Murray made a 47 yard FG at the end of the game to win it... I then understood how important it was for other teams to beat America's team... I was just dumbfounded and in shock... I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a bad dream. Surely this just couldn't happen to MY team when they started out playing so well...

I cried all evening afterward and my mom told me to go outside and take out my angst on something... but no throwing rocks at the neighbors pets. I grabbed my bicycle chain and proceeded to go out and whip the metal dumpster... Apparently it annoyed the neighbors and they called the cops... Well the cops drove down the alley with lights shining to find a little boy crying with a bike chain in the dark beating a metal dumpster... They asked me what was wrong and I just froze... I got a really dumb look from the policeman and he told me to be quiet and go home...

I realized I had it bad and I figured out what football passion was right then and there... One loss to a lesser (IMO) team, cried myself, got violent, got BUSTED. Sheesh!

Dallas Cowboys rule!!
mmohican29 said:
In the first quarter of the '94 NFC championship game I whipped a full can of cherry skoal at the refrigerator opposite our living room. You could have clocked that sucker at about 100mph. Needless to say, the can shattered there was tobacco everywhere and I was jonesing at halftime. LOL.

I can relate to this story.

I can't remember how many times I've chucked a can of skoal across the room in frustration during a game, I've only vacumed up and swept up a broken can a hand full of times though.

Hint: Buy a log of what you chew.....running out is not fun, especially during a game.
aardvark said:
I remember sometime back in 1980 or 1981 Dallas was playing in Detroit... A rookie QB, Eric Hipple, was fixing to get his first start... This was back when Billy Sims was toting the rock... Dallas was favored big time... America's Team vs. the lowly motown Lions...

Dallas was winning handily all game and then in the 2nd half Sims made some nice plays and Detroit got on a roll, Hipple managed the game well, and Edde Murray made a 47 yard FG at the end of the game to win it... I then understood how important it was for other teams to beat America's team... I was just dumbfounded and in shock... I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a bad dream. Surely this just couldn't happen to MY team when they started out playing so well...

I cried all evening afterward and my mom told me to go outside and take out my angst on something... but no throwing rocks at the neighbors pets. I grabbed my bicycle chain and proceeded to go out and whip the metal dumpster... Apparently it annoyed the neighbors and they called the cops... Well the cops drove down the alley with lights shining to find a little boy crying with a bike chain in the dark beating a metal dumpster... They asked me what was wrong and I just froze... I got a really dumb look from the policeman and he told me to be quiet and go home...

I realized I had it bad and I figured out what football passion was right then and there... One loss to a lesser (IMO) team, cried myself, got violent, got BUSTED. Sheesh!

Dallas Cowboys rule!!

I remembered crying after the Cowboys got whipped by the Eagles one time.

Dallas was up like 13-3 by halftime, or something, and then the Eagles just went crazy, and won 44-13. I just ran up to my room and dug my face in my pillow. I couldn't believe that MY team, (even though they were horrible that year) could play SO badly after starting out so well. It just blew my mind. It was then that I realized that the team that I idolized was not as good as I always thought they were. (I watched the Commanders games and consequently thought that Dallas was great lol)
My worst was when the Cowboys lost to the Commanders of MNF this past year, I threw a chair through a window. Problem was it wasn't my apartment. Let's just say my friend wasn't too happy about not having a window.
aardvark said:
I remember sometime back in 1980 or 1981 Dallas was playing in Detroit... A rookie QB, Eric Hipple, was fixing to get his first start... This was back when Billy Sims was toting the rock... Dallas was favored big time... America's Team vs. the lowly motown Lions...

Dallas was winning handily all game and then in the 2nd half Sims made some nice plays and Detroit got on a roll, Hipple managed the game well, and Edde Murray made a 47 yard FG at the end of the game to win it... I then understood how important it was for other teams to beat America's team... I was just dumbfounded and in shock... I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a bad dream. Surely this just couldn't happen to MY team when they started out playing so well...

I cried all evening afterward and my mom told me to go outside and take out my angst on something... but no throwing rocks at the neighbors pets. I grabbed my bicycle chain and proceeded to go out and whip the metal dumpster... Apparently it annoyed the neighbors and they called the cops... Well the cops drove down the alley with lights shining to find a little boy crying with a bike chain in the dark beating a metal dumpster... They asked me what was wrong and I just froze... I got a really dumb look from the policeman and he told me to be quiet and go home...

I realized I had it bad and I figured out what football passion was right then and there... One loss to a lesser (IMO) team, cried myself, got violent, got BUSTED. Sheesh!

Dallas Cowboys rule!!

You forgot something Aardvark,

the Lions game-winning FG, they had TWELVE men on the field.

The sports page on the Monday paper displayed it. That cost Dallas home-field advantage, as I seriously doubt the Cowboys would not have lost that final game against the Giants (in which Dallas had nothing to play for).

Dallas would have been 14-2 with the niners going to Dallas. I seriously doubt the Cowboys would have lost

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