In my younger days as a Cowboy fan I was a complete Cowboyholic (still am). From August - January my life completely evolved around this team. My mood swings, diet, sleep, and over all temprement was determined by how well they played on Sunday.
On Game days I was like an expectant father in the waiting room of the hospital. The coffee would taste terrible, could not eat, I would pace the floor, walk to the front yard, walk around in the back yard. Waiting for game time seemed like a week.
When I was watching the game My wife and daughters were afraid to walk into the room. The dog stayed under the couch the entire day. The parakete well that stupid bird ..... let's just say pluckings were not unusual.
There was a time when the Cowboys would lose I would be devistated until the following Sunday. I would be a pathetic mess for the entire week.. Then after a couple of losing seasons I figured acting this way had to be a hazard to my well being.
So Over the years I have mellowed somewhat, for health reasons, and probably because now I have a keyboard and a mouse that take the brunt of my frustrations..
But, I will have to admit, I still get very uptight on Gameday and I am quite sure that will never cease to happen.