Stupidest thing you've done in anger over a Cowboys game?

Manster68 said:
You forgot something Aardvark,

the Lions game-winning FG, they had TWELVE men on the field.

The sports page on the Monday paper displayed it. That cost Dallas home-field advantage, as I seriously doubt the Cowboys would not have lost that final game against the Giants (in which Dallas had nothing to play for).

Dallas would have been 14-2 with the niners going to Dallas. I seriously doubt the Cowboys would have lost

Yep Good memory!
I had a glass table once...

It was January of 1981. It had taken me a whole year to get over Dallas losing to Philly in the NFC championship game. There was NO way we would lose two years in a row and definitely not to those upstart 49ers.

We lost. Somehow, my hand punched through the tabletop. I never knew the human body contained so much blood.

Thankfully, the hospital was only a few minutes away. :)

Unfortunately, a year later, my reaction was worse. Anger makes you do stupid things. I don't want to talk about it. :mad:
This was actually a good memory for me as I thought the outcome was going to be bad.

The 1980 playoff game against the Falcons.

Can't remember what the score was at the time but Atlanta had the lead and it all looked lost so I went up to my room to cry in my pillow, but my Dad kept watching the game.

So after a little while my Dad comes to my room and says you better get your *** down here and watch your Cowboys...They're about to make a Great comeback...So I did and they did.

Great memory...My Dad still gives me **** about that one.:D
This is fun. The worst I guess was throwing a beer bottle at a couple of Seahawk fans this past year. I got kicked out of the bar but no charges were pressed because I pulled the innocent girl card to the manager.

After we lost to the Texans in their first hideous game, I started flinging beer too. But I'd had the sense to tell people to remove the bottles and bring paper cups at the beginning of the 4th quarter.

It's like I've gotten more stupid the older I've gotten.

My dad has broken several chairs and odd pieces of furniture throughout the years.

We obviously need anger management.
Manster68 said:
You forgot something Aardvark,

the Lions game-winning FG, they had TWELVE men on the field.

The sports page on the Monday paper displayed it. That cost Dallas home-field advantage, as I seriously doubt the Cowboys would not have lost that final game against the Giants (in which Dallas had nothing to play for).

Dallas would have been 14-2 with the niners going to Dallas. I seriously doubt the Cowboys would have lost

I remember that game well... we had the "brilliant" defensive formation that assigned linebacker D.D. Lewis to cover Billy Sims. Needless to say we know how that one ended up. :(
I took all of my Cowboys stuff and put it in the metal garbage can and lit it on fire!:laugh2:
Wow, this thread is absolutely crazy! many of you guys are wife beaters? :eek:

Just reliving all these infamous moments in games is enough to get me angry. :mad:

I honestly don't think I've broken anything. Note to fans, no coffee table, no remote, and no beer can in your hand during the last 5 minutes of a game and you'll save a lot of money. :D

When I used to workout daily, I did get some great workouts after bad losses. 1...2.... Bleep that coach.... 3.... 4.... Damnit, what the hell was he thinking... 5.... 6.... :strongarm
When I was little I used to cry after every loss, wait that was just a few months ago, lol, just kidding.

But during one game we had balloons left over from a party or something, and every once in a while when they had a bad play I popped a balloon, and after that they would respond with a good play. So for the rest of the game every time we needed something big I popped a balloon. Lol, stupid superstition that only lasted a few games.

But hey, its cheaper than breaking things, and heck they even have BOOM when you pop them, ha.
cowboyeric8 said:
When I was little I used to cry after every loss, wait that was just a few months ago, lol, just kidding.

But during one game we had balloons left over from a party or something, and every once in a while when they had a bad play I popped a balloon, and after that they would respond with a good play. So for the rest of the game every time we needed something big I popped a balloon. Lol, stupid superstition that only lasted a few games.

But hey, its cheaper than breaking things, and heck they even have BOOM when you pop them, ha.

Tell me where you live and I will send you one thousand balloons! :D

When We lost to The Texans I puched a Hole In my Wall, then last season the monday night game against the Commanders My Room mate was Giving me a hard time about 5 minutes after the game so I punched him in the Face.
thomas_22 said:
When We lost to The Texans I puched a Hole In my Wall, then last season the monday night game against the Commanders My Room mate was Giving me a hard time about 5 minutes after the game so I punched him in the Face.

Whoa, he's a Commanders fan or a cowboys hater?

still friends?
I remember with a bunch of my friends over that I got so mad I went outside in the third quater and climbed in a tree during a monday night game and sat there until the game was over.
DragonCowboy said:
Whoa, he's a Commanders fan or a cowboys hater?

still friends?

Well He was my College room mate and He wasnt Into Football he liked Snowboarding and Skateboarding and was trying to piss me off but, nah not really freinds
Manster68 said:
You forgot something Aardvark,

the Lions game-winning FG, they had TWELVE men on the field.

The sports page on the Monday paper displayed it. That cost Dallas home-field advantage, as I seriously doubt the Cowboys would not have lost that final game against the Giants (in which Dallas had nothing to play for).

Dallas would have been 14-2 with the niners going to Dallas. I seriously doubt the Cowboys would have lost
I remember that as well. I was POed all week long.
I forgot one. After the "catch" game, I ripped my Joe Montana rookie card into shreds. Then, as the years went by, I watched that card become the most valuable one in the book. Do I regret it? Not really.
jksmith269 said:
I wouldn't say this was stupid, but the second time we played Buffalo in the SB there was a woman at my house on base who kept running her mouth during the first half pulling for the Bills. I kept telling her to shut up and she didnt so I ordie taped her to a chair and sat her outside taped to the chair for the third and part of the 4th Qt....

haha, awesome
funny thread..... i cant remember breaking things, i tend to get bummed for a bit then just talk myself into saying it'l be better next week or next year.

but i almost always am the ONLY cowboys fan in a room with steelers fans, eagles fans and skins or giants fans. both my brothers are steelers fans, my dad is 49ers fan and i live in philly so most of my friends are eagles fans.

sooo, since i never buy the nfl package or anything i go out to philly sports bars alot to watch games. probably the worst night was one where the cowboys played the lions on monday night and the game was going back and forth, the lions werent good but sanders was carrying the team all night and emmitt was playing well too but the lions were really taking it to us.

so ive got my emmitt jersy on and i had been drinking much of the day so i was good and tanked by halftime. and everyone was rooting for the lions and booing the cowboys, and im the loudest one in the bar when the c owboys did anything good. so this guy is screaming, then im screaming and were going back and forth and it was all good fun until the guy in the bar with the microphone starts ripping cowboys and ripping cowboys fans and we're losing and then he's really rubbing it in and saying look at that sorry cowboys fan down the end of the bar, and wavibng at me and making me the topic of discussion. so sanders breaks a long run and he's saying hey what did you think of that and really trying to get under my skin.

so i gave him the finger and he goes yeah good one arsehole, so i stand up and im screaming at him and dropping the f bomb left and right and giving everyone in the bar the finger. and these 2 guys come over like they want to fight so i yell at them and tell them go back and get your other 2 friends because 2 of you arent enough, meet me outside i'll fight all you wussy's. so this went on for about 10 minutes (luckily my friend was going around telling everyone just let him go he's really drunk) because no one jumped me outside. and i challenged about 15 people to fight me.

so after the game my friend took me outside threw me in my truck and locked the doors as i passed out. i didnt wake up till the morning, and my wife was really pissed. i had to explain the next day but she didnt beleive me, she thought i went home with another woman. after that it was a fight everytime i wanted to go out to the bar to watch football.

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