T.O. injury update

WFAN radio in New York is reporting that Owens has a fractured fibula and surgery is imminent. They are reporting he cannot run for 5 weeks. They say he could be back for the Super Bowl but I don't see it. Merry Christmas Dallas Cowboys fans and thank you Roy Williams!! Bye Bye Eagles!
AJM you guys are hosed Pinkston is scared of his own shadow out there

You should have traded him away and not Thrash
Boy's fan in Giant land said:
ESPN 2 will broadcast a live update at 4:00 pm eastern time.

He has a spiral fracture on his fibula. Could be out for 4 to 6 weeks. Surgery on Wednesday. That's what he gets for messing with our STAR!!! Doesn't he know the Cowboys are GOD's team?
who cares about TO shoulda been his mouth i bet he wont do any dancing no time soon! :skins: :iggles:
RW just made my season! No superbowl for the eagles :cheers: :bow: :starspin :clap: :beer2: :lmao2: :clap2:
jbz64 said:
He has a spiral fracture on his fibula. Could be out for 4 to 6 weeks. Surgery on Wednesday. That's what he gets for messing with our STAR!!! Doesn't he know the Cowboys are GOD's team?

LOL . . .

There is an "OUTSIDE" chance he'd be able to play if the Eagles made it to the Super Bowl . . .

jbz64 said:
He has a spiral fracture on his fibula. Could be out for 4 to 6 weeks. Surgery on Wednesday. That's what he gets for messing with our STAR!!! Doesn't he know the Cowboys are GOD's team?

Thats right baby!

You mess with the bull, you get drug down by the pain train and get your leg in a slang.

:iggles: :iggles: :iggles: :iggles:
I never cheer injuries but TO is a scumbag and the eagles and their fans are the same.

They cheered a broken neck. They deserve this.
So close Eagle's fans, yet so far away!

Where can I find a good Eagles message board?
calico said:
I never cheer injuries but TO is a scumbag and the eagles and their fans are the same.

They cheered a broken neck. They deserve this.
Agreed, calico.

:iggles: :laugh2: :flagwave: :clap: :gent: the eagles are going to :choke: :starhat: :suxiggle:
Not only did we get a early Christmas present with TO getting hurt but we also get another! WE DONT HAVE TO SEE REID IN TIGHTS!!!
Novacek84 said:
WFAN radio in New York is reporting that Owens has a fractured fibula and surgery is imminent. They are reporting he cannot run for 5 weeks. They say he could be back for the Super Bowl but I don't see it. Merry Christmas Dallas Cowboys fans and thank you Roy Williams!! Bye Bye Eagles!

this is true.

it's all over this town.
Kangaroo said:
AJM you guys are hosed Pinkston is scared of his own shadow out there

You should have traded him away and not Thrash

Thrash is older than Pinkston and Pinkston has a longer contract.

Anyways I don't think it is that big of deal. We are still are an a lot better team than last season...Lets see how it all pans out.

Could have been worse...could have been Westbrook again.
HeavyHitta31 said:
You people are pathetic, cheering for an injury like that..... :banghead:

Yeah . . . you guys make me . . . sick!!!

~snicker snicker~

Get well soon, TO!!!!

AJM1613 said:
Thrash is older than Pinkston and Pinkston has a longer contract.

Anyways I don't think it is that big of deal. We are still are an a lot better team than last season...Lets see how it all pans out.

Could have been worse...could have been Westbrook again.

haha...you go ahead and pretend not to be upset.
ESPN just reported he is out indefinately. Broken leg/sprained ankle.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Down the toilet goes the Eagles SB hopes.

Made my friggin' day. Merry Christmas people!
...BBBBut Wait!! Goose said x-rays were negative and they were re-taping him.

Has there ever been a more worthless announcer than Goose?! What is the point of having him on the field? It's hard to believe Fox pays him to do what he does!

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