Talkin Cowboys or The Break?


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Yeah we definitely disagree on this one. Sydney was good at talking cheerleader stuff but football stuff nah. Taylor knows the players too so I think they about the same on that front.

Sydney brought anaylsis from what she saw on the sideline. Talked about each player and what happened in the game. I never heard Taylor break down plays in a game from the perspective that Sydey gave (being around the team 8-10 years or so).


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ok good I am not only one seeing this. Do you think maybe Taylor has tired of show? Its good platform to get exposure and for all we know she already landed her next gig like Kelsey did. Her timing is so bad now I almost feel like she is spoofing the show.

A possibility for sure. She may be looking at this as simply a stepping stone to the next job. It's an all too common practice nowadays.

Another possibility that I was thinking about is that she simply got too comfortable too fast. I thought she was doing well and greatly improving early on, but it's possible she thinks she's reached the finish line and has now relaxed to the point of going backwards.

And I think things reached a new low when they used the show to promote her sister's act the other day. I had to turn it off.


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I'm surprised again so many people dislike Tay. She's fine, she's learned a lot and very knowledgeable. Better her than the lady that was on Talkin Cowboys...she was brutal. Had no opinion because she didn't know anything. Plus she has chemistry with the other three.

Agree. Tay knows her stuff. Lindsay Cash and Kelsey Charles were terrible


The Boognish
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Tuck the cape away superman it is not needed. You can tell by just listening that she parrots a lot of stuff she heard from Bryan. Guys like you are no better than the ones you call sexist by defending women in a way you wouldn't do for a man.

You can tell? Why because he says that she knows what she is talking about after she says some of her takes? Please be specific because I am a person that listens regularly

This is exactly what I am talking about. Broaddus has straight up admitted he cannot write and has to give his dictations to Helman to make legible for print. He gets a pass yet you have story time about her because she stumbles on a take about how a man is propping her up.

Moral relativism like 'just as bad?' The I know you are but what am I routine just tells me that I have struck home. I'm just calling it like I see it.


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You can tell? Why because he says that she knows what she is talking about after she says some of her takes? Please be specific because I am a person that listens regularly

This is exactly what I am talking about. Broaddus has straight up admitted he cannot write and has to give his dictations to Helman to make legible for print. He gets a pass yet you have story time about her because she stumbles on a take about how a man is propping her up.

Moral relativism like 'just as bad?' The I know you are but what am I routine just tells me that I have struck home. I'm just calling it like I see it.
Yep I can tell and you could too if you wasn't being a captain save a girl. I just love how you captains always saying someone hates women or some other stupid comment because we dare criticize a woman. In my case I said in this thread I don't have much of a problem with her so how could you've struck a nerve captain? You must have got ahold of some of that stupidity kryptonite supercape cause you aren't making much sense with your logic on this one. I notice you aren't saying jack spit about anyone saying anything about Nate or the other guy. Why don't you put your cape on for them? Guess you captains can only save the poor defenseless women smh. Why don't you ask why we aren't being right towards them also since you like saving people captain save em? Like I said before tuck in your cape, take heed to the words of Tina Turner and remember we don't need another hero. I'm just calling it as I see it too supercape.


The Boognish
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Yep I can tell and you could too if you wasn't being a captain save a girl. I just love how you captains always saying someone hates women or some other stupid comment because we dare criticize a woman. In my case I said in this thread I don't have much of a problem with her so how could you've struck a nerve captain? You must have got ahold of some of that stupidity kryptonite supercape cause you aren't making much sense with your logic on this one. I notice you aren't saying jack spit about anyone saying anything about Nate or the other guy. Why don't you put your cape on for them? Guess you captains can only save the poor defenseless women smh. Why don't you ask why we aren't being right towards them also since you like saving people captain save em? Like I said before tuck in your cape, take heed to the words of Tina Turner and remember we don't need another hero. I'm just calling it as I see it too supercape.

Captain? I spoke generally and you responded as if I had been speaking to you personally. You don't see the dynamic going on here.

:laugh: I love the justification that because I don't defend Nate it means something. If someone brings up how he talks then I will have something to say but this notion that I need to 'defend everyone,' whatever that means, is asinine.

All I know is that you have abandoned supporting your take on it being 'obvious' that she is fed her takes. Nevermind that take is completely obtuse to what a reporter actually does.

PS - Paragraphs help. It makes you seem frantic and rushed otherwise.


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Tuck the cape away superman it is not needed. You can tell by just listening that she parrots a lot of stuff she heard from Bryan. Guys like you are no better than the ones you call sexist by defending women in a way you wouldn't do for a man.

Objectively, does she bring film study content to the discussion in the way that Broaddus does? Certainly not.

But the same can be said for what Eatman or Eagleton does. And Sterns.

What Eatman and Eagleton bring is essentially what Sterns does... opinions. All three are civil, somewhat coherent/rational, and together with Broaddus, it makes for a pretty excellent hour on-average.

Mind you, any one of the four could feel an incessant need to dominate and talk too much (re: Nate), but none of them do. Any of the three could ad nauseum demonstrate some wildly inappropriate I-know-what-I'm-talking-about-just-because attitude (re: Micky), but none of them do, at least, not as a rule, imo.

"You can tell by just listening" is code for, "I have no solid evidence here, but trust me because all of my assumptions and biases are correct."

Otoh, if you'll listen to just this most recent show, I believe you'll hear evidence that... if your assumption is correct... must mean that Broaddus disagrees with himself sometimes. That, b/c he specifically disagrees with at least one thing Sterns "you could tell just by listening" was parroting from him.

To the last comment, I would agree in principle that that's a way that people can be sexist... but then, just because the principle is correct doesn't mean that there are not times when males (or females) are not approaching a situation with a bias against the other sex's capacity to perform as adequately as their own.

This is one of those times, imo.


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Captain? I spoke generally and you responded as if I had been speaking to you personally. You don't see the dynamic going on here.

:laugh: I love the justification that because I don't defend Nate it means something. If someone brings up how he talks then I will have something to say but this notion that I need to 'defend everyone,' whatever that means, is asinine.

All I know is that you have abandoned supporting your take on it being 'obvious' that she is fed her takes. Nevermind that take is completely obtuse to what a reporter actually does.

PS - Paragraphs help. It makes you seem frantic and rushed otherwise.
Yes captain and I'm speaking generally too so again you seem to be confused. You should quit while your behind. Anybody doing what your doing is a captain not specific to you so what are you talking about some dynamic for? You have to make sense man and stop making things up just to feel you have some moral high ground.

You not defending others and only the girl on this issue which isn't something psychical does mean something. It means you are a captain along with the rest of you captains. Actually you do need to defend everybody if you're going to come with this stupid y'all hate women spiel because some people dare say they think Taylor isn't good. Its not like she was singled out just because she is a woman so your faux superhero act isn't needed and is quite sad. People like you don't really respect women as equals. Y'all just think they are helpless beings that need your help when its not needed.

I haven't abounded anything you're just bias so you can't see the obvious. She gets her football takes from Bryan and I'm not the only one who sees it. You on the other hand seem to be one of a few that don't but that seems more like you might have a crush on her so you ready to defend her honor at the drop of a hat. We didn't say anything out of bounds about her buddy. Treat her like you would treat a man instead of like a helpless person is all my calling you out is about.

Ps- spare me the stuff about paragraphs. Its a messageboard not a serious business and if you didn't reply in paragraphs I wouldn't. I just type mainly but if that makes you feel better to,thin I'm whatever run with it. I do notice people online start this usually off base assuming when they can't see who they are talking to and think they may have something over them. Y'all are funny with that mess but hey I assure you I'm not rushed frantic or anything else. Why would I be?

Objectively, does she bring film study content to the discussion in the way that Broaddus does? Certainly not.

But the same can be said for what Eatman or Eagleton does. And Sterns.

What Eatman and Eagleton bring is essentially what Sterns does... opinions. All three are civil, somewhat coherent/rational, and together with Broaddus, it makes for a pretty excellent hour on-average.

Mind you, any one of the four could feel an incessant need to dominate and talk too much (re: Nate), but none of them do. Any of the three could ad nauseum demonstrate some wildly inappropriate I-know-what-I'm-talking-about-just-because attitude (re: Micky), but none of them do, at least, not as a rule, imo.

"You can tell by just listening" is code for, "I have no solid evidence here, but trust me because all of my assumptions and biases are correct."

Otoh, if you'll listen to just this most recent show, I believe you'll hear evidence that... if your assumption is correct... must mean that Broaddus disagrees with himself sometimes. That, b/c he specifically disagrees with at least one thing Sterns "you could tell just by listening" was parroting from him.

To the last comment, I would agree in principle that that's a way that people can be sexist... but then, just because the principle is correct doesn't mean that there are not times when males (or females) are not approaching a situation with a bias against the other sex's capacity to perform as adequately as their own.

This is one of those times, imo.
Another cape albeit in disguised from this time. You can tell just by listening isn't code for jack spit but what I said. Pretty please tell how it means trust me with no proof esp regarding bias. What flipping bias do I have? Y'all capes are the ones with bias not me on this issue. If,you listen you can tell when she parrots Bryan but because I don't have a time stamp of the occurrences I'm some woman hater when y'all have no proof contrary to what I'm saying either?. Stop it. I said I don't even mind her on the show cape so how could I hate her if I said I don't mind her on the show? I see all you capes the only ones who can't see she parrots Bryan at times while others on here know exactly what I'm talking about.

Cape you're not making sense I never said everything she said is parroted off him so please don't be the long lost Manning brother Straw just because you have a crush on Taylor. People do it all the time on here and elsewhere based on things they hear from more qualified people so why y'all running to save her all of a sudden? Outside of physical fights most women don't like y'all defending their honors when not necessary. Taylor can get fairly discussed just like everybody else you capes don't think are worthy of defending without it becoming some y'all sexist tired troupe.


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No one really thought there'd be any self-awareness borne of this (or any) discussion on a sports message board. Surely. It's so seemingly rare. But it at least serves some small purpose to engage, in case some random reader might be on the fence and judging for him/herself what's more reasonable and less.


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No one really thought there'd be any self-awareness borne of this (or any) discussion on a sports message board. Surely. It's so seemingly rare. But it at least serves some small purpose to engage, in case some random reader might be on the fence and judging for him/herself what's more reasonable and less.
Passive aggressive behavior will get you nowhere but you can lie and say it has. Merry Christmas cape


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Okay. I'll remember that. Thanks. Kind of you, and back at ya.

Less sarcastically, Phil, there's nothing I said in the post that got your goat that should have done, if, in actuality, you are as you say you are (ie, unbiased). How I said it may have been slightly abrasive, but only insofar as it pointed out the disparity between your presumptive statement and empirical evidence to the contrary.


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Okay. I'll remember that. Thanks. Kind of you, and back at ya.

Less sarcastically, Phil, there's nothing I said in the post that got your goat that should have done, if, in actuality, you are as you say you are (ie, unbiased). How I said it may have been slightly abrasive, but only insofar as it pointed out the disparity between your presumptive statement and empirical evidence to the contrary.
Nothing got my goat at all. I don't like when guys pull the y'all commenting on women y'all sexist and all this other stuff that don't make logical sense at all. I don't care how you said its a messageboard and people post things here in ways face to face they probably wouldn't. I take no offense to that at all even though some things people like to assume are funny and are only done online. My point still stands y'all don't have to exaggerate to push your narratives. If me and others are soo hard on Taylor it should be easy to show this just based on these post no? I can easily show how most of y'all defending Taylor honor isn't saying the same about the men while most of us have spoke on the others on the show too. That's all I'm pointing at.

I posted the passive aggressive part because you aren't stupid but are responding to me without quoting the post. That is weak when you did it previously.


The Boognish
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Yes captain and I'm speaking generally too so again you seem to be confused. You should quit while your behind. Anybody doing what your doing is a captain not specific to you so what are you talking about some dynamic for? You have to make sense man and stop making things up just to feel you have some moral high ground.

You not defending others and only the girl on this issue which isn't something psychical does mean something. It means you are a captain along with the rest of you captains. Actually you do need to defend everybody if you're going to come with this stupid y'all hate women spiel because some people dare say they think Taylor isn't good. Its not like she was singled out just because she is a woman so your faux superhero act isn't needed and is quite sad. People like you don't really respect women as equals. Y'all just think they are helpless beings that need your help when its not needed.

I haven't abounded anything you're just bias so you can't see the obvious. She gets her football takes from Bryan and I'm not the only one who sees it. You on the other hand seem to be one of a few that don't but that seems more like you might have a crush on her so you ready to defend her honor at the drop of a hat. We didn't say anything out of bounds about her buddy. Treat her like you would treat a man instead of like a helpless person is all my calling you out is about.

Ps- spare me the stuff about paragraphs. Its a messageboard not a serious business and if you didn't reply in paragraphs I wouldn't. I just type mainly but if that makes you feel better to,thin I'm whatever run with it. I do notice people online start this usually off base assuming when they can't see who they are talking to and think they may have something over them. Y'all are funny with that mess but hey I assure you I'm not rushed frantic or anything else. Why would I be?

Another cape albeit in disguised from this time. You can tell just by listening isn't code for jack spit but what I said. Pretty please tell how it means trust me with no proof esp regarding bias. What flipping bias do I have? Y'all capes are the ones with bias not me on this issue. If,you listen you can tell when she parrots Bryan but because I don't have a time stamp of the occurrences I'm some woman hater when y'all have no proof contrary to what I'm saying either?. Stop it. I said I don't even mind her on the show cape so how could I hate her if I said I don't mind her on the show? I see all you capes the only ones who can't see she parrots Bryan at times while others on here know exactly what I'm talking about.

Cape you're not making sense I never said everything she said is parroted off him so please don't be the long lost Manning brother Straw just because you have a crush on Taylor. People do it all the time on here and elsewhere based on things they hear from more qualified people so why y'all running to save her all of a sudden? Outside of physical fights most women don't like y'all defending their honors when not necessary. Taylor can get fairly discussed just like everybody else you capes don't think are worthy of defending without it becoming some y'all sexist tired troupe.

TLDR. Got through the first paragraph and soon realized all you had was ad hominem as if attacking me makes what I had to say regarding the behavior towards Stern untrue. I never claimed the moral high ground. Behave less insecure.

See you are doubling down on this notion that because I see sexism that means I have to defend men too to be fair. Point out to me the man being unfairly treated then I will be more than happy to discuss it.

That not being the case is the entire point. As I said if Broaddus was held to the same standard as Stern then he would have a built in dunce cap.

When Stern acts the self important stooge, starts talking about how she played so she knows better, behaves like a richard cranium, or becomes conservative to the point of stuffiness then let me know.

Frankly the notion that a woman needs a man to have a good idea, that she is dumb forevermore because she made a mistake, or that she doesn't deserve her place are so sexist cliche as to be memes. They are on full display.


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TLDR. Got through the first paragraph and soon realized all you had was ad hominem as if attacking me makes what I had to say regarding the behavior towards Stern untrue. I never claimed the moral high ground. Behave less insecure.

See you are doubling down on this notion that because I see sexism that means I have to defend men too to be fair. Point out to me the man being unfairly treated then I will be more than happy to discuss it.

That not being the case is the entire point. As I said if Broaddus was held to the same standard as Stern then he would have a built in dunce cap.

When Stern acts the self important stooge, starts talking about how she played so she knows better, behaves like a richard cranium, or becomes conservative to the point of stuffiness then let me know.

Frankly the notion that a woman needs a man to have a good idea, that she is dumb forevermore because she made a mistake, or that she doesn't deserve her place are so sexist cliche as to be memes. They are on full display.
Blah blah blah. Its untrue in this case. Who said it was untrue universally? I'm not insecure about this at all but go ahead and be a victim.

I'm going to triple down on it in this instance too. Stop playing superhero. Everybody on both the shows are getting talked about so since there is no sexism in this case you look stupid trying to bring it up. That's like saying it racism in the world but it doesn't apply to the subject at hand. No stuff it is but let the claims be relevant to what is currently being talked about.

Honestly cape you're the one that is adding all this stuff on your own regarding Taylor. People just said she gets some of her football talking points from Bryan and you turn this into some feminist protect the women junk. Lastly all them points you pointed out about the guys have been said so what is your flipping point cape?