Tavon Austin is Ridiculous


I Copy!,,, er,,,I guess,,,ah,,,maybe.
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Unless one has a cereal box top decoder, no one even understands my posts...:)
*This is absolutely the finest piece of unabashed self depreciating 'blurt' of honest humor, launched & directed at one's self seldom observed on the internet:)

* perhaps, somebody should take CCBoys temperature,,,,ER,,,, darn-it! & all to hell,,,, as that last office
" Rectal thermometer" was reported to have been seen in the hands of @waldoputty vigorously agitating the confines of his Starbucks coffee cup container thereof with:omg:





Well-Known Member
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*This is absolutely the finest piece of unabashed self depreciating 'blurt' of honest humor, launched & directed at one's self seldom observed on the internet:)

* perhaps, somebody should take CCBoys temperature,,,,ER,,,, darn-it! & all to hell,,,, as that last office
" Rectal thermometer" was reported to have been seen in the hands of @waldoputty vigorously agitating the confines of his Starbucks coffee cup container thereof with:omg:




sorry melon, it is still taking ur temp.
u will have to assess him using ur forehead or perhaps ur tongue1


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You guys are awesome.

NEGATORY ,ye' of shallowed depths of casing-liner land, fer' it's ASSertained in an ASSertive ASSumed ASSured ASSumtion yer' the culprit in that ther' absent butt stuff thermal sending unit,,,BRO!o_O






x, if only austin will be as single minded scoring as melon's emphasis on buttocks...


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Yes, nobody should expect a Pro-Bowl player; however, he can be a significant contributor.

After studying games last season I repeatedly said the Cowboys really need a Tyreek Hill type player even if that speed threat was not a true starter.

Austin is not Hill but it's a similar concept.

Zeke was the only speed threat in the underneath area. Butler provided a deep threat but not the underneath catch and run type of threat.

On 3rd and medium/long defenses just played the sticks and were content if Beasley caught it short because they were confident they could tackle him short of the sticks. Same with Witten and TWill has the odd limitation of struggling with short passes because he needs time to "see" the ball.

There was not enough time in many 3rd and long situations to go deep to Butler.

Replace Beasley with Tavon Austin on 3rd and medium/long and defenses will play differently. Where Austin is best is when given some open space to catch the ball and make some moves.

Even if Austin does not rack up big stats, just that threat can change the coverage.

Even Lucky Whitehead had some situational value back in 2015/2016. I think he would have had more opportunities but struggled with the mental side of functioning in an NFL offense.

what i want to see is zeke averaging over 8 ypc on fakes off jet sweeps by tavon.
also want to see tavon distracting and holding part of the defense when lined up in the same backfield as zeke.
a few bubblescreens would also be nice.


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You will bow down at the explosive awesomeness of Tavon Austin and you will do this now.
I am starting to bow down to his explosive awesomeness, NO, NO, I can’t do it. He’s the most over hyped player since, drum rollllllll, Ricooooo Gathers!!


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No my man ignorance is having all the evidence at hand and still believe you know better, lol. I don’t know about you but I’ve never seen a change of scenery make a cat become a dog. There’s nothing even average about Tavon Austin’s career. We’ve gotten more production out of Corey Clement a UDFA And he will be more productive this year as well.
Someone, who hasn’t drank the Tavon Austin Kool Aid. Hopefully, he will be a decent decoy on Offense. Don’t let him return punts.


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This is a surprising quote by Dak. I fully expected him to say "why'd we pick up this scrub?"
Come on now. A surprising quote by Dak would have been “ why did we pick up this scrub?”. No QB is going to bad mouth his new receiver before he has even suited up with him.


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Question: who's a better receiver? Austin or Thompson......
I think Thompson. Last season he beat Malcolm Butler badly, for about a 35 yard gain, with a nice move. Bigger more physical receiver with way more catches and yards last year. I think Thompson’s impact will be more than Austin’s.


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LOL, maybe. Our depth looks pretty good at Receiver and Austin is intriguing, but he was intrigueing to 2 other coaches and failed to produce.

when austin was running jet sweep fake, gurley was averaging over 8 ypc last year.
austin had wrist surgery before last season and was late integrating into their offense.
as a result, was mostly a gadget piece such as jet sweep and other sweeps.

before last season there were a couple seasons where he got quite a few receptions.
you could also put him in bubble screens and stack formations where he could get clean releases as well as run bubble screens.


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He reminds me of Peter Warrick at FSU. Incredibly gifted, talented and shifty with the ball in his hands. Top notch burst and acceleration, but not elite top end speed. That's why he'll never be DeSean Jackson. Jackson had elite quickness and top end speed.

That said, he could be a tremendous asset for the Cowboys and a perfect contrast to their bruising running game with Zeke


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That's why he'll never be DeSean Jackson.
Jackson was really good the first couple years but defenses are not gonna let some 180lb skinny kid beat em.They will hit the snot out of him when they get the chance just to send a message.


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What?!?! So if your offense is good for 400 yards a game, as a DC how much would you worry about a guy who had averaged 22 passing yards a game? So what he is fast? That’s like having a super charged Dodge with no tires, where are you going.
The NFL only respects real threats. Tavon Austin is not one of them. And for the crowd who thinks Fisher ruined him just stop. McVay had every clip of film of Austin and wanted nothing to do with him. And he is much more of an offensive guru than Garrett. Fortunately for him old Jerry is still somehow a GM.

Has me concerned as well, but I’m also factoring in the fact his contract was exorbitant.


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How has he put up 6-8 TDs per year if he only has 13 total in 5 years? My math saids that equals 2.6 TDs/year on average. Maybe you have some new math?

He has 24 career TDs, that is how your math is off.


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Cowboys been lacking speed. Hopefully he and Zeke can make some big plays this year.


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He has 24 career TDs, that is how your math is off.
He may be referring to the 12 receiving TDs he's had in his career giving him more credit then he deserves. 9 of those TDs are rushing and three via return.


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Do you really think he is a RB? I think he has about a 30% chance to make the team as our 6th receiver. If we don’t keep 6 receivers, he is almost certainly is gone.

It's what the Boys think and how they are gonna use him in their offensive packages. If we are keeping 3 rb's (most likely), it will come down to Zeke, RSmith, and either Austin or Scarbrough. That is why he is listed as a rb and not wr, we have more depth to choose from at wr as of now.