Taylor Decker reporting his eligibility to the refs

Tell me how many Lions were on LOS?

The refs blew it. It sucks for Detroit and we benefited from it, this is another reason why I laugh at people who complain about the refs in our games each week because teams get screwed week in and week out in this league it’s just the nature of the beast. Some days you get screwed some days you get breaks.

It’s a game with world class speed that Will always have human error.
It's not the refs and calls at HOME, it's the refereeing and the calls ON THE ROAD.

There's a reason why they call it Home Field Advantage.
Why would he say anything other than I’m reporting as an eligible receiver. Uh, hey ref they have good corndog out front. That’s far fetched. As far as I know the refs are moved up too. I will say normally they announce it on the PA as 68 is reporting as an eligible wr, but in today’s game they just flip to some commercial. Complete nonsense, the Cowboys should not accept that win.
Then explain the other 2 OL over there.
But it does matter. Because every time people accept bull crap like this because it benefits their team it just means the league (ie, the refs) can do whatever they want, whenever they want. Like the Dez catch, the too many men in the huddle, long snapper wiggling the ball, etc.

Both teams deserve a fairly called game. Ref's that are literally running away from the guys who are trying to report in and botching it is just a horrible ref. Fans should demand accountability not just laugh because it was the other team this time.
The penalty was called. You either think the guy reported, the ref said, ‘Okay, I understand’, then called the penalty anyway, or you think Decker didn’t make certain the ref understood. Either way, it doesn’t matter. We won, they lost.

If you’re looking for fair and equitable officiating, you’re watching the wrong game.
But if we had lost, it would be different.
Maybe. Dak's never gonna win some ppl over. Same with Romo. Happened with Aikman too. (Steve Walsh)
It is what it is. He just needs to keep playing well and do it in the playoffs.

But I still think McCarthy and Quinn catch hell if we loss.
Especially with Jimmy in the building giving speeches that made the whole stadium want to run through a wall for.
I'd be livid if I was a Lions' fan, but the fact is, #68 has a teammate between him and the ref, almost the entire sequence. He's got to make sure that the ref acknowledges him.

No, if the OT were eligible, it's not illegal formation. The WR is clearly a yard off the LOS.
One, the official announced 70 as eligible. The Lions need to recognize the refs clearly didn’t hear both players report. This sort of thing is ALWAYS on the players.

Two, even if they did both report Decker is ineligible because he’s covered up by Josh Reynolds. Yes, I’m aware of Sturm’s Twitter thread. Yes, he is wrong. Reynold is less than a yard behind the ball. The fact that this is inconsistently called is beside the point.
It almost like half our fans are mad that we won, because they were getting excited to blame the loss on Dak somehow.
I agree…I’ve never been one for the whole you’re not a real fan thing but some of these posts are just mind boggling.
The fact that campbell said 70 reported ends the argument. If 70 reported, the play was illegal as heck. 70 was covered by 58.
70 reported to the ref went to LT, and he claims 68 did not report. 70 reported and was covered up, so 68 catching the pass was ineligible. This according to the Pool Report on ESPN, whatever that means, lol
I dont know. He may have intended to report but the ref didn't acknowledge it. Thats still the players fault.
Funny view.

And to top it all off...the Lions coach even walked through the player with the refs before the game.

The Cowboys get screwed...or the Lions get screwed. It's the same thing in various cities every weekend. Fans everywhere get screwed as the league has zero credibility.
70 says he didn't report. But my question is why did 3 Lions walk over to the refs? Clearly they were trying to hide who was eligible from the Cowboys. But the refs have to alert the Cowboys to an eligible receiver wearing an ineligible number. They used to announce eligible receivers coming into the game with ineligible numbers. They should start doing it again
The ref said he told the defensive captain 70 reported and is an eligible receiver, so the ref at least thought he heard him report.
If the illegal formation causes 68 not be eligible, it’s still illegal touching no?
Refs made the wrong call of illegal touch, but the right call would be illegal formation. It was under 2min so every scoring play would be reviewed regardless. Either case, Lions were not screwed.
They didn't call 6 on line
its not even part of the penalty
may as well say shouldve been holding every play too…even if not called

and are you sure there were only 6?
looked like 7

point is, they said he didnt report and he clearly did
Decker and 5 lineman are clearly on the line and then there are 3 players the same amount of the line. Either he was covered or there were only 6 on the line.

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