Terrell Owens out for the year!

mcnabbmcnow said:
I am not happy about it, obviously. Maybe in a MIRACLE case TO can play in the Super Bowl. I know Roy Williams totally intended to injure him, though it was legal. I have questions whether collaring a guy by the neck should be legal....

Anyhow, the Eagles have Mcnabb injured two years ago, Westbrook last year, and now Terrell Owens. Is any team more snakebitten in the NFL?

Eagles MAYBE can get through the NFC, but then they get walloped. But I think they don't get there to the SBowl.

If Williams wanted to injur Owens then Owens would have left your stadium on a stretcher. As for your team snakebit. I cant think of it happenin to more deservin fans then Eagle fans.

AJM1613 said:
I'm not blaming him, but the whole reason why he tackled him from the back was because TO got by him. Three guys in one season doing the exact same thing...He must be doing something wrong

Hes not doin anything wrong. How about this everyone on the field just stop when TO has the ball and let him run to the endzone. Or how about bannin Roy Williams from the NFL. He injurs players with violent hits to. Roy didnt do anything wrong. Im glad he did it.

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