Texas Rangers Thread


Will the Thrill
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I think it's ridiculous everyone thinks Harrison is the main one in danger when Derek Holland is easily the worst pitcher in our starting rotation, and if it wasn't for the baffling Brett Tomko experiment continuation, he'd be the worst pitcher on the staff. Dude is flat out awful. Our rotation is starting to resemble what we had as recent as 3 years ago. Not good news.

Oh, and thanks Thad Bosley, for abandoning the small ball approach that Clint Hurdle had brought and got us to the World Series. I LOVE swinging for the fences every pitch. Rudy Jaramillo incarnate.


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Dawgs0916;3944918 said:
I think it's ridiculous everyone thinks Harrison is the main one in danger when Derek Holland is easily the worst pitcher in our starting rotation, and if it wasn't for the baffling Brett Tomko experiment continuation, he'd be the worst pitcher on the staff. Dude is flat out awful. Our rotation is starting to resemble what we had as recent as 3 years ago. Not good news.

Oh, and thanks Thad Bosley, for abandoning the small ball approach that Clint Hurdle had brought and got us to the World Series. I LOVE swinging for the fences every pitch. Rudy Jaramillo incarnate.

I see Hunter is making rehab starts next week, hooray!


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Seriously, our bullpen is horrible man! Injuries have been getting us so far. We need Hamilton back and now Cruz is out. The bullpen needs to get better.


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DIAF;3944274 said:
Are you a major league scout? No? Ok then. I will trust the scouts and baseball people over some fan's opinion on some message board. Everything i've stated comes from people that are paid to do this sort of thing. I think you should send your resume to the Rangers scouting department. Maybe you can help 'em out!

Once again, I find it funny that you give so much stock to what a scout says about a player in the beginning stages of his career, but have no faith at all in what the coaches who work with that player decide as the player develops. It's pretty much a double standard - you are saying coaches and scouts are more able to make a career defining evaluation about a player before the team has a chance to work with him and see how he develops than they are after they have a chance to work with him and see how he develops. There simply is no logic to that.

And yes, people are paid to make evaluations, and people are also paid to help a player get better and either reach or go beyond what the initial evaluation was, and are paid to make decisions about how to use a player as they see him develop. Why is it that those who are paid to make early evaluations are smarter than those who are paid to make evaluations as a player matures and develops? Again, no logic.

DIAF;3944274 said:
On to tonights' game.

Matt Harrison. Matt Harrison. Should go back to the bullpen and never start another game in a Rangers' uniform.

That's ridiculous to say. He almost certainly will be replaced by Hunter once Hunter is ready, butthe odds that all 5 people in the rotation will stay compltely healthy and never miss a start for the next 4 1/2 months is next to zero, and for now anyway Harrrison is the most likely guy to step in for a sport start or to fill in for a time if someone misses several games.

And by the way, have we abandoned the discussion about Ogando since he isn't fitting into your mold as well as Harrison?

Corleone;3944277 said:
Tommy Hunter is coming back soon, if Harrison doesn't step it up we have a more than capable replacement.

I think the odds are pretty slim that Harrison won't be replaced at this point. Assuming, of course, that Hunter does well in his rehab starts and is 100% healthy.


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It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better. It will get better.


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ugh. Trevor Cahill? Really? Fat A's kid is pleased. And hungry.



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On top of it, John Radigan mentioned that Tommy Hunter tweaked his groin today in Round Rock. He is getting some imaging done tomorrow, so I hope it goes well.


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Stautner;3945571 said:
Once again, I find it funny that you give so much stock to what a scout says about a player in the beginning stages of his career, but have no faith at all in what the coaches who work with that player decide as the player develops. It's pretty much a double standard - you are saying coaches and scouts are more able to make a career defining evaluation about a player before the team has a chance to work with him and see how he develops than they are after they have a chance to work with him and see how he develops. There simply is no logic to that.

And yes, people are paid to make evaluations, and people are also paid to help a player get better and either reach or go beyond what the initial evaluation was, and are paid to make decisions about how to use a player as they see him develop. Why is it that those who are paid to make early evaluations are smarter than those who are paid to make evaluations as a player matures and develops? Again, no logic.

As i've mentioned time and again but you keep ignoring, im not talking about someone just making an early projection and then BOOM that player is what he is. These projections evolve as players advance. Ogando has been a pitcher for 5 years now. The Rangers have had him playing as much baseball as possible and to say that the coaches have not had a chance to work with him is preposterous. The Rangers have people down there working with guys like Ogando - it's not as if no one is supervising their development down there. Hell, the Rangers up until last year operated a BASEBALL ACADEMY down there in the DR. The org is there. Come on, use your head. The Rangers have 5 years of data on Ogando, during which time the book on him has evolved and the latest on the guy is pretty much what I stated before that you took so much issue with. But I think you probably realize that, otherwise you wouldn't keep repeating this line about me and early projections (as if i'm completely discounting all data/opinions on a player after their first year or something) trying to make everyone else believe it.


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DIAF;3946309 said:
As i've mentioned time and again but you keep ignoring, im not talking about someone just making an early projection and then BOOM that player is what he is. These projections evolve as players advance. Ogando has been a pitcher for 5 years now. The Rangers have had him playing as much baseball as possible and to say that the coaches have not had a chance to work with him is preposterous. The Rangers have people down there working with guys like Ogando - it's not as if no one is supervising their development down there. Hell, the Rangers up until last year operated a BASEBALL ACADEMY down there in the DR. The org is there. Come on, use your head. The Rangers have 5 years of data on Ogando, during which time the book on him has evolved and the latest on the guy is pretty much what I stated before that you took so much issue with. But I think you probably realize that, otherwise you wouldn't keep repeating this line about me and early projections (as if i'm completely discounting all data/opinions on a player after their first year or something) trying to make everyone else believe it.

And as I have said time and time again, the claim that you aren't sticking with early projectiions makes no sense because that was your primary argument for why Harrison couldn't develop into a solid pitcher at age 25, and pretty much your only argument for why Ogando can't become a quality starting pitcher. Heck, with Ogando you don't have a single argument other than someone made an early projection that he was a "back of the bullpen guy".

And in fact, you have repeatedly defended these early projections by saying the scouts and coaches who make them are pros and paid to do that, and while you now say players can evolve, you have completely denied that the specific players in question can evolve, so again, those words ring hollow.

As for Ogando, I can't even begin to say how ridiculous it is to suggest that a player who is brand new to the position and playing in the Dominican Summer Leagues, had a full chance to evolve and be fully evaluated. That simply makes no sense. It's common for players who have pitched their entire lives to need 5 years in major league farm systems to get to a point where they are worthy starting pitchers.

And it makes no sense to suggest that you accept that evaluatiions evolve while at the same time ignoring that the Rangers evaluation obviously HAS evolved with Ogando. You are denying the reality of what has actually happened.


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Stautner;3946521 said:
And as I have said time and time again, the claim that you aren't sticking with early projectiions makes no sense because that was your primary argument for why Harrison couldn't develop into a solid pitcher at age 25, and pretty much your only argument for why Ogando can't become a quality starting pitcher. Heck, with Ogando you don't have a single argument other than someone made an early projection that he was a "back of the bullpen guy".

And in fact, you have repeatedly defended these early projections by saying the scouts and coaches who make them are pros and paid to do that, and while you now say players can evolve, you have completely denied that the specific players in question can evolve, so again, those words ring hollow.

As for Ogando, I can't even begin to say how ridiculous it is to suggest that a player who is brand new to the position and playing in the Dominican Summer Leagues, had a full chance to evolve and be fully evaluated. That simply makes no sense. It's common for players who have pitched their entire lives to need 5 years in major league farm systems to get to a point where they are worthy starting pitchers.

And it makes no sense to suggest that you accept that evaluatiions evolve while at the same time ignoring that the Rangers evaluation obviously HAS evolved with Ogando. You are denying the reality of what has actually happened.

1. All of the projections I am talking about with Harrison are the latest ones - the ones where he hit AA and AAA and turned into a #3-starter absolute ceiling player. Matt Harrison was drafted pretty high (2nd or 3rd round) and his "early" projections (the ones which you keep saying that I am citing) were actually for something greater than a back-of-the-rotation fodder starter.

2. Ogando is 27. He's finished maturing physically. He's been pitching professionally for 5 years now under the tutelage of Rangers personnel in the DR. This isn't some kid who still has tons of room for growth.

3. Ogando was pressed into starting because Brandon Webb, Tommy Hunter, and Scott Feldman were/are all hurt for lengthy periods of time. It's the only reason he's starting. It's not because the Rangers just up and decided he was going to be an ace on his way to the first of multiple cy youngs or anything.

4. I'm not discounting "latest" projections. Latest projections are what I am, in fact, citing. Keep on repeating the "initial projections" bs with me. Maybe someone will believe it eventually if you say it enough times.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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I was watching the game last night and they had Nolan on. He said as of right now, there are absolutely no plans to remove Ogando from the starting rotation. They said thus far, nothing has warranted removing him. He is pitching great as a starter.


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DIAF;3947199 said:
1. All of the projections I am talking about with Harrison are the latest ones - the ones where he hit AA and AAA and turned into a #3-starter absolute ceiling player. Matt Harrison was drafted pretty high (2nd or 3rd round) and his "early" projections (the ones which you keep saying that I am citing) were actually for something greater than a back-of-the-rotation fodder starter.

2. Ogando is 27. He's finished maturing physically. He's been pitching professionally for 5 years now under the tutelage of Rangers personnel in the DR. This isn't some kid who still has tons of room for growth.

3. Ogando was pressed into starting because Brandon Webb, Tommy Hunter, and Scott Feldman were/are all hurt for lengthy periods of time. It's the only reason he's starting. It's not because the Rangers just up and decided he was going to be an ace on his way to the first of multiple cy youngs or anything.

4. I'm not discounting "latest" projections. Latest projections are what I am, in fact, citing. Keep on repeating the "initial projections" bs with me. Maybe someone will believe it eventually if you say it enough times.

Wow, it took you a week to mention the projections on Harrison are current projections. Of course, you've never produced them.

No need with Harrison though - I don't doubt that a current projection would top him out as a No. 3 starter. But I said this before, if you are going to hang your hat on projections, why in the world would you take a projection as a possible No. 3 starter to mean a guy is certain to implode? That simply makes no sense. Again, even if he were to fall short of his top and end up a No. 4 or 5 starter that is still a valuable member of a pitching staff.

As for Ogando, of course injuries gave him a chance to start, although we knew all along that it was very iffy that Webb would be ready, and I;m not sure Feldman would have stood in the way either, but that's how a lot of pitchers get their first shot to start in the major leagues. That's an absolutely common path.

I think what you fail to recognize with Ogando is that the bullpen started out as his role not because he was limited, it was because for a player with a big arm and limited experience that is the easiest role to learn and make an impact. Batters weren't going to get the chance to see him several times a game, and he didn't have to work up to throwing 200 innings, so in the bullpen the Rangers felt he could make an immediate impact, whereas developing as a starter would take more time. They wouldn't have made the move if they didn't think he could do it, they only made it quicker than they would have otherwise - and, of course, if he developed into a closer they may never have made the move. Again, not because of a lack of confidence that he could do it, but because of the impact he made in the role he started in.

You seem to have a problenm that someone saying they see a person as a reliever is not the same as a person saying I don't think he can do anything but relieve. It's simply not the same. The projection of Ogando as a reliever may have been due to a number of things, including where they felt he could make the most immediate impact given his limited pitching experience.

nyc;3947253 said:
I was watching the game last night and they had Nolan on. He said as of right now, there are absolutely no plans to remove Ogando from the starting rotation. They said thus far, nothing has warranted removing him. He is pitching great as a starter.

I saw the same thing and was going to mention it. He said Ogando was one of the stableizing forces in the pitching staff and indicated we will see even better things from him as the fingernail/blister problem that has cut short 3 starts heals. Even those 3 starts were outstanding. I like what I see.


Chicks dig crutches
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It really is just not going well for the Rangers right now. Up 7-0 but the game gets called due to rain and then when they replay it, it will start all over. What a dumb rule.


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Well then, we just cant catch a break can we? That should have been a win, come on, 7-0? Dumb.


Unfriendly and Aloof!
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Top it off with the fact that Mitch Morelands first career grand slam is negated too. :bang2:


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Gerry Davis must have had reservations somewhere, absolutely ridiculous that game was PPD'd.


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Can you guys see this vid? Youtube ruthlessly blocks MLB content, but I want to see if I can get around that by linking to it as an "unlisted" vid.

P.S. Go Yankees.