Texas Rangers Thread

Corleone;4023360 said:
I just searched around and I saw nothing about it but I did hear Jon Daniels is likely to be finished with trades.

Odd as I heard he wants a right handed batter and is still open to add some relief depth, but it just isn't as pressing as before the Orioles trade.
nyc;4023250 said:
Hmm. I don't use Twitter, but I was searching it for Cowboys news and when I was done, I typed in Texas Rangers and I saw this:

True? Shrug.

Not sure what I would think about this though. Strikeouts he can do, but a HR ratio of 1.1 per 9/innings and almost a hit per inning. Sounds like someone who throws really really hard but can't pitch very well.

Leo Nunez Stats at Baseball Reference

If they are dumping Arthur Rhodes and not giving up too much, I'm good with this. (if true) He is Florida's closer. (shaky stats and all)

Twitter is stupid.
Reports are out that the Rangers traded for Heath Bell, though some conflicting reports now say no Mike Adams.

Considering the Padres said they wanted to trade Bell and promote Adams, the former sounds more likely.

Hmm. Maybe it is Mike Adams. 1.13 ERA, .73 WHIP, 1.55 BAA, 49Ks in 48 Innings (He is better than Bell)

What's even better is they will control Adams through 2012. Bell I believe would have been a FA after the season.

So that is two dominate relievers they've picked up that they can control through 2012.

That is a BIG WIN for Texas. They traded Wieland and Erlin. Bet Wieland's recent no-hitter helped the Rangers get Adams over Bell.
Yes that is HUGE for Texas. They said we got Heath Bell at first and I was all excited then they said it was actually Mike Adams which is even better!

He wasn't even supposed to be available for trade. Awesome.

Our bullpen went from our main weakness to a strength in two days.
To bring the excitement down, the Rangers are playing EXTREMELY lazy in the field (2 errors) and CJ has already walked 3 and given up 5 earned runs. Texas getting blanked 7-0. :bang2:
I kind of expected this lack of offense but the runs against CJ are kind of surprising. Our line up is like all second string today. Our big hitters aren't even playing unfortunately but I guess we had tor rest them.
The Blue Jays are that one team that the Rangers do consistently bad against. At least we are getting a nice look at our new reliever Uehara.

As I type, Koji quickly struck out two and got out of the inning quick.
Sweet. I just saw previously in this thread that we acquired Mike Adams from the Padres. Does anybody know what we gave up for them? Wikipedia says we traded two prospects.
dback;4024913 said:
Sweet. I just saw previously in this thread that we acquired Mike Adams from the Padres. Does anybody know what we gave up for them? Wikipedia says we traded two prospects.

We gave up two prospects yes. Joe Wieland and Robbie Erlin.

Very good prospects but we got one of the best setup/relievers in the MLB, highly sought after and he wasn't even available until the padres asked for those two prospects for Heath Bell, and Texas wanted someone with higher value, and we got Adams. Great job by Jon Daniels.

He is very excited to be a Ranger, wore a Miles Austin jersey to Padres stadium lol

Koji looked great today.
Wow, I didn't see Adams coming. Every indication for some time had been that the Padres would trade Bell and Adams would step into the closers role, but it sounds like the Rangers insisted on Adams.
I think we came out of these trades ahead. Shored up a struggling bullpen. Now get everybody healthy and lets go to work.
cowboyeric8;4025556 said:
I think we came out of these trades ahead. Shored up a struggling bullpen. Now get everybody healthy and lets go to work.

Of course we really can't say until we have the chance to look at how things pan ou in the long run - if we don't succeed in the playoffs/series, and the guys we trade are high quality MLB pitchers in a few years, we will have come out short. For now, however, in the short term, there is no question we are better. The bullpen just went from shakey to among the better ones in baseball.
Stautner;4025627 said:
Of course we really can't say until we have the chance to look at how things pan ou in the long run - if we don't succeed in the playoffs/series, and the guys we trade are high quality MLB pitchers in a few years, we will have come out short. For now, however, in the short term, there is no question we are better. The bullpen just went from shakey to among the better ones in baseball.

Very good point. But for right now I'm excited about it, haha.
Stautner;4025627 said:
Of course we really can't say until we have the chance to look at how things pan ou in the long run - if we don't succeed in the playoffs/series, and the guys we trade are high quality MLB pitchers in a few years, we will have come out short. For now, however, in the short term, there is no question we are better. The bullpen just went from shakey to among the better ones in baseball.

Both Hunter and Davis were major league players without positions with the Rangers. That was a great trade even if they turnout otherwise.

The other trade will depend as we aren't talking about prospects that aren't currently major league ready.
I'm a Ranger fan, I'm excited if we make the playoffs. I think we can do some damage again if we stay healthy. World Series? I don't think so at this point, but definitely a contender.

On a side note. Anyone else getting tired of the board lately? I mainly just come for this thread and any new Cowboy news. Seems to be way too many idiots out there to have an intelligent discussion with, or just to read. I hope it gets better but I don't post often because of that reason.

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