Thank god we didn't draft Bosa

If Bosa only loses $250k and the Chargers get a virtual zero from Bosa for the entire season, I'm not sure I would see it as Bosa losing the exchange.

to be honest, the most likely scenario is neither side wins this exchange. I see Bosa losing money AND him being a bust.
lol, Bosa has already lost more than $250k. He is going to lose millions.
If he goes back in the draft, sure. But he's not going to do that. However if he signs after week 10, he will simply miss 10 game checks, or (to be more precise this time) $281,250. But what would the Chargers have lost by then?
If he goes back in the draft, sure. But he's not going to do that. However if he signs after week 10, he will simply miss 10 game checks, or (to be more precise this time) $281,250. But what would the Chargers have lost by then?
Interesting that you know what his game check is going to be without an existing contract to tell you what it is. You also forget that the Chargers already pulled his offer and said any future offer will compensate for "games he is ready to play". So if you think it will be it you're wrong.

His signing bonus is $17M. Over 5 years that's 80 games. ($212k per game in bonus money) That's $2,212,000 on top of the $282k he misses in game checks. So it would seem holding out to the 10th game could cost him $2.5M dollars. That's a lot more than $282k.
On second thought, I think if Bosa wants to exact the most revenge on the Chargers he will eat cheeseburgers and drink beer but sign at Week 10 instead of Week 1. Sure he will miss some game checks but at 28K per game those are virtual pennies compared to the 17 million bonus. This way he still maintains his minimum time to free agency but assured the Chargers get basically zero use out of him in 2016, as getting into shape and knocking off the rust/learning the system would certainly take more than 6 weeks.

The Chargers have already stated that fro this point forward, any offers will reflect his time missed. Eat all the cheeseburgers you want. With the off-set language agreed to, at that point, plus a contract thatt reflects the missed time, the Chargers can cut him, get a comp pick (though not to the level of a 1st), be off the hook for the guaranteed portion of his rookie salary and demonstrate that you're a douchebag that sat on your *** and ate cheeseburgers. Should be a decent selling point to prospective employers, eh?
The Chargers have already stated that fro this point forward, any offers will reflect his time missed. Eat all the cheeseburgers you want. With the off-set language agreed to, at that point, plus a contract thatt reflects the missed time, the Chargers can cut him, get a comp pick (though not to the level of a 1st), be off the hook for the guaranteed portion of his rookie salary and demonstrate that you're a douchebag that sat on your *** and ate cheeseburgers. Should be a decent selling point to prospective employers, eh?

you won't get a comp pick if you cut him, he'd have to finish his contract, which makes the offset language a moot point.
If he goes back in the draft, sure. But he's not going to do that. However if he signs after week 10, he will simply miss 10 game checks, or (to be more precise this time) $281,250. But what would the Chargers have lost by then?
Bosa will lose his pro-rated signing bonus as well if he sits out games.......if he sits out the season he stands to lose 20m
Next year's D line draft class looks pretty damned good, too. If that class was being drafted THIS year, Bosa wouldn't have sniffed the top 5. Now, take into account that your representation has made it known that you're a pain in the *** to deal with, sat out a year (playing, literally, NO football), and entering a draft class that you won't even be 2nd or 3rd fiddle in and Bosa is looking at a disaster from an earnings standpoint.

I saw a quote in here from his reps about the "timing" of being paid and wanting that money earlier so that he can invest earlier. Here's a "timing" question: How badly does it hurt his ability to invest $0.00 over the next 15 months, a lost year of working towards UFA, and dropping significantly in next year's draft (that's, literally, millions right off the top)?
It isn't smart at all....what does Bosa win if he wins....he gets the full 17m by Dec instead of March???? .......with today's interest rates we are talking 30k difference......if he holdout all year he not only loses the 17m + 1m in salary but he will most likely drop like you said.....a drop to 16 means he loses 20m and a year further from FA and he still doesn't choose his team....... all over a couple months on 15% of his SB and offset language....
Bosa's going to lose money if a deal doesn't get done. That's a given. He'll still walk away with a contract that pays him enough money for a full working career in most other fields. He's not obligated to sign any contract he doesn't want to, and if he's not comfortable with the deal and he's willing to live with the consequences, that's his prerogative. It's not until he signs that he's on the hook.

The Chargers, however, are dong a ton of damage to their reputation and with their fans here over a small amount of money. If they were to lose the #3 pick overall (I don't really believe there's any chance at all that they'll let that happen, but if they do....), it's the most asinine display of mismanagement I've seen in the NFL.
Interesting that you know what his game check is going to be without an existing contract to tell you what it is. You also forget that the Chargers already pulled his offer and said any future offer will compensate for "games he is ready to play". So if you think it will be it you're wrong.

His signing bonus is $17M. Over 5 years that's 80 games. ($212k per game in bonus money) That's $2,212,000 on top of the $282k he misses in game checks. So it would seem holding out to the 10th game could cost him $2.5M dollars. That's a lot more than $282k.
That isn't how it works, but you're right it isn't as simple as I made it out to be. Apparently they can go after certain percentages of the signing bonus at certain points of the season. It is difficult to figure out because obviously, we've never seen this happen before. I know we have the Kam Chancellor holdout as a reference, but I'm not sure how much can be applied since Chancellor was a veteran under contract and Bosa is a rookie without a contract. I'm not sure if Bosa can be fined for missing camp, for example.
The Chargers have already stated that fro this point forward, any offers will reflect his time missed. Eat all the cheeseburgers you want. With the off-set language agreed to, at that point, plus a contract thatt reflects the missed time, the Chargers can cut him, get a comp pick (though not to the level of a 1st), be off the hook for the guaranteed portion of his rookie salary and demonstrate that you're a douchebag that sat on your *** and ate cheeseburgers. Should be a decent selling point to prospective employers, eh?

I don't think the Chargers can alter the deal, that was the whole point of the CBA. At worst I think all they can do is include offset language and defer the money as long as allowed by rule. Also the contract is fully guaranteed so no way they would cut him, even if he showed up and signed it looking like Kip's Big Boy. Unless they just asked him to leave and were fine with saying bye bye #3 pick.
I don't think the Chargers can alter the deal, that was the whole point of the CBA. At worst I think all they can do is include offset language and defer the money as long as allowed by rule. Also the contract is fully guaranteed so no way they would cut him, even if he showed up and signed it looking like Kip's Big Boy. Unless they just asked him to leave and were fine with saying bye bye #3 pick.

But that's what the offset language is about: not being on the hook for the guarantee of his contract should he be cut. So, in essence, yes they can cut him and not be responsible for his contract guarantees. It's the sticking point, actually. So if Bosa signs the currently offered contract with the deferred payment AND offsets the Chargers owe him nothing of the actual contract should they decide to send him packing once he ends the couch and cheeseburgers tour.
Louis Riddick and Dan Graziano both had great points of view on the matter. Both believe San Diego is in the wrong and both referenced the history of the franchise being a reason behind the holdout. Only Werder seemed to defend the team.
But that's what the offset language is about: not being on the hook for the guarantee of his contract should he be cut. So, in essence, yes they can cut him and not be responsible for his contract guarantees. It's the sticking point, actually. So if Bosa signs the currently offered contract with the deferred payment AND offsets the Chargers owe him nothing of the actual contract should they decide to send him packing once he ends the couch and cheeseburgers tour.

Now that much I know isn't true. The offset language only comes in to play if he signs with another team, freeing the Bolts from having to pay Bosa while he also collects from his new team. If Bosa went and sat on the couch to eat more cheeseburgers, the Chargers will have to pay him every cent.
That isn't how it works, but you're right it isn't as simple as I made it out to be. Apparently they can go after certain percentages of the signing bonus at certain points of the season. It is difficult to figure out because obviously, we've never seen this happen before. I know we have the Kam Chancellor holdout as a reference, but I'm not sure how much can be applied since Chancellor was a veteran under contract and Bosa is a rookie without a contract. I'm not sure if Bosa can be fined for missing camp, for example.

I'm not sure if they can go after any signing bonus. I guess in theory they *could* offer less, but once he signs, it's his.
Now that much I know isn't true. The offset language only comes in to play if he signs with another team, freeing the Bolts from having to pay Bosa while he also collects from his new team. If Bosa went and sat on the couch to eat more cheeseburgers, the Chargers will have to pay him every cent.
there is language in every contract that says the player has to stay in top shape...they can't just sign a contract and quit trying
there is language in every contract that says the player has to stay in top shape...they can't just sign a contract and quit trying

I didn't say quit trying, I said show up to the inevitable contract signing looking like Kip's Big Boy... then what do the Chargers do?

The going back to the couch and eating more cheeseburgers line was referring to the Chargers having to pay him if he just decided to chill out and not sign with another team... in the event of a cut.
I don't think the Chargers can alter the deal, that was the whole point of the CBA. At worst I think all they can do is include offset language and defer the money as long as allowed by rule. Also the contract is fully guaranteed so no way they would cut him, even if he showed up and signed it looking like Kip's Big Boy. Unless they just asked him to leave and were fine with saying bye bye #3 pick.
the Chargers already said they will restructure any new contract offer to reflect any games missed......they can lower the signing bonus and/or increase the base salary to account for missing up to 10 games...the idea of signing a deal and then not trying is the worst advice ever...teams will run from him in the future
It isn't smart at all....what does Bosa win if he wins....he gets the full 17m by Dec instead of March???? .......with today's interest rates we are talking 30k difference......if he holdout all year he not only loses the 17m + 1m in salary but he will most likely drop like you said.....a drop to 16 means he loses 20m and a year further from FA and he still doesn't choose his team....... all over a couple months on 15% of his SB and offset language....
Yeah, I don't think this is specifically Bosa.
His agency had this in their policy and they don't wish to set precedent.

These agencies only bring so much to the table in these rookie contract. They have to show value somehow

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