The Break is back

I think it's kind of weird they don't hire women who are more knowledgeable about football. As a woman, it'd be a refreshing change. Taylor Stern grew on me because she would at least talk more about the players on a personal level, but I guess they hire these women primarily for their looks and camera-friendliness.
Right on! I love women !
Maybe but how many people if any that doesn't know football will be listening.
Don't these segments play on 105.3 in the DFW area?

When I started really getting into football (in the 05-06 season) I was 15. By 16 I knew and understood more about football then most average adults. shows like this, YouTube, and this forum are great for learning. maybe there is a future die hard in training out there listening.
Seems to me ámbar is out of her element. She seemed very nervous. she always kinda hid behind broaddus on their periscope sessions. Basically translating what he would say. Now she's on her own and seemed quite lost when they talked football. Feel like someone needs to take her under their wing. Broaddus did that with Taylor.
teaching your children to posture for attaboys by impugning others isn't good parenting,,, IMO
My adult daughters both read that and called you bad things I don't approve of. They see the dog you are and are now howling about getting correctly called the misogynist you are.
We get these threads every year complaining about the new girls on these shows.

Ambar was obviously nervous and will get better as she gets acclimated.

The real issue on those shows is Rob Phillips the man is a constant wet blanket.
You're not wrong about Rob. I like Rob and he seems like a nice guy, but he is boring and characterless on these shows. Even doing those quick play breakdowns he stuck out like a sore thumb among all of the other personalities doing it. He brings close to zero insight as well, he's just kind of there.
My adult daughters both read that and called you bad things I don't approve of. They see the dog you are and are now howling about getting correctly called the misogynist you are.
You come accross as a real tool from the first time you opened your ignorant mouth. Your daughters sound like spoiled little brats with big judgemental stupid feminazzi mouths like you.
You come accross as a real tool from the first time you opened your ignorant mouth. Your daughters sound like spoiled little brats with big judgemental stupid feminazzi mouths like you.
'Merica! Free speech is a beautiful thing. Without taking offense to a single thing you said there, you are wrong. My girls are grown women, both with their own careers and couldn't be prouder of their Papa. Have a nice day. :)
This is exactly right.

Taylor worked hard with BB to learn a lot and it has paid off. I think she does an excellent job.

To me, it seems she usually repeats what Broaddus has told her. I prefer when she can get players to tell her things about themselves or their pasts that they usually don't share with others. That was her niche, IMO.
You have to give Ambar time to acclimate. As a a Spanish speaker, I've been a fan of hers for a while. You misogynist out there never will give her a chance so that's to be expected.

Yup same men saying they don't like a woman journalist before they even start. Reminds me from the 80s saying women cannot be comedians.
Yup same men saying they don't like a woman journalist before they even start. Reminds me from the 80s saying women cannot be comedians.
And it is like saying men are not able to rear children when there are men who are far better at it than their female spouse.

But statistically speaking, the women is going to be better at it than the man. Denying certain facts of nature is not the same as being a misogynist. A lot of women are not remotely interested in covering men's sports so statistically speaking, there is going to be less of a chance that the ones that do are going to be successful at it. One person in this thread is saying it's possible she'll be good at it; the other is saying she probably won't. Statistically, they both are right.
That's not true, he attacked her gender. She deserves a fair chance and he made it clear she was never going to get that chance from him.
I'm not being sarcastic. I want to know. Please tell me the words I typed that attacked her gender.

In the first post I compared her to a girl and a guy. That guy being Dave Helman. I dont like him because he's too short.
I used to listen to the break religiously for years but stopped listening to it last year for the same reason as OP. I couldn't take Taylor Stern. I'm gonna listen to the new episode and hope the new girl is better.

And no, I couldn't care less what gender, age, race, enthnicity, etc. football analysts are. I just want them to know football, simple.
You obviously discriminate, dislike, and don't give a chance to people named Taylor.

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