The Case for Firing Jason Garrett and the coaching staff **merged**


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The usual arguments for retaining JG are that he is the closest thing to a real HC that Jones will hire, and that sticking with Red through thick and thin (i.e., HC continuity) is the way to build a champion team. I'm done with that and ready for another roll of the dice...

Common Sense

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I've always been on the fence about Garrett, but one positive that I thought he brought to the table was being able to reign in Jerry Jones a bit and allow the organization to operate in a more rational, methodical way. I'm not so sure about that anymore. I'm not sure if it's arrogance or letting all the good press last year go to their heads, but the front office seems to have gone back to the old days of being incapable of self-evaluation. If any "good" can come out of losing Romo for so long, it's that those warts were finally exposed. There's absolutely no excuse for assembling a roster this bad after being in Super Bowl contention the previous year.


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Here's a simple question that might help people evaluate whether Garrett is worth keeping:
Since his first full season in 2011 as head guy name me the player/players who have come here from other organizations and gotten better? I can't think of one. To me that is a big indictment that his "get better everyday" mantra is a fraud.
And for starters no, I don't consider Ro McClain to be that guy. He's no better than he was in OAK or BAL, just not worse either.
And Laurent Robinson was only here one year so it's hard to call him integral to the Garrett program.


Star Power
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There is so much knee jerking here, I hope no one gets restless leg syndrome anytime soon.

You can't be "knee jerking" after five years under this guy when the process hasn't gone anywhere and when you finally think you've righted the ship in the fourth year, it turned out to be farce because in the fifth year the team has actually tremendously regressed.


1st Round Pick
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Horrible play calling yesterday as usual. Contrast that with the Panthers who were attacking the entire field and actually had pass plays going longer than 3 yards. Mike Shula owned Jason yesterday. That's how bad it is.

Teams like the Dolphins give the Garrett homers a leg to stand on but when we face a team like Carolina your coaching matters.

I don't think we'll ever get through a playoff run with the mentality that our guys will just lineup and beat everyone else.

Jerry owes it to us fans to bring in Sean Payton.

It's critical that he makes this hire or we will never see a Super Bowl in the Romo era.


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He isn't going to be fired.

People might as well get used to that fact.

Romo being lost for the vast majority of this season bought him the out that he was going to need to get through another year of not being able to be a quality HC. He's continuing his coaching in training process here in Dallas.
Exactly, Jerry Jones hinted about that, their riding this year out, getting Cassell ready for next year. Their going to play Dez, get him lots more practice and reps which he needs Jerry said today. Jason Garrett isnt going anywhere, if anything I would replace our QB coach, because Weeden sure wasnt ready. I might also fire our secondary coach, because did our cbs and safeties make any key interceptions by stepping in front of the wr and taking ball to the house. Carr no interceptions in about 3 years now, Mo no interecptions I believe this year. That makes a statement right there!


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Jason Garret was the offensive coordinator in 2007, a year where the Dallas offense was unstoppable. TO had over 1300 yards with 15 TDs, witten had over 1000 yards receiving, and crayon had almost 700 yards receiving as well.

So why did Garrett's system so much more effective in 07 then it is now. Has he changed his principles or where the 07 receivers far better than these cowboy receivers. I see a lot of arguments concerning the offensive scheme but Garrett scheme looked awfully good a few years ago. I'm wondering if TO stretched the field more and got better separation w crisper routes and a younger faster witten was able to expose the defense underneath.

Tony Sparano. That was the difference...


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Horrible play calling yesterday as usual. Contrast that with the Panthers who were attacking the entire field and actually had pass plays going longer than 3 yards.

Mike Shula owned Jason yesterday. That's how bad it is.

You mean you didn't like settling for a FG on a 4th & 3 on the 20yd line while down TWENTY points?


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And Sparano wasn't even that good.. That's the kicker... TO, during that stretch of greatness in 2007, was in motion and running from the slot. When he had the high-ankle sprain the offense suffered. And then Garrett had complete control the next year and motion and running your WR from the slot just disappeared. Even TO mentioned in like 2009 that one needs to ask the coaches why that's not happening.

If we had an above average OC, we would regularly have been competing in the play-offs..

Sparano was assisting JG that year. He's the one that had TO involved.

The Quest for Six

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Rearranging chairs on the Titanic isn't going to change the fact the Ship is going to sink when it hits the iceberg.......I'm no fan of Garrett and I'm really tired of his offense but I give him credit for trying to change the culture and accountability on this team and bringing his type of players on board but does anyone think Hardy was part of that culture he wants or the fact Randle was kept on this team after the 911 call about him pointing a gun at two women at the Hotel in the Summer...The REAL problem is Jerry, it's all about style over substance and unless that changes or power is taken away from Jerry, then you can change all the head coaches you want, it's not going to change because the players know, the head coach holds no power....the REAL problem with this team is Jerry.....


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Cry about it. Moan about it. Complain about it. It might make you feel better. But, Garrett's not going anywhere. He's staying right where he is.

You dont think we should be able to cry over that


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I don't understand the saprano thing. He's just a TEs coach. I mean if the guy is that good wouldn't he be doing more for the 49ers. He's the 49s tight ends coach currently and we see what kinda state their offense is in. After the Cowboys he hasn't even been offered a offensive coordinator position since. I don't get it, what am I missing here.


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Rearranging chairs on the Titanic isn't going to change the fact the Ship is going to sink when it hits the iceberg.......I'm no fan of Garrett and I'm really tired of his offense but I give him credit for trying to change the culture and accountability on this team and bringing his type of players on board but does anyone think Hardy was part of that culture he wants or the fact Randle was kept on this team after the 911 call about him pointing a gun at two women at the Hotel in the Summer...The REAL problem is Jerry, it's all about style over substance and unless that changes or power is taken away from Jerry, then you can change all the head coaches you want, it's not going to change because the players know, the head coach holds no power....the REAL problem with this team is Jerry.....

Just wait until the Browns cut Johnny Football this offseason. You ain't seen nothing yet...

Zimmy Lives

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Jason Garret was the offensive coordinator in 2007, a year where the Dallas offense was unstoppable. TO had over 1300 yards with 15 TDs, witten had over 1000 yards receiving, and crayon had almost 700 yards receiving as well.

So why did Garrett's system so much more effective in 07 then it is now. Has he changed his principles or where the 07 receivers far better than these cowboy receivers. I see a lot of arguments concerning the offensive scheme but Garrett scheme looked awfully good a few years ago. I'm wondering if TO stretched the field more and got better separation w crisper routes and a younger faster witten was able to expose the defense underneath.


We can blame the system all we want (we should, by the way) but the players have to perform. Oddly enough, the only offensive player who has exceeded expectation (mine anyway) is McFadden. Everyone else who has not missed extended time due to injury, including Witten, has not stepped up in Tony's absence.


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I doubt Jason is fired.

Jerry has given him every opportunity so far and I'm sure he's thinking if only our top guys weren't hurt.


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There is no case for firing Jason Garrett whose only real fault is he agreed to work for Jerry Jones.

Let me ask you this question:

Where does Jerry Jones's imprint on this team end and where does Jason'a begin?

When Jason became the HC he introduced a blueprint for success, the type of team he wanted and the way he qantws it built.

Based on his criteria, its very easy to pick out his decisions and the ones that Jerry Jones made.

And the ones that Jerry made absolutely devastated this team.

Jason Garrett likes hard workers, good citizens that make intelligent decisions and help the team get better.

Jerry Jones would sign a serial killer if he thought he could get to the opponent QB.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Jerry Jones made personnel decisions even after getting the player on the team. GM's, much less one with Jones's pathetic results, just don't do that. It is the Head Coach that decides on the starters, their roles, and who gets cut.

I have no doubt whatsoever that Jones "assisted" in deciding starters,and even some of the game planning.

Jerry Jones poisened this team with terrible decisions, prioritizing the RB to the bottom of the heap, putting faith in Randle despite the multiple red flags, signing predictable trouble like Hardy, and making excuse after excuse for players that created other issues.

We don't know to which degree, if any, that Jason is responsible for the results this season. However we do know this:

It'a not going to matter. Firing Jason Garrett isn't going to change anything. So long as Jerry Jones is alive, he is the GM as he continuously reminds us. And so long as Jerry Jones is the GM you can expect nothing but what you have experienced over the past 20 years.

Fans should not make the mistake of referencing the early '90's, the only time and last time Jones gave complete control of the team to someone else. The only meaningful change will come with his death. I am not being mean spirited I am being candid, Jones has implied this is a fact since the day Jimmy Johnson left.


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
I know that we are stuck with Garrett for at least one more season, probably two. With that said, bring in a new OC with his own scheme and system. Remove all JG stench from the offense and install a new one over the off-season.

Let Jason walk around and give speeches but stay away from the offense and defense, who should have a new DC as well.